Show BANKS ELECT DIRECTORS the national banks of salt lake held beld thi tbt ir annual elections on the ath dinst as follows the commercial national george georgc M downey IV P noble thomas Al marshall arshall john 1 W donnellan donne llan john J daly 0 J saus salts bury AL C C fox theodore meyer A I 1 hol hoi den thu the national bank of the republic frau k knox george A lowe E kahn W L I 1 smedley H L A culmer G S holmes stephen hays james A murray butu butt ed W duncan the deseret national L S hills W W riter george romney james sharp john johnr R winder david H peery W H moses thatcher john johnr R barnes J C r E R eldredge david eccles A W artson arlson the utah national H W brown will wih iam H dale dr J I 1 AL dart james CI W S chipman george sutherland S peyton J E EX penshaw W H 11 spafford ro B G ran bould and F Y taylor tailor the offitt ra are james chipman president H W brow broco 0 vice president and B G bould ashur cashait c r |