Show OUTSIDE of the purely mining states in this broad land ot of ours but little is really known of the importance and the immensity of the mining industry nor do people realize that this is the backbone the solid rock upon which rests the foundation of the finances of the country in ordinary business busine s transactions people handle money with no more thour thought ht of where it comes from or what is back of it than if dollars grew on trees or could c be found in profusion on rose bushes and yet the majority of this class ignorant of mining and of the manner in which this industry is daily adding to the imperishable wealth of the world sneer at those who are in any way interested in mining enterprises and they even go so far as to state that the world would move along just the same and that business would still continue to flourish should the mines of the country be abandoned this ignorance this stupidity is to be pitied as well a as s deplored and yet though belittled and ignored tha th producers of the precious metals of enduring wealth has the best of it knowing as he does that he is a benefactor of the world even if the world at large is ignorant of the fact for without a metallic base to rest upon the currency of all nations would be nothing better than the mere promise to pay with nothing back of the promise to make it good |