Show CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERS GUY STERLING ROBERT STERLING STERLING STERLING HYDRAULIC AND MINING U S DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYORS D F walker build building ing salt lake city utah S am MINING ENGINEERS U S DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYORS 0 A 40 commercial BLOCK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH ROBERT 0 GEMMELL CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER US DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR examinations AND REPORTS DOOLY SALT LAKE CITY UTAH G SCHULTE SCHULT civil and ining y engineer deputy U S Mineral Surveyor fourth east st SALT LAKE CITY ja J T breckon 0 it CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER U S deputy mineral surveyor commercial blk salt lake city J C DIM DICK GEME G E w M E U S DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR underground work commercial BLOCK a specialty SALT LAKE CITY UTAH estimates on cost of developing mining property JOSEPH DEDERICHS contractor CONTRACT ORIN IN mining milling and mining machinery plans and estimates furnished on application office dooley block salt lake lahe city TELEPHONE P 0 BOX 43 CEO P HOLMAN LUMBER WHOLESALE CEMENT SHINGLES ONLY CHEMICALS S MINING TIMBERS A SPECIALTY TV dooly block salt sail lake city utah J jah word comes from big cottonwood district that a most important disclosure has been made in the workings of the gypsy blair Bla irmine mine and that an eighteen inch body of ore has been uncovered which carries values ranging from to ounces in silver and 9 per cent copper 20 per cent lead and in gold to the ton A shipment of this class of mineral is now being prepared ah V WHAT THE MINING REVIEW WILL DO v in order to push and increase its circulation THE MINING REVIEW will offer premiums for cash subscriptions as follows for the next sixty days for every new yearly subscription with cash in advance a fine pocket knife will be given which will either be kaied upon receipt of name and subscription price or furnished upon application to lo THE REVIEW office the subs subscriber cribar to hav his choice out of the five knives described below 0 ok NO A miners combination knife which crimps a ring around cap making it absolutely water proof besides which it will split a fuse exactly in the center this knife retails at each NO A strong stag handled three bladed knife that retails at NO 7 52 A beautiful three bladed pearl handled knife strong and durable retails at NO A three bladed buffalo handled knife with dirk point just the thing tor for an allaround knife retails at NO possesses strong recommendations being heavier than the other three and is jus the thing for the mining camp and the range it retails at these knives are made of the finest steel and are as sharp as razors nos aind abid are warranted as to workmanship and material and if faulty or imperfect they can be returned and substituted for another knife or the money refunded ACCEPT OF THIS OFFER AT THE MINING REVIEW is a publication of twenty four pages and is handsomely illustrated and ably edited giving the cream of the mining news of this intermountain region subscribe for it now and avail yourself of this opportunity of securing a first class knife free gratis give number of knife in ordering ADDRESS i irn THE AND D F SALT LAKE CITY UTAH BOX |