Show DIPS SPURS AND ANGLES word comes from bingham that the old Win mine and mill are soon to be started up nip the daisy mill on the west dip with its increased capacity will soon be treating tons of ore daily the mammoth mining company paid a dividend of on the 3rd ard dinst and headed the list for the new year the bingham Bing liam tunnel company will soon install hoisting works in the continued development of its bingham property the new hoist for the black jack near silver city tintic gintic will soon be in place the machinery for the plant having arrived the latest from gold mountain district is that an important strike has been made in the gold pan mine not far from the annie laurie laune it is reported that jesse knight of tintic gintic mining fame has purchased J W mccaslin mc aslin s interest in twenty seven gilsonite claims in the uncompahgre indian reservation excellent reports continue to come in from the atonia mine in errickson district and G 7 S hayes of silver city who recent recently lv inspected this property speaks of its future possibilities in the highest terms in the organization of the new board recently elected to look after the affairs of the cleopatra mining alining company W W chisholm was named president H D niles vice president and C E allen alien secretary and treasurer little pittsburg stockholders are feeling goodover good over the report that a fine body of arsenical ore has been uncovered in the wor workings kinas of this property the mineral being of good milling grade at the annual meeting of the blue bird alining company held a few da days s io azo a m t w board to serve for the enquin ensuing 1 y ear was el elc ed as follows C E F loose william hatfield NN W chisholm J H stallings and J W hatfield the stockholders of the joe bowers mining inar company have ratified the proposed increase of the capitalization of the organization and the burnham estate will be awarded shares as soon as the title totne to the ground is fully vested in the company the grand central ent ral and victoria ictoria mining manint companies held their annual meetings at provo on wednesday january 3rd ard and re elected their old boards to serve for the ensuing ing year As was expected the grand cen en aral passed its usual dividend W H nichols of butte who is prominently connected w with ith the butte bingham mining company has just made a careful inspection spec tion of this Bing bingham hain property mr nichols is well pleased with the ph physical condition of the mine in the workings of which a five foot body of a good milling quality of copper gold and silver ore is showing |