Show TOO much boasting 11 or bluster is apt sometimes to make a man or firm ridiculous in the eyes of the business bubines s world it is not necessary to enter info into lengthy argument to establish the truth of this thil assertion and yet at the same time it is permissible for a man to blow his own horn once in a while and this is what we feel like doin doing 9 about the mining 11 review it has long been hold held that salt lake surrounded as it is by such magnificent mining camps offered a splendid field for the establishment and maintenance of a first class mining paper viewed in the light of the past however strewn as it is with the wrecks of innumerable ventures of this character the outlook did not appear especially alluring A start was made nevertheless erth eless and from the very beginning the T mining review has been a buce success ess and though but nine months old the paper in its makeup its contents its fine array of adv r and its large aud rapidly growing circulation cu compares most favorably with most class publications which have passed the experimental peri mental stage and which pride themselves upon their influence and power to promote and stimulate the best interests of almost every material industry the publishers of the mining review take pride bride therefore in alluding to the marked success which has attended the paper and they feel satisfied that in the near future it will be the equal if not the peer of any other publication of this character now issued in this western country |