Show j FATHER SAVES HIS CHILDREN Ernest Erest L 1 L Terrible Or Ordeal Ordeal Ordeal deal in Silver Siver Lake ALL THROWN FROM A RAFT t THE T WORK WOR OF RESCUE RSC ACCOMPLISHED ATEl BATTLE BAT 1 OR moments that seemed like FOR t hours to the frenzIe frenzied father her Er Ernest Ernest Ernest nest L Godbe battled for lives o little children Tuesday after afternoon noon in the waters water of or Silver Siver lake Big Cottonwood canyon They were from a raft in twelve feet of water and by sup superhuman efforts the tha parent p saved all aU from drowning The story is a thrilling one otie Mr Godbe who with wih his is family was camping at Big embarked on a small smal raft with wih his WI four a boy and three girls girs whose ages agos s range ranga ran from 4 to 12 years and rowel rowe out into the lake with wIh the Intention if f fishing fehlIg As A they reached the middle without warning the logs on one oui side aide sank throwing the raft on such an angle anele that the seat and all aU went into Int the lake The raft rf of ot its Us human burden shot sho up and an away for fifteen feen feet or more mon Before Mr Godbe coull realize what had happened he was helplessly pin pinioned pinIoned at the bottom of the lake lkc in the grasp of 01 his terrified children With Wih difficulty he tore himself loose train from the little lite ones and catching two of ot them t em with wih one hand brou t them to t the surface WIh With the other arm he sw swam im to the raft raf and told th them m t I din clin eln j there ther while he turned to the rescue of ot the others other One of the remaining two the girl of 12 1 years was supporting herself her el above water by means of h he broken seat scat while the tho other limp Jm and apparently apparently enty lifeless was floating lace a ace e down downward downward downward ward fifteen feet teet away Fathers Fathers Terrible Battle BattIe It I was a mighty effort efort fo La the father now almost breathless rom rota lila exer exertion ex exertion l llon tion lon and weighted down by his soaked clothing and those on shore watched his heroic efforts with wIh breath as ashe a ahe ashe he caught the child and started towards the raft rat his head under water ate must most mu t of the time By this time assistance had ha ai rived td t d dand and the shore was S reached 1 The moth mothers ers nerves were shattered rel but ut aside from that that apparently little tt harm was done don the children requiring only a n little l ie nursing Mr Godbe in describing his bi sensations se said o man knows how I suffered buit dur ing those moments moment uness unless he nas r been similarly situated The most In ing moment pf Q my whole life Hf was wa when l en I had to exert m my strength th and an tear t r those little ones one away from rom me m I could not explain It I seemed to them th m they Y were being roughly cast aside 3 that tt I might save myself myself My God how the clinging arms implored me If I any thing had happened that I coul coui C i not nt have returned to get gt Berthah Bertha oh well wehl el I must not think of ot it it I 1 did get et her herand herand and a nd they all al understand me now no Mr Godbe returned to town last night ight n His outing g is at an au al nd for the th resent present p t season seaon S I |