Show 66 Alice of W Old I Vincennes I I A Romance o of i j Revolutionary ary Times in ln the Middle West WestBy WestBy WestBy By MAURICE THOMPSON Will win be commenced in inTHE inTOE TOE THE SALT LAKE UKE HERALD HERALDON ON Sunday July And will be run rn daily until I concluded Be Sure and Com Corn Commence Commence mence with the First Number I Dont forget 1 the Number Of the place where the goods are all nil new and a little in ad advance advance advance vance of the other stores We sell Underwear flOe to OO per garment Hosiery to per pair Straw Hats ats to Negligee Shirts to each I j A pleasure to show snow goods J ii Will Gray Bro Main lain St J THE TUE OTTO nom I Pony cony Show An American Show for I American Kids from 6 to 60 I Two hours hoers hilarious fun lun with the Won vron educated horses ponies dogs monkeys burros and elephants Also with the laughable clowns the rube rubo bands and the Down South Minstrels A DAZZLING UNEQUALED FREE EBEE EBl STREET PARADE EACH EACK MORNING Two TWO Daily DaIl DAYS BAYS Rain Performances or ONLY Shine July J U I Y J 10 11 1 f Grounds Fourth South near Main Refurnished and Refitted The Most Popular SUMMER RESORT In the State The FAMOUS IDAH NATURAL TELa WATER served free to guests guest Opens May 15 Closes Oct 25 For rates and further particulars address C T WOODALL PROP Soda Springs s Idaho Hotel K 6 G S Holmes Holme Proprietor New and JIt IK I si H 11 Its Iii rooms si l ea sa a sus uk uke 71 R reon ta bath 5 w w W V TIlE THE SIEGEL CLOTHING SALE SAllE I CHALLENGE SALE OF MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS At prices that have never been equaled It will pay YOU Ton to see what we W are tue offering at this great bargain sale sale C The Carhart union made overalls jumpers and anti work workmen workmen workmen men clothes Exclusive agents Your YonI choice of ofa a big line of Mens Working V Pants Largest and best equipped clothing house in the west westI I SIEGEL SIGL CLOTHING CO 5 ig t Mail Orders Promptly Filled r a tt sM s MEET ME AT THE FOUNTAIN I The Big ig Boston Store Is the People s Store tore S in inthe the Fullest Sense and Acceptance of the Term and our advertise advertisement advertisement advertisement ment today is one of vital importance to all I who want to buy the articles they need in de desirable desirable desirable qualities at moderate cost Headquarters for Stylish Shirt Waists A Special Exhibit of Shirt Waists Today there will be a special sp cial exhibit of shirt waists especial especially ly planned to show all the new correct styles recently adopted by fashion This showing will willbe willbe willbe be an education in itself and no smart dresser can afford to miss it as many of the ex extreme extreme trestle styles of which we only have one and two of a kind will willbe willbe willbe be sold during the first expose Among the many new styles are the sailor collar and tie to match waist the new vest front shirt waist the box plait and side plait pl t effect soft stiff stif and andL LAiglon L cuffs and new bishop sleeves The smartest effects ever shown and the beauty of these waists is that they are all made from materials of cf the most ex ax exclusive exclusive character These waists are of the made style and sizes are areso areso areSo so regulated that we can guar gun guarantee guarantee antee a fit Prices are 1150 1350 and upwards This season we are showing some very bewitching waists in organdy and batiste batiste waists are tucked all over with willi front of Arabian lace at 1495 1850 2150 and Underwear Collars Neckwear Etc They are cheaper here hare than elsewhere and a great many to pick from You Tou will agree with us that you cant match these prices anywhere in town Big Handkerchief I Bargains A leading importer came to toj tous tois j us is with an offer to take his bis m odds and ends and anti remaining lines of handkerchiefs and we did so at a figure that permits some remarkable underselling All Ml are new and fresh and of splendid quality The prices are so low that It will pay you to tg supply your handkerchief needs for a year rear ear to come A A larger and better collection in each of our large sections for selling Styles and val values values valnes ues nes so attractive as to leave no doubt of the success of this sale the Millinery Sale of the year The Best Shoe Values Always Ji We demonstrate every busi business business business ness day of the year the fact that we give the greatest values in shoes that at no other store can c better beter bargains bs be found foud and as a additional proof we have arranged arge for our patrons tensor tomor tomorrow row rw tIe following very special sec offers ofer Mens Jens shoes shoe in i lace and ox oxford oxford j jford ford tie te styles in i patent leather leater tan tn calf cf box calf cf and velour calf cf leathers latest style toes toe with real wide and medium rea width soles with heavy hev rope rp stitching a complete assort assortment assortment ment of dependable shoes shoe for formen forme formen men me placed on sale sae tomorrow at atto two special prices to very ve and Mens Mes bicycle shoes in tan t chocolate black goat and calf calfskin calfskin skin sk leathers leather regulation cut ct and style flexible soles sole com coat comfortable cm and ad easy ea for everyday wear wea and ad cycling two to complete completa Jines Jes at two to special prices and 95 New NewS NewS Shoe hoe S S hoe Fashions Just Jut now no the correct footwear foter is the te low oxford with high heel This is the military mtr Th very ver latest latet style approved by fash fashion fashion fashion ion ion and the only correct shoe for summer sumer wear Today Toay we show late lat arrivals arva in this t new fashionable fasho ble footwear Beautiful uI Parasols A selection which it would seem sem should satisfy everyone Our Ou collection both bot in i Ames Amer American ican lean and a European styles stir sur surpasses s passes pases all al others other The Ashley Ahey with its long graceful handle hande and the new Elizabeth with its short it shor Elibeth handle have nave I I clubby won great gt favor Misses and ad and Children I BIG BOSTON STORE i H South West est Temple NEXT TO POSTOFFICE 3 4 hW j Rf A WORTH f fOR Sim HARD KARO HASH CASH CASHWe We never off you a better beter bargain barg tia t than we do this t week in Lu i our ourA j CHINA CUPS AND ND SAUCERS A hUndred t select from fr in i English French Fench and ad German Gera China C Chi ta This T sale sae is i just a better than t the te best SCOTT STREVEll HARDWARE ARE GOSTe 09 GO P S STe The New Ne Hamilton le is i a wonder See it it its s |