Show MURDERED ON HIGH SEAS Lynching of First Mate Narrowly Averted vert Only Pour Four Fo White Men iten Pensacola Pensa ola Fla July Jul 9 A sensa sensational tl n story of mutiny and murder mur Ier on the high seas is told by G Mc McDonald McDonald c cDonald Donald of o the American schooner Mary Sanford which has arrived here from Bluefields Nicaragua During the voy voyage voyage voyage age A G Nicholson the first mate killed Fred Frea Reed a negro West Indian i seaman seam an because he did not perform some duty in a manner to suit the mate I Immediately after the murder four West Indian seamen countrymen of the dead man resented reS the murder of at Reed and threatened threaten d to hang bang Nichol Nickel Nicholson NIcholson Nickelson I son from a yardarm The captain two mates and steward were the only white i men on the vessel but they managed I Ito to preserve order I |