Show Cures cu s Sciatica Rev W I Ih Riley LL D Cuba New NewYork NewYork York TorI writes k After Ater fifteen days dars day of ex en excruciating e pain from sciatic rheumatism rheumatism under various vou treatments I was Induced to try Ballards Balas Snow Lini Liniment Ln meat ment ment the t first firt application giving my first relief and the second entire re relief re relIef lief te I can I give I it unqualified recommendation SOc nd d at Z 27 C M 31 x I 1 l 1141 fl n I OffIces Office The Te Oldest and anc Largest Larlest Rt RG nUN co CJ GEORGE RUST General Gner Manager anger Utah Uta Idaho IWo and ad Offices Oce in i Progress building Salt Lake City P s bud Sat JJ 4 Lantern Slides Our ou Lantern Latr slides eldes of Utah Uth and a q the Mormons are ar being bg used u bj b tt the te In tact fact f you yo yoC 01 C me see B a lan lao ll i v the World World Crystal clear for Cor Bolls olle te Cst ce J 1 The Te Co Salt BaIt Lake Utah Ut BARGAIN BAR COUNTERS Are Ae generally g found In the stores store but bargains may my also ao be had hd at other places Pure II If you want a special bargain In Pre I Literature write the Juvenile e Wr Instructor t for details of their special el offer for bound volumes eJ of last year Id and 1 combined A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME When A dont forget foret to enclose enCl e this proposition prop Ing It will pay you ou If I our terms term are accepted this wi adv clipped will wi pay the postage thi Address av Juvenile Instructor Herald tHerald Adv 1 tor cable I r i 1 State if It patented mr THE PATENT Baltimore B Kd Md I pries price of or the te PAT J gUK pr er annum Samples tree free 3 CAN CA YOU SPARE RE I 4 CENTS A DA DAY Y YIt II It will wI bring you ou ROO 0 in a very ver short time This is no speculation s culaton Drop postal for particulars to P PO PO O 0 box 3 Salt Lake PORTLAND CEMENT German Garman HERCULES Brand STRONGEST ANT AND FINEST FIET CEMENT CE GET IMPORTED Now being used on City CUy Public c Work Work For Sale by P J MORAN lORAN Board Bord of Trade Tre Building Salt Lake Utah City Utah Good Go 1 Is b i c f just as a necessary il 0 as good air Use h a a RED Roys Ry Breed Er INK COPIES WHILE WRITING No press no water wt r any ay ink i Copy all a your you private letters leter Pen Carbon Copy Books Boob The Breeden Office Supply y Co TeL 29 62 ca 6 W hi South Our fee e if 11 we e fan fait i Any one cae sending ketch k and azid description p of any invention will mil promptly rrT our opinion free fr concerning the te of same Row How to t Obtain O W a Patent latest sent upon up request rue Patents Patent thrombus th u us advertised adv for sale at ct oo oz O ap Patents taken out u us rc In TUB PATENT 5 aa Illustrated aad aed 2 am u t joc te by b M E fc art investors send k apie c copy Cf CE E Address VICTOR J d EVANS EANS CO t Attorneys ln WASHINGTON T ESTABLISHED ONE PRICE TD ALL NEVER Two of the Best Specials S Weve Veve Had lad For Some Time Two Specials Well Wel Calculated to Interest Every Ivery i Woman Rader Reader FOR THREE HOURS THIS AFTERNOON FROM 2 to 5 Special in our Another Great Wash Vash Goods i Dept Shirt Shir Waist W Sale 30 Pieces 2 to 5 p m mo Pongee lawns law the latest latet washable Another lot Just jut received of o the has the th same pliant plant soft softness famous fous faou Derby Derby Wait Waist Wat In all al col cel colors ness nes as the te beautiful Imported Importe ors ore all al styles finest qualities of ot Foulards In I the most exquisite mercerized d ginghams chambry printings and colorings value linens and etIne button down dow printing for tor the above 3 S hours bours at ba back k and front front A few tew dozen doe of 34 3 38 3 40 4 42 4 44 Hand and 41 4 and about 15 1 dozen of ot 35 36 36 Waists Wait that should retail from 0 to Your choice 7 9 Cl C Pm 90 c 12 l 1 yards yat to a 3 customer S Sale Although we have sold thou thousands sands ands of pairs of Shoes and Oxfords at this greatest of all Euli sales we have plenty left We below give just a hint of the many bargains Ladies Vui ki K hj a o n for fonts furd and a Butt Bu g I Ia dor dorati a mn new w so 3 jt just st In Ia II mad ma maS maAd i to 5 i t S at Ad go g no now a at i Mess Can Canal Sh regular r go it at ta Sl qu c a pair Ladies Ld Strap Stra p v i n II date da Opt and sri v n I mon moa Seass Sn sty i s j Ln values alu ro o 0 at LOO Our Or special r ti I lia of Shot Sh Oxfords in all t al lor br R men and Womer ft go goat at Lri j Jam A A Banist famous tamu HM and j g ga 1 Shoes Sh sad and aa Oxfords Oxford in ir a patent leathers leather gJ g now nw at I All Al our oer Ol Best p pt 5 j t Oxfords and Shoes Shoe Shot f fr fI I Ladies and Mer Xen M r I wear cut ct to to toI Misses Hisses and ad Childrens Shoes Sh Shand and Oxfords reduced in i price Entire Ete stock stoc No reserve rere On and ad after ater July ruly our or store wl will close cose at 6 p m rn I except Saturdays Satur Saturdays Sat days dy Reliable Watches and Clocks i When en you yon set your our time br by b our ur I clocks or watches and keep ken theta them tI I wound woun you jou OU feel fel pretty pret sur th that t you have hae absolutely the t correct corret time because its Us our business bust busi bui bustness nesto ness to know kw all about abut the th time of day and see se that tat our or timepieces can cn and ad wn will tail the truth tnt The same principle applies apple all al through our business Even thin we have tells tel the truth means men just e what it says s and ad is i Just Jose j what it seems sem to be h LYON CO I Diamond Merchants I Manufacturing Jewelers No 14 Main St S1 Phone Poe 4 Hart Bart IJ Clothes 0 S fade L Clothes To loBe loBea Be Seen In InI a I For pvn fry Q Oe i ison Fr full tuil ful dr I afternoon son dr dT business s outing outi Yol find th i a here in the cho choe ch chest est he fabrics v W i iJ e made V wear J wr II 11 I f t A ALs Ms Ls Js a be behInd hi i tk ti clothes dois R P A Aj j i ibind I IiI iI hind bind l their th m T Twill TI Tt I will gie e s faction wil g Pr from fr 10 1 lA lABOO J J JO BOO O Mail Mai orders s RICHARDSON ADAMS i Main fain Street I Theres s great big bigI I treat in store for people in Salt Lake this winter Bamberger is going to I Isell sell sel more of that good coal than ever Tats what Johnson said sd sdI S I |