Show Mining Notes es Superintendent Brown of or the Old Col Go Colony Colon our ony on Is In from Tintie Grant H Smith has returned from a s L mining trip to Stateline E B L Talbot who Is engaged In opera pera sL s st at t Silver City Is in Salt f dJ Lake Superintendent Tucker rucker of the Ger Germania Germania Germania mania smelter Is seriously ill Ul at his home hattie homeR R It H Foster FOlter left yesterday for British L Columbia to inspect his mining interests Superintendent Peter Reid of the Ga lena mine Is Js In the city from rom Fist FIsh 1 Springs S J 1 W IV V Quinn the Park City operator operate who has a 3 lease Jease on part of the Daly DalI property Is In this city elt Manager of ot the Wabash abash i Is it I expected to return from Park City thi thim thIs evening with details of the recent cuttin cutting of the tIme vein ein on that property Rev Rc It R G Rot camp one of Qt the larg shareholders rs In the California arrive arrIved yesterday from London Londen 0 O to participate S in the reorganization of the company compan Marion arion Merrill Is In tn from Deep Creel Creek t with some fine Cine samples ot of ore 7 free gold The samples are from the BJ Bil Bill I Nye vein adjacent to the Queen of Sheb Sheba property Time The resignation of Manager T P 1 R Jones I of or the thc American Smelting Refining Renning company campan to take effect Aug 1 I will be bere b regretted re ett by b all aU who have havo had dealings dealing S with him Officials of oC the American Smelting Refining company com pan assert al Sert that the price pric a of lead lend In tho the local market Is un unlikely unlikely unlikely likely to be changed before beCore the end of o othe the year If then Ben Hampton has gone to Garfield county count to examine the antimony mines mine S there It is not improbable that work wor will be resumed on the property y In which LI he is interested this season Manager Iann er WIllard F Snyder of the Lb C Western c teru Exploration company compan left Idt yes yesterday yesterday es noon for San Francisco Francl co to be gooe gon C Cabout about ten days da on business connected 2 with the Red Cross and pro propositions propositions positions During his absence In the Gold Moun Mountain Lain tain country countr Ben D Luce Lure witnessed the resumption of or work on the Mt tt Baldy compans ground just out of Kimber Kimberley ley A tunnel has bas been started to cut three ledges which at the surface Iu ace show how values as high as a 36 in i gold per ton |