Show HARRY TRACY THOUGHT TO TOBE TOBE TOBE BE MENTALLY MENIALLY UNBALANCED It Is Believed That Terrible Mental Strain Which He Has Been Under Has H s Driven Him Insane No Ho Apparent Reason Why He Should Shoud Have Visited Gerrells Home Said aid His Right Name Was EATTLE Wash ah July 9 Tracy the th n V S a 1 v has to all aU intents and pur purr j r s fired from the face of ot fI K P Pd i th All ll that the authorities car card cari d i v i t I ait until he enters another L 1 n 1 I Holds Ids some one up Rumors H Ili Lest lent description concerning u la n i 1 i t S hereabouts are arc flying Hying flyingout nun out l n all U sides Each coup COUI the no not t ions murderer has made since his in fl Ring King county has been more M 1 ti ular than the last and it is no ra ion to say that the public ex ox j V tv hi his n t exploit to surpass even eveni is 11 i inn light performance p at the b Renton i tr i rear HeRr Vt hr r tit convict has fled tied is a ques lUes quest t n id I hi t i troubling the sheriffs of oft l t jn I lie Ill pose IX While reports today thu k anti and fast feet to the city it is a af af af f t thai hill I Tracy no so III far f r as known has hasTIn n TIn be n fen since his flight from the i iu iv 01 of Renton Many Man believe that j P i in id idd d for Bot the town th ugh h h he has bee twice tIce full tIMI to pass since his arrival frie Thu Thurston ton county count That he has hag haam northeast St of the v m village j ms m to tl 1 h b f by his persist In that direction r fl 1 III in fl fling fins i nub r of f deputies are arc afraid that thatIs Yd r v K Is on fl his hi way w y up the Palmer cut iff N ff ml i I j N s making for the Cascade It IB ii not believed however t that he lan fan an pass through Palmer with r t f observation If he once sits into int int the mountains he would not t mud mul attention The moun ams ms arf arp ar know as a bad country ThY rhy i iHy an art rough and broken The great greater er Pr r part is S practically unexplored The would only have to travel a ath th brt rt distance once he reached the hills until he hI would be almost HI from pursuit It Is doubtful how hower er pr U i f Tra Tracy v with his evident love lovei 1 i I th hf i sr r would care to baffle JIN hi rs altogether Public interest in the Renton esca escaT escar T r de df shows no sign of decreasing In Inh h ev following Tracys flight through the woods one important item ItemS rf S e j overlooked He told Miss May Baker raker at the Gerrell home than his nam name was Harry and that Trey Tracy was his criminal nom de plum the murderer was speaking the truth ruth is a matter for speculation sp culaton HP HI 1 told the three women who were his unwilling un companions any things which th are inclined to question Till flip torn creation had been in a light im In lr n Miss Baker Buker asked him to HI hT hr his real name and many be beJ J Jj m rf that Tracy was wa a speaking jesting I ly uh th i h answered His Bis Sanity Questioned In onn with the Renton fiasco s sanity is questioned by b a large number cf f people Many incidents si this theory Andersons state statement ment concerning the murderers four i ll s whom he met after he landed IP In n is 18 conclusive No doubt now remains mains muis that Tracy Is receiving as fl With this outside help Tra Tras Tray y s to the Gerrell home be bemes mes in He was not hun huntin tin nothing that he did or said at the i ouM uld excuse his carelessness In Int Jt t the only thing that he did except ik to t the three women was to wash ms m if lr He lie saw the train go past with tv hr armed deputies but made no effort e far ap app though he had then every I ri 1 M j t tg 8 g Mn n the fact that he sent a strange i I If n tow town n to sell the watches and 1 fj TT rs looks queer The mur murr r had his friends who were near i If jf he had really desired the I the safest way to get them themI I f m T jw friends He had parted 1 ii h thorn thom only a few hours before he het I t thc Miss MiMi II Baker says that the thea ai a 1 r aliv thought to near the last t l he lad lal would return At least rat to lo this effect TIt rh r PI s of heavily armed guards r run un 1 the house hou did not seem to tovIk inv vIk Ins l faith In addition to the h Tra Tray y gave the young youns man 1 pent he had in his possession wh uh n he took his hi departure the i hlf IP m ma UN lad money mone watches and H r to have slipped from ra a s s long stop slop in the house can be r unless by b a u stretch f 1 i i Imagination n y it is believed that h 0 1 iid h 1 t see e the inside of a happy mp rn as i m But this would not be Ti l n reason for his foolhardy Jv 11 1 nes If Tracy Is the keen keenn I i n human nature his past acts t mi prove proe him to be he must 4 Kr n that he could have hR ve chosen n way ay of notifying the sheriffs his presence at Renton than I y g the lad down town Young harT rT s Gf rell a glance should have i run hun was the wrong one to choose I thU h only IS 18 years old the boy bo 01 n in j of or f the independence and as asri aSi ri 1 1 r Ma i 1 a man in his hia general de do Terrible Mental Strain KF Fr ti whatever ver side sid Tracys visit to fj l 1 1 home is viewed it seems seems the 1 n nf a disordered brain It was n 1 n reason rason nor necessity Its Ir pv mation is I that the outlaw is isn 7 r ir n 1 r right mind that the mental an b has undergone since his a d 01 to the Salem ay a i i d too much for Lor even his hisM ni M 1 Iu s in nd Ind that he has nas crossed cros ed the theme fa V ibl ne me between tween sanity and in inI hi I r h In s last affair with the posse II am j f r s movements seemed the I part of a brilliant campaign His es escapades esI escapades however have been growing I more spectacular each one has sur surpassed surpassed surpassed passed the last In reckless disregard of all the common laws of safety his dif dir I ferent flights up to this time have brought him no return I He is no n further advanced toward any point than he was when he land landed ed edon on the shore at Meadow Point When hen Tracy gave save the bloodhounds the slip Monday night lie he was in the vicinity of ot Burrows boathouse about half halt a mile this side of Renton He followed the track jf The he Renton car carlines carlines carlines lines a short distance and arid then went up p the hill from the lake Today he was reported in different parts of the city elt According to reports received by the sheriffs office filce he ate breakfast at Leach Losch park Later L ter a woman lit liv living ing Ins near Madrona park telephoned to the office that he was in that vicinity In neither case was vas the report correct If Tracy Is heading again for Mead Mend Meadow ow Point or Bothel Bothell it would be in keeping with his previous record for him to walk through the streets of Seattle He may have followed the lake Jake shore on this side from Renton fenton to the northern suburbs where he would have a clean sweep for Bothell or Meadow Point The convict however if he went ent in inthis inthis inthis this direction may have hae taken the ea side of the lake To follow this path he had simply to take the old desert deserted ed line of ot the Northern Pacific belt line which is ballasted but Dut not easy for travel as far north as Mercer Merter slough There the bridge has been cut at the middle by unknown parties Often a plank s stretched across and if the board is there now Tracy would have had no obstruction in his course from one end of ot the I lre to the other If he desired he could leave leae the belt line where It is crossed by bi the York wagon road This road would place him on slough a considerable distance above Bothell the place around which he has lingered for so long The surrounding country on this course would be pc in the outlaws favor favorIt It is well timbered Armed Men Nen Patrol Seattle No matter which way Tracy turned he would have to avoid armed men was all day today and tonight by guards Men en were stationed at the gully on Madison street and the Madison street bridge Lesch and j I Madrona parks were closely watched anil ches to the north northern northera t ern era suburbs from tram the south were also Parties of two and three were stationed on the roads leading from the vicinity of Benton to Seattle Others watched the roads to the Pal Palmer Palmer Palmer mer cutoff Six Bothell men lay in ambush on the Snohomish road and several were placed on the bridges and I points beyond Bothell and Ravenna A significant feature of the branded mans travel seized upon by those who I believe he Is trying to reach friends here is the supposed su method of escape from Ren Renti night nightA A man mounted on a stolen horse supposed to be Tracy was seen at Tuesday night a little less than two miles out of Renton on the coun county co county un ty road He was proceeding in the direction of Seattle This report the tangible bit of work ing material furnished deputies in Renton today because of Its authentic source created considerable excitement in the district for the greater part of ot the day da The horse bearing the man supposed to be the convict was as seen by Miss Florence Williams sister of City Attorney Sidney Williams of Ren Rca Renton Renton ton and Albert Sprague Mr Sprague and Miss Williams were returning to Renton from a drive out into the coun country country country try In Ina a buggy bug The story of the en encounter encounter enCounter counter was told by Miss Williams as follows I had been watching the road ahead j i for several minutes when I saw the outlines of a white horse The evening was growing very dark and I could not see very plainly Evidently the rider of tho the horse saw cur buggy at the same time we looked at him for he im un immediately immedIately mediately turned the horse hors off the road into the brush and hedge along the roadside I thought this act very suspicious For that reason I watched with closer Interest In the shadow of ofa ofa ofa a large fence and half concealed by the brush I saw the man disappear over the side of the animal opposite us We were close upon him then Stolen Horse orse Seen As we ve drove droe by the horse Jorse I got a avery avery avery very good view of it but could not see seethe seethe seethe the man anywhere The animal was and of little less than or ordinary ordina ordinary dina height My suspicion of the man nail and his intentions grew more when I had seen the place where he had dis dismounted dismounted I mounted for it was alongside a tall tail fence There was no gate anywhere near the point had he intended to enter the field and dismounted for that rea rca reason reason I son The horse seen by b the young youns couple riding in the buggy answers in every wa way an animal stolen from the pas pasture pasture ture lure of John farm some time Tuesday night report of his loss was current on the street shortly before Miss Williams had told of the I experience on the night before Mor Mordich Mordich Mordich dich is certain the horse was stolen be bc because because cause t Of f there having been no opening through which the horse could have es escaped escaped escaped from the fencing about the field The general opinion is that should Tracy have ridden the horse up the road towards Seattle Tuesday night Continued on Page 2 HARRY TRACY THOUGHT TO IO TOBE IOBE 14 BE UNBALANCED D Dl Df l f c Continued 4 treat from pise 1 he probably t tEe animal a In the woods before f towards the lake as it is supposed he did In that way I he hounds com completely oft off o the reached water without any great fatigue and been ready for an an opportunity to approach Seattle ft tire rita east by way of at the Lake Washington shore The horse had bad not nol been found up to a late tate hour ho r tonight I IA A man answering the description of I Tracy called at a t the house of C B Hill Hlll Hillman Hillman i man near Kenwood station tonight at atS atS t I S 8 and nd said he wanted to use the telephone e Mrs Hill man was as sit fait sitting ting near noat the t e telephone in the kitchen and theman th pushed her to one side Ide and anti took down the receiver Mrs HUl HUlm man m 1 says si he tf id not call all for a numbers She Sh went outside t to S see bout about net keg he 2 20 i baby b by and the dhe man m followed her out and went down the th ih street car track toward Kenwood station When Wien he came into the th house he was carrying a a gun by the barrel with the stock stok ato k down but when he left he was carry carrying carrying carryIng ing the gun gua under his arm with the muzzle pointed to the ground The sheriffs office was v as notified and a posse accompanied by b Guard Carson with the bloodhoUnds started out to Hill Hillmans Hillmans HIllmans mans house at once The dogs caught the scent in the kitchen and worked carefully for about fifty yards toward Kenwood station when they began to tobay tobaY tobay bay and dashed off ot towards the lake Five men nin n accompanied Guard Gua Carson and the dog doga five fie men were left to guard the Kilbourne residence which is vacant and another squad was sent on the th street car to Ballard to patrol between betwee that bt tb t point and Meadow Point It is not IY that Tracy took refuge in the vacant va house as the dogs ast the house and headed Into the th Umber r The posse is In Ia charge ot of Deputy Corcoran and he absolutely forbade a big Dig crowd of ot armed men to follow the squad with the dogs The Hillman place is at the north end of Green reen lake |