Show BEARS MAKING GALLANT FIGHT Trying to Head Off Of Prolonged Advance in Missouri Pacific 4 SPECULATORS IN EVIDENCE MUCH MCH CURNC BEING BEG SHIP SP SH PED ED TO CHICAGO New York July 3 The selling of stocks blocks today oday was obviously by the speculative element which bought previously on the prospect of or a rise their motive being bing of ot course to t take Whether any an anacual actual developments bearing upon values aluC were vere considered Is not clear But Hut there were one or two considerations which might be construed against a a further ad advance advance adVance vance In prices prices The marking up of St St Paul and New NewYork York Central Centra together with some of the soft sort coal cal stocks that were wee strong yester yesterday yesterday ester esterdy day dy is perhaps explained as asa a aa asa a measure ot 0 manipulation to facilitate the taking of profits profIt elsewhere Some of oC the high priced industrials worked higher on what bad had the appearance of or in Ia investment vestment demand The proposed suit to enjoin the pay payment payment ment meat of a a dividend on United States Steel common came in for some figuring as to tots Its ts motive by officials of the corporation and the advance in the stock was apparently et intended as ns a notice to opponents of ot market a a purpose to protect the stock on the te Of the factors making for the selling side side the continued heavy movement of or currency to Chicago was an Important one One It I is stated state that tat about a million and a half went to that point from here hero tOday oday The exigencies p of 01 the corner in inthe inthe the th July option opton in corn are supposed supposed to account for this heavy be movement movement The failure to advance the he Louisville Nashville dividend rate to a 6 per cent basis was wa a n disappointment to some spec speculators speculators speculators who had acted on tips tp but there here was no general expectation of ot any The very ver heavy government disburse disbursements disbursements ments are favoring the money market market The prolonged advance in Missouri 5 1 Pa Pacific cl eJ made the weight b of realizing af in I that tt tl I stock particularly heavy and the bears bear made a renewed attack atack on It and also on I Western Union and Sugar the former forer on the termination of contracts with wih the Pennsylvania road rondo and the latter later on eli o the thc large capital embarking In opposition Amalgamated Copper was sold on account of or the declining tendency of raw cop copper copper per perThe The bond market was rather rater quiet and irregular Total sales ales par value United States bonds were unchanged on the last call cal Bond Quotations U S refund 25 Hock Val Yal Ys registered L b N uni U S refund 25 2 Mex Mex Cen Cent 4 S 52 2 coupon 10 Max Alex Ma Cen en Is 1 inc 3 32 U IT S Ss Sa 3 M St I L U S Ss M 21 l K T Ss hI 99 9 U S n reg M 51 I K T 28 55 35 S I U S n N Y V C is r V S o 0 reg 4 N Y C gen IT U S o 0 45 3 s 10 U V S 1 as s rug re 1 K NJ I J 3 C gen Ken U S Ss 5 No Pacific Is 1 1 Atchi gen 1048 10 No Pacific P elc Is 7 73 Atchi Is 94 9 2 NT N W V con Mn BB B Ohio lr Red Read gen 45 SSU 9 B Ohio 3 s 75 7 St U L 1 I L M ST I IB B O 0 con con Ss 55 16 Can So 2 10 St St I L S F 1 4 99 9 C of of Ga St L 1 S W 10 4 C of at Ga Is I inc S 32 St St L S W S 35 2 C Ohio San An n Ar ArC ArC ArC C Alton Aton 5 83 5 Pass 69 C B Q n 48 s 96 W So Pacific 45 o 93 C M Si 1 St P So Railway gen 13 T P Pacific C N W V con coo T St Ix Ii L W 75 1366 3 t tC C C R B I T P Un Pacific C C C St 1 L U r P eon on 10 gen 10 Wabash Is I i CM Cut Ter 4 SS 88 S Wabash 2 Cob Colo l So S 96 i iD Wabash Deb B TH 77 D B R H G 0 U West Shore h Erie pr pro lien len 99 W V L E 45 95 Erie gen sen 45 87 8 WIs win Cen Con 92 91 1 Ft Ft W IV D C CIs Con Can Tob 43 6 69 i S Sis Is 1 Stock Quotations Atchison 37 8 So Railway Preferred 95 8 Preferred 96 W WB B Ohio T Pacific 43 Preferred 95 93 T St St L 1 W Y 20 4 Can Cn Pacific 13 Preferred 37 3 Can Southern Souther 91 Union Unon Pacific 1 C Ohio 49 19 Exp S v Alton Aiton 3 t U S Exp U Preferred 75 73 i referred Preferred 69 C I L 75 Wabash 29 Preferred 37 8 Preferred 45 C E B E 1 I W iVi L E EC EC 22 C G W 23 29 Second pfd 2 Preferred A ST S WIs Is Central Preferred B 47 Preferred 43 45 C N W Adams Rap Exp Ep 95 C B R I IC P WF VF Exp Eap SO 20 SOAm O OC C T T 20 2 Amal Copper I Preferred Pre ere 37 3 Am Am C F FC FC C C C St St Preferred 92 9 Colo Cola Southern 31 Am Am Lin Oil 23 First pfd 73 Preferred 50 Second pfd 45 43 Am Am S R 4 H i Del Hud Preferred 97 9 D L W Ann Ana An Min Mm Co 10 r D B R G 41 B Rap Rp Tran 67 6 Preferred S1 C F I 1 90 9 Erie Ere 33 35 3 Con Gas 2 First pfd GS 66 6 Con Tob Second pfd 52 32 Gen Gen Electric I 3 I Gt Nor pfd 18 16 Hock Hock Valley taleY S Paper 20 16 Preferred 53 S I Preferred 73 Ills Central IntI Power 73 7 Ia la Central 48 8 Laclede Gas 33 S Preferred 66 Nat Biscuit 47 I L 1 E W 64 61 G NatI Nat Lead Ld 21 n Preferred 10 No o American 1 I L Nash Pacific Coast Con st GS 61 Manhattan L 1 Pacific Mall Mail an 41 bl Met det et St St Ry By Peoples Gas Mex lex Central 29 2 fe P Steel Stel Car 47 Mex lex National 18 Preferred 63 8 41 Minn St LU P Pal Pal Car Ca 2 Mo Pacific 10 Rep Steel St l 17 I M Sr K T 26 Preferred 73 ca Preferred e 35 S Sugar 1 X Sr J Central ISS T P f C C I 63 6 i iU N K Y T Central 1 U B P Co 14 N Western Wester 57 Preferred 81 Preferred 91 St U TI S Leather e 12 Out Ont O s sUp Up Preferred c 84 64 h hP P Pennsylvania tJ U S Rubber Rubb H 14 Reading Reding 66 6 Preferred 53 5 First FIrt pfd U S Steel Steer 26 3 Second cond pfd Preferred M 90 O St L 1 S F Gl 6 Union S First Frt pfd 83 8 Ama 32 Second pfd 73 Preferred 95 St 1 L S W 30 31 K K C Southern 34 Preferred 68 6 Preferred rr 58 56 5 St St Paul li So Preferred Pacific 1 64 6 Total sales saes |