Show Takes an Illustrious Name Chicago Chronicle A tall taU man wearing side whiskers attracted considerable attention in a n downtown department store recently On Ou his breast was pinned a large card cardboard cardboard cardboard board bearing the inscription John the tb Baptist the Second Noticing that the tb tbS young women clerks seemed interested he h S smiled at them A large crowd of 01 custom customers ers erg soon lf ered about him Detective Evans ERns approached and de demanded demanded Who are you I John Jo n the Baptist the two times said sali I the man maD Make yourself scare said Evans Dont Doat you know lenow that coals of fire will wil willbe I be heaped upon your head If Jf you monkey with old John ohn 1 asked the stranger Ill back the wagon up here said I Evans Ah said the man And Ill change it I C to t a fairy chariot t and vamoose v s la in It see i i Evans Bans took the stranger by the arm ass armand S Sand and escorted him to the door There They I John made a low bow and left the de walking down the street with a Do i stately state stride I I |