Show HAY WAY MAY INTERCEDE i Erwin Erin Wants Secretary to Ask For Extradition of Gaynor and Greene Greens Washington The extradition case cae of Benjamin D Greene Gree and John ohn JohnF F Gaynor Gaor whose removal eoa from fm Canada Cada to the te state of Georgia Georga for trial on charges chares of misappropriation and embezzlement em embezzlement I of over in connection connection I tion ton with river and harbor Improve Improvements Improvements ments at Savannah Savann Ga has h been I sought for some time in the te United States will wi take a diplomatic phase in ina Ina ina a few days when Secretary Hay com corn communicates to the British Brith government statements statement of officials of our depart department meat ment met of f justice alleging that the Canadian authorities are pursuing an extraordinary an arn ane unwarranted course in the case ce The delays and embarrassments in inthe inthe inthe the extradition proceedings resulted in Marlon Marion ErwIn special assistant to the attorney general gener who has been ben in inactive inactive active charge of ot the extradition pro proceedings proceedings proceedings for tor the United States trans transmitting trans twitting to the attorney general generl under date of Montreal Montrel July 7 a special re report report port por on the case in which he calls cals at attention attention tenton to the fact that the tab legal rep representatives representatives of Mes Greene and Gaynor are closely cosel connected through professional and family ties tes with wit the Canadian officials to whom this gov government I must look for extradition of men whose custody it After Ater enumerating proceedings which he declares to have have been irregular and illegal Mr Erwin concludes uI It lt will wU thus be seen that before we can cn finally take the prisoners out of or Canada we will wi have to submit the regularity of our proceedings proceeding in some very ver important features feature to a a a high of official ucla of ot the Dominion government whose firm was retained In advance of the extradition proceedings to resist extradition and whose political Influence influence ence ece has been felt at every turn the te I case cae has taken If I this state of affairs is then to continue without protest on the part of our government we had just as a well wel understand in advance that extradition extradition tion ton of criminals criminal from Canada Canala under our treaty teaty does not ot apply to cases where the fugitives have committed financial crimes cries of magnitude Upon receipt of this report the te act acting acting ing lag attorney general called caled the mat matter matter matter ter to the attention of the state depart department department ment meat saying sing in his letter leter of trans transmittal It I has ha been ben a matter of great geat sur surprise surprise I prise to this department that such suc a state of affairs as that reported could I any country controlled ish sentiment and laws and I respect respectfully respectfully fully request that the facts be laid be before before before fore the representative of oC his Britannic majesty in order that the te matter may maybe my maybe be dealt deat with wih in accordance with the high state standards of British justice juice It I Is understood that the secretary of state will bring brig the matter mater to the attention once of the te British embassy at |