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Show INKLINGS. Mario is an inveterato smoker. CarlottaPatti receives her miserable pittance of JS.OOO a month. A female pedestrian ia training for a Wcpton walk from Long Island to Omaha. All of Sir Waltcr.lScott's race are gone now, but a great grand-daughter a girl of nineteen. Annie Louis Cary ekes out an existence exis-tence on $10,000 a year, and her job is good for four years. Goods to the valuo of one million dollars have accumulated in East St. Louis for epizootic reason?. A well-informed western pnper says "France is a tinder-box and president Thiorsia sitting on the safety valve." The latest drGuition of n gentleman is "a man who can put ou a clean collar without becoming conspicuous." Thurlow Weed has given up the fragrant "weed" in tho seventy fifth year of his ago and the fiftieth year of ' his "smoking." Robert Dale Owen, the locturer and writer, hs pcrlected all arrangements by which he wiil become the lord of a Brooklyn young lady, Tho newsboys of Philadelphia told tho guardians of their "home" either to set up nobbier grub or closo the "caboose" The caboose is closed. Prince Bismarck is a member of one hundred and lorty-ono German societies socie-ties in nearly all parts of the world. Among them are forty-six in America. A Californian Indian belle lately attempted to introduce the beforc-the-fall fashion of nothing and a hoop skirt as a promenade costume in the streets ot San Francisco, Now that the cold weather has rendered ren-dered flowers a rarily, gentlemen are beginning to woar buttoouieros agaio. A modest little bunch of violets appears ap-pears to be the favorite thing. It is authoritatively stated that Prince Arthur, of England, has now abandoned all ambition to become a Dcwspaper man, and that the promised pro-mised magazine articles will ncvor appear. The Jacksonville "Journal" stales that a blooming, blushing school girl oallod at that otbee the othor day and inquired for "papers for a week back." The idea suggested was ihat she wanted them for a pannier. Mr. Whypcr, famed as an Alpine climber, is endeavoring to seoure the authorization of the Danish government govern-ment for another exploring expedition to Greenland, from whenoe he returned re-turned last month. An English jury has awarded 1,500 damages to an actress whose forehead received a trifling scar in a railway collision, on tho ground that in her profession personal appearance has a direct pecuniary value. The New i'ork ' World" states that justifiable homicide is now held to in-cludo in-cludo "the case of cver3' mm who kills any other man on account of any woman, and of any woman who kills aDy man on any account whatever." A Savannah gentleman, having set a steel-trap to discover what became of his obickens, found his mother in law grievously lacerated nxt morning. Since then the demand for steel trap .is said to be souk-thing unprecedented iq tho hardware trade of Georgia, They havo a German servant girl in Brooklyn who is so scrupulou.-ly neat that after sweeping oLT tho sidewalk side-walk in front of the house ehc carefully care-fully gathers the dirt inti a dustpan and marches through the hall to the backyard, where the dumps the pan into tho a.h barrel. |