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Show A Brilliant Light! Amonir tbe myriads of rcmcdios offered of-fered through the press to thoso who ire sick and suffering, Bristol't Sana-panlla Sana-panlla and PiVt may well bo compared to a brilliant light. They so far surpass all competitors in effecting effect-ing speedy and complete curce, in healing all sores, and in establishing sound, good health. For Salo by all Druggists. 603 Great Antiquity ! Of all the luxuriod (hat add to our enjoyment, probably not one can claim so great an antiquity as porfumcc. Meanwhile it is au undeniable fact that Murray l Lannuins Florida Water is tho moat delightful and refreshing re-freshing of all perfume, anoiont or m .dcru; try it. and deeido. Fur Sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's Drug S'oro. ,13,; J. G. JAMES & CO., JInvo ju.-t received ONE CAlt LOAD OF HOGS. TWENTY BARRKLS OF WIOI1I-OAN WIOI1I-OAN C1DKK. TWO THOUSAND POUNDS OF C'HOK'K KASTEKN BUTTER. vEacrp,j;!,nlf,J',ily '"r" -r HI .MAI ST11KKT, ,,, Opposite M'ulker Ituuje. r. KVA.tS. p, BTKw-AHT. EVANS Sl STEWART, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, EAST SUIK OF EAST TKMl'LE STItEET, liolow Socond South, SALT LAKE CITY. c" Uuil'lini: nml Store fil(o4 up with Gab tad H'Atr.it I'li'wv on rviuouablo tortus. AkL WOMC (iUAJUfllSHk ' oXi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALT LAKE THEATRE Wednesday, Deo. 18th, 1872, GRAND BENEFIT . C oncert IN AID OF '1'Uli ST. MIRK'S HOSPITAL. Tundcrod by tho , MUSICAL TALE ST OF THE CITY PROFESSIONAL AND AMATEUR. Thursday, Dcoeiubcr lOlh, MRS. F. rUANTDAII T CAUTION fs If you do not want to buy a PRINCE ORGAN do not call to see them, as we are sure to sell you one. "We have never Tailed to sell to all thoso who have seen or heard them. The PRINCE ORGAN possesses every valuable improvement im-provement claimed by other manufactures, besides ten other patents that are in no other Organ, including Gkadu-ated Gkadu-ated Swell, Divided Swell, Hautboy, New Sound Reflector, Reflec-tor, Basso Texuto, Sub Bass Swell, Dust Excluder, etc. NOTICE. We sell a very good Organ for 75.00. Organs with G stops in handsome Walnut Cases $125.00. Organs with 7 stops suitable for Churches. Schools, Halls, etc., $150.00. Can be paid for in installments install-ments if desired. Any person buying an Organ of us can have three months lessons, free of charge, from Jos. J. Daynes, Tabernacle Taber-nacle Organist. J. DAYNES & SON, (U - dv.'rs cafitof iloJbc'j Prug Store. BUSINESS NOTICE. "1VM. F. RAYROULD, of tho firm of Pay-11 Pay-11 bould lira's, un tho oL'ih of November, 1. i , buuebt out tho emiro intercut of Ed. L-Kaybould; L-Kaybould; and irili a.-?umo all liabilities, collect col-lect all debt.-, and cunwnue tho buciowa aa uaual at tho old iland, lC Ea.t Temple St. W. f. KA linl LD, dl EU. L. lUYLUL'LU. TO BOILER HIRERS. WANTED at the Salt L.iko City Ha.. Work-several Work-several Hivt.;ri ty aiiiit ia erecting 'jaa holder. Applj to T. W. ELLERBECK. dlS Suiter imondent. A.P.HOTALING&CO., 431 Jacksoa Street, Sao Francisco, i (Estftbllahca 133.) IMPORTERS of fiD Wines and Li.jiion. oiler to tho Irado. in boud or duty raid, J. II. MAKTELLE, BONOIT FEERE3, SAZE11AC, nod OTARD.UPUr iCo', BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, JAMAICA HUM, 8UERRY nJ I'ORT WINES, SCOTCH, IRISH, nd KENTUCKY WHISKIES. Sole (ifronlH for llio Pacific Coast for tlio oelcbrntcd ! JJiCUTTER OLD C0LRC0 WIIISRY ! , Walker Uio's & Co., Solo Agents for Utah. A. P. Hotaliag & Co. DEERE & Co "fi". MnnurHrlureM oi llio nmiin MOLINEPLOW. Thc.o hnvo r..r ttio i..t nnaripror n Kr'.i"';vMiu'i ro""ui""1 AM uin,, Jl.ilmi, p, , bn(1 as sli.Mvn m tho ubovu cul 17 SPECIAL ADVERTlSE.il K.A IS FOR 11EA'1 : R WILSON'S WELT, KNOWN SAI,nn n nd Uowhng Alloy. Main tt., Odoo. tM'uitmuliira uddiesa IU WiUujj, Ugdoii. HTiTsaleT A MIR OF liOOI) BI SIN'KSS ,1 Al'" BnD,T i r . 1 e WaKn i? n irnT ,S"lur',,'loi 1o I'.kc BOlRDiXD LODuM TMIKLE OR FOl'R GENTLEMEN CAN I. bo accomtundatd with Koid H-ard mid l.nOtfinif, on rpiiaon.ililo tormu, tit Jh-. D,.ra- '10.1, Hlh ward, txvo blocks won and bnlt . block houth ol ulker Ifi others a tore db Oflloo. BnoiiLd aomh Ltroet, Three donro wt of U-cnt Wrntorn llotol, hulf a hlock oast of Kloiihnni More Bait Lak(Jity - 1 on rrT . w ton p.,,, nM W.J. HOOPER & C 1 COB AIltWllJC JLT I TRAVEL UTAH SOUTHERN ! RAILROAD. On mid after lecembr Otl, 1679 DAILY TRAINS Leave tho Utah Central R.R, Depot S< Lake City, at 7 &.m. and 2.30 p.m. Arrive at Lehi at 9 a.m. aod 4.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. aad d p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake Ciiy at 11.30 a,Di. and 7pm - In addition to tho above MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday exoepted, Leaving the Utah Central R.R. depot, Salt L:ikc C.ty, at 1 p m. aod Lehi at 6 a.m. PapserjRers will please purchase thoir ! TicL-?t?at the Olficos. Jbit'iy cents ad- 1 ditional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. ! i I For all information concerning freight or pasfagc, apply to JA?. RIIAItP, flan. Frtiiat td Tioket AfU JH SHARP, MJPMJimUtDmWT. UTAH CENTRAL i RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On m4 aftr December aO,;iiTi. Iaily Trains Lure Bait Lk CiU at 5 a m. and 3:15 p.m Arrive at Ofdao 7 a. m. and 1:43 p. m. Leae Oadon at 8 a. m. aad X p. m. AxriT at Salt Lake CiU 10 a.n. aad 7:30 p,a In addition U tat abov IVXKEC-2X TRAIN Witt ran DAILY. ,v:UNDAY8 EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Like City at 8 .m. and 5.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. r will plM Ptrtfaui Clialr TlakaU At tla Offlaaa. riftj CenU additional will be ebarted whfB tha fare U oeliactad on Uit traJn. for 11 icionnatloa oonoeralaf frtifht or puiata, applj to JAS. SJIAFP, QanaraJ FrmUat aad lioket Ax JOHS SHAEP, irmanmiBmj 1872. Chistmas Holidays. Nsw-Year's Holidays, 1873. 1 Teasdel & Co's. STOUK COMPLETE. EagFe House, STOCK COMPLETE. CHRISTMAS GKOCEIUS nt Teasdel & Co's. ClIItlSTMAH PHflT.S nt Teasdel & Co's. Christmas Pudding Fruits AT Teasdel & Co's. Christmas Gifts at Teasdel & Go's. New-Year's Cifts at Teasdel & Co's. CllOIOU ROODS KOli. YOUR TAHI.KS ON NKW-YKAWS DAY TO I'LEASH HP!-UUHHS HP!-UUHHS AT TEASDEL & CO S. ribbons. kkathehs, floweus. musllns, and a large stock ok fancy goods fohthe ladies to weak at cuk1stmas ball. A-JSW-VEAK S li.U.Lti, AND HOLIDAY i'AKTiES, AT TEA SDEL & CO S. MAKE VOTK IVIl'H A TIITUSTMAS i'ltbSK.N'T, UK NKW-YEAlfS U11X W A BLEES Sewing Machine Tin-; niT rv tiik maukkt, tu db Oll'l'AlMiU AT TEASDEL & CO S, LVGILJS HOUSE, orCQSITE 6A1.I LAlii; UOUSS. ANNUAL FANCY BAZAAR. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. YVKD.XKSDAY KYEMNCi DECEMBER 18th, 1872 Wo will oin our Grand Annual Fancy Bazaar And Art Emporium. Ad enumeration of our Cbrisltuas Novoltics caonot bo given io jufltiic to Bcasonablo display. Wo iuvito inspcclioo. THE MAIN SALES R003I Will contain in the several seotiona those 3F"a,:o.C5-r Coods For whioh we have been pre-eminent since wc inaugurated the ANNUAL FANCY BAZAAR. On tho second floor in our magnificent Carpet Room wo shall make such a display of CHROMOS That for beauty in dctin, and framas cannot be excelled in this City. To thoso who lovo tbc beautiful this chanco to procuxo these popular educators is unprecedented unpre-cedented in the annals of Art, O BMm'mr hik mm m w Will bo another feature of our Christmas programme. dlo II. B. CLAWSOS, Snpcrlntendcut. Sewing1 Machine. yrK rescctfuily invite the Publio to call and see our excellent variety o. Sewing Machines, IS Plain,Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship ASD GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE IF -A. :N" T O IN" O Jl. S T O jR, S. The Total Sala of the SINGER MACHINE are nam THREE QUAlli'EIlS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, a. 8 2. 9 2 & o An sridence that it ia fast winning supreme faror i the hoiuehold. Tho SiNOEa Company sold over the other Companies, 52,734. tnf Tfcn rrhlram RpliVf fVinimit fiiTniA m,fla, Ktt th. tV March 18, 1872, 3,944; 3.151 Singer Machiaes, all othor makes, 79S. Applicants made tbclr selection, with same discount on alL OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANY OTHER HOUSE LN TH1 SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. AVecomleDiuIj innto the Ladies to see oar Embroidery Attaolimout, It aitracU sonerai attention aad admiration. We also desire you to see our " TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINQERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMER, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, EDITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAG ti.-D. as ejL-h ono is thurcujthly ftkljustpd, triid and tosted by etrvorleaced Mechanic! aad all are warranted to sew wiih e;tso all kiads of goods, from the coaneat to the fint, hace, 3lulio, CaiuUtic, Domestic, JDeaiius, Tickiogs. Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. Instruction piven frco of chargo by competent attendants, and terme ef eale to suit all circum stances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON A B LETTER M S. Wc oxtend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wih to purchaso or not. IT TUB mm SEU.C JHCULBDEPJRTJIBTi Z. C M. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Kaule Emporium. Salt Cm. Julius Bauer dfc? Go., M.VNUFAtTUliEKS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ORGANS AND TY4E ELODEOKTS. Every Instrument FULLY WARRANTED k FIVE YEARS, Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES -n( FREE ' ny mlilrcai up upplioalioD. AISO DirOHTKHS AND PEALKliS IN PIANOS aoi ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUH JtAUJilt Jb CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave ,NnEJcoRl -on CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. DAYNES 4 SON Agents for Utah. 1st South St., two juooira kst or oobms s ukug atom. FENCING ACADEMY AM) UV.U.Ull.M, rtichards' Buildings, 2d South SI. Oj.on for Ii U inter uujod. MONDAY. WEIIXESUAY, ' Fl'.lhAV KVK.NIMiS, from 7 .i ID. Ladias CIiim Iur (.'li.Hlhpni Irwin lo 6 , I'rtvato -uns if rJ-i-ir-M. fur t'-nua a i. UtS. f. Uicbards, al iKylor A tulior e btJ-a or at the Acailoiuy. Hull u Kent ooii i rT ft . I - & 2 3 s 2 3 1 - r-1 Z . S H J ' m g s NOTICE. To theUuiliJers. Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lalie, U. T. WE HAVE OPENED TIIK FIXENT AND be.-l a.ned (luck of H id0 ii, f all i?c. that lia over ccuio to tliu Territory, and invito allto eiannno quality and , rices before purcbikMna elseiThoro, as we have better facilities for fillini; orders, both larco and small, than any other house in tho Territory Plato lilass and Plate tllass M irrors? of an v sire, framed and refrained, furnished on Lba shortost notice and at iho lowest prices. .6if" C.t' f 'i"! aihejof any ), fitted with glass, which we cuaranLeo to eivo fatisfactioo. "o charge for cutting. Orders from thocountry will receive prompt attention. C. F. CULMER & CO, Formerly of DAY k CULMER.) GKOKSBECK Block, no7 Second SonlH Street. FURS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid for Furs. ALSO llairana Cigon Whol&ialo acd ReUil. THOMAS CARTER, At Siegtl Bro'a, under Salt Lake Hoase n27 -A-T COST! y O 3R. CHRISTMAS SEW YEAR PRESENTS, THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY ! CARL C, ASMUSSEN WILL 5I7LL Ja-Tr ABd wishes to call special attention to hi Deanlifui assortment of hno Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches , Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CtlAEMS. Also a great variety of the best selected COLD NECLACES. BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RINGS AND FULL SE1S A complete assortment of-tho bert siaief of A3IERICAX WATCHES I the most suitable for Railixad Travelers. Farmer; and Miners. For stxeofrth aod good roiag thpy are unsurrasJ. and will kep lunecr tiian any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR, AND WARRANTED. OThe public arc cordially invited to insrecu CARL C. ASilUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. S. L. CITY. WW OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OBZY 6c Co. FIRST SOUTH STREET, west of Kimball Kim-ball A Lawrence, near the Market. Wholesale Dealers in .1 - R- Scott's celebrated C&n.Ktw and Shell OVSTElvS.J. R. S., extra large. SeltvU, XXX Baltimore Oyster;, Saddle Rocks and Clams. Tbe above Oysters received frtvh dailv and delivered to any part of tho city. N.B. Particular attention raid to country I orders. Address Obey i Co., Lock Box 717. ASSAY APPARATUS FOll SALE, KEW ASD COMIM.ETE, oowt ei-ty, l.V rillLAllKLrillA, JNO. W. SNKLL, oo2 IDAHO STORK. BATAY1A & HOO, MBKkT IMI'ORTt ,hOV KCTJIVlIlSr HAIB. WHOLESALE AND KKTA1L, Sell clieaperthan ihe chearot- We manufacture our own work. Do not send to S.ui It' ran tit-Co tor our workmen. RETAIL DEALERS nipp-ted al loirr:t rntej- N Chics hair old. jyevnre v( this MyK ot imrwitioii. NEATEST HAKBEK ISllOr in tonn. Hair PriiflieJ hv St?.uu. M Duke Alexin' Hair Prtw-sne Sal.vn. Kirji-chiv ar-tuts ar-tuts eay eh sir, clean iiel.-. fimv-i icrtuiuof. Call and Us-lV vunelf. l & ii Second SouiU SI., (HU'iITK WA1.KKK UROS. wood: wool:: WK keep ivnftautly on handea.oncd. oxrd and ftm o wood. 11KD PINK. MAT1.K. Ql AKKNASP. AND OorXONWOOD. Korfale ehoarer the lUo oh.-at-vl- OfHo iitluivilvml m'rl . t. 1 .l.-i-I. hi I rr t of n-iiiu'li"'. wotk. S.nvial nuo. 1.1 pur-ehneroi pur-ehneroi " ei.r lot'. " oo.l delnotl in any i-mt of theoitv on hort notice We will ruul a pail ot our wilieo on liberal |