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Show JOUXELYOrOLIS. (CVrresitondonco of tho Herald.) It is not generally known in Salt Lake city that a rival town has bceD organized at the mouth of Little Cot-f Cot-f on wood canyon, named Johnelyopo-lia. Johnelyopo-lia. There were a number of congenial and thirsty friends present at the christening, who baptised the newly made buryh in copious bibations of alcoholic iluid, indifferent as to the expense, as guests always are. AmoDg the inebriated arrivals, and disting-iushed disting-iushed guests, wo noticed as tho most prominent disciples of Bacohus,Charlie a successful merchant of Alta city, and Stove a dapper young gent, a leader of the fashions, whoso black eyes and raven moustache aro always a source of admiration. He oscillates between tho two cities of Salt Lake and Alta and is a shrewd mining operator who has been known to throw fivo sixes in a fair and upright manner. William, of Scottish descent, who is attached to tho press as an itinerant and peripatetic mining reporter, honored hon-ored tho assemblage with his presence and was welaomed as a genial and worthy follower of the god of wine. As he entered tho room he was greeted by the choir with tho song"The Camp- bells are Coming" &c. to which ho res- i ponded with characteristic silence and gratitude. A cold eolation was spread with that profuso generosity which is proverbial of the host. Owing to the strong proclivities of Mr. Ely, nothing but lager beer and llhine wine, with whiskey on tho side, were allowed. The most complete harmony existed, i and many warm congratulations were : tondered to the host for the dignified and magnificent manner in which ho presided. Tho merchant prince of Alta was the first to inaugurate the speaking on this occasion. He arose to his feet with all the dignity that gentlemen assume when alcoholic fumes have got tho better of them. He addressed ad-dressed the party in language so appropriate appro-priate to tho occasion that we give him the benefit of a verbatim report : "Ucntlemen: With the most profound pro-found feeling of honor and respect for our distinguished host, allow me to indulge in-dulge in a few vague remarks. This is but the nucleus of what will be a great city, which will equal, if not excel, ex-cel, London, New York or Alta, Surrounded Sur-rounded as it is by the finest agricultural agricultu-ral region, and within but a few yards, comparatively Bpeaking, (hie) of the greatest and richest mineral deposit the world has ever before produced." (Prolonged applause from Steve ia a howling manner. ) After irrigating, the speaker continued contin-ued in that mild and husky voioe bo peculiarly his own. "1 wish that my tonguo could give utterance to the thoughts which crowd my generally bewildered brain, perplexed per-plexed as I am, with tho cares of life and the pursuit of breweries, to obtain a reduction in the price of that beverage bever-age of the gods, (h;c) lager beer. (Cheers by Steve, the black eyed boy.) I have but little time to attend revivals, revi-vals, and had it not been for the genial flow of spirits which attend gatherings of this character, and knowing the unbounded un-bounded capacity of our host, I should have been seea in my usual place at the brewery." At this juncture Steve howled again. In consequence of this interruption the speaker, with that child-like simplicity for which he is noted, proceeded to im-bib3. im-bib3. The last drink perceptibly af fee ted his ideas, as may be judged from the following, viz : "But as we stand here on the platform plat-form of the 'new west' and take a retrospective glance into futurity and contrast our present position with that of the aborigines of the past, where our pilgrim fathers landed oo the rock bound coast of Nova Zembla, and when we contrast our fortitude with their present condition," (another interruption inter-ruption by Steve., who demanded to know what the centleman wna nn Steve, was ordered to take a scat by the host, who stated he understood it all, and would explain anon. The speaker, taking advantage of the in terruption, again irrigated, and proceeded pro-ceeded with his usual coherency: 'As I said before, tho vde outgatherioga of a despised and respectable people, have so outraged the person who owned the lager beer, that in the vain en-' deavors to corrugate the 'Davenport' mice, where we have snow when the roads arc covered with galena, which tho smelters are preparing to intro-duco intro-duco to tho man who called me a liar, which 1 never stand." To make this statement more binding, hero the speaker fell, amid the plaudits of tho inebriates, including all present. 1 he Scotchman essayed a few remarks re-marks on what he knew about smelting, smelt-ing, with his clear soprano voice which had becomo hoarse from absorption, and therefore rendering his tonea inaudible. in-audible. At this timo Charlie and Steve were missed, and found uoder the table clasped ic a etrong embrace, rejoicing they wero not meD, but boys. The host, resolving to see his guesta treated in a becoming manner, lot them lay whero they were, and reeled to tho floor by their side. The room. being spacious there was oo trouble for the balanoo of the guests to find room in the 6amo bed, which they did immediately. Thus ended tho first social entertainment enter-tainment at Johneyopolis, St-ino. I . A. W. WHITE & O. 11 U V A NDSliLL. STOCK U " CuM.MJ.SSIO N |