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Show (EiXERAL. Massachusetts Legislature. Boston, 17. In the legislature to-day tho niMjorily reported back favomMj tho rps.'lnii.mn iairuduoed some days ago, condemning to oblivion the bill introduced in-troduced in the United States senate by Sumner. A minority report was also presented, but no action taken by the house, . Kew York Sews. New York, 17. Tho "Commercial" savs tho report that the Pacific mail company is about to issue bonds, is repeated re-peated very positively to-day. It is sta.ed tho executive committee will authorize thorn to-morrow. Al a meeting of the board of emigration emigra-tion to-day, a communication was received re-ceived from secretary Pith, slating that tho M. S. authorities in Italy had ben instructed to adopt measures to prevent a repetition of the outrages upon emigrants. emi-grants. Commissioner Osborno lo-any remanded re-manded Denis Boonan. the allgd Irish fora-or. to await negotiation by the British authorities. The late S. N. Pike is reported to have left property valued at eight millions, in New York, JNew Jersey, Cincinnati and in mines in Utah. Washington Advices. Wa'hir.gtn, 17. Secretary Boutwell and Jay Cooke were belore thecommit-te thecommit-te ol way and means to-day, in reference refer-ence to tho funding lean. Itoutwrll's explanation of the two hundred million not;oUali"n latl year, was full and complete. com-plete. He showed that the alleged loss oi interest growing out of the necessity for giving ninety days' notice to holdTf of called b'nds was practically unavoidable, unavoid-able, under any plan that could be adopted, since even with the money on hand to meet the call, it must first be rea'.ized from the sale of bonds which would bear intereH from the date of iiisue. He further (bowed that llie ' amount of intertii sopid, together with the whole cost of negotiation, including the en graving and printing of bonds ii reimbursed U theirea-sury in svir.g the interest ov tne new iwue up to me ltsi of June laft, and that Lhero had been rinoe naved over a million dollars of reduced re-duced in t "rest. The annual vir.g fr-.m that ergo. latum amoucia to two mi. .ion do.iars with mterett. 3IIcellneout. Cojmbia. S. C, 17.-Tbe allied bribery cases arair.ft Jhn J. Patter;' in. ;e:,at-T p'.ect, wre hard ar.d di'rr.-J. Tr.e w.lne-i M.'.ier a.lnr.iued tiic f.ny of his a;T..isva ; said it was made to compel Paii'4ri'-n to pay l.11". Newp-.rt, R. I., 17. '.'" w& vctd to esper.d lTi c-pclion .ta tL ac-L'cr.;:D ac-L'cr.;:D of the K kd be:;et '. ji"',-ii'i. ji"',-ii'i. f-.r I'.e erc-ti' r. .'fa l.jn ch. -;. Kiward A. Po'nard, editor and author, au-thor, died at Lyncaburg yeri3rday, aged ifty-iwo. Tost Telfcrph. "Wa'hir.gton, 17. The boi;-r comm-:-:ee or. app7i-pr:fti.i'-is heard thi evening even-ing ;ri. pp-"r,.iri'j of the p-njiai wVcrsh fcr.eme. Wi.naui Orton p e '" nour, ci itn-iF-'g the, report of r"t-nra-'ter gTirai, showing that his sta-vuuca sta-vuuca vero airLeoua ud conclusion! |