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Show THE concert for the tenrfp. of St Mark's hoipiul takvS p'lo at the theatre this cvtn:;:- a;.a '. a.-idL-rine tlio charaoter and o1jj .-ol ihe enter-, tainment wo expect to sco a large audience in attendance, In fact we learn that nearly all of the tickets left for Bale in the stores and saloons had been disposed of yesterday afternoon, j A full rehearsal of the programme ! advertised took place at the theatre, 1 and from the excellency with which both the professional and amateur artistes who are to appear, acquitted themselves, a rich musical treat is in store for those who attend this evening. even-ing. Tho following is the Programme: In front of the theatre, selections by the National band. PART FIRST. 1. Overture, "Poet and Peasant," Suppe, Orchestra. 2. Chorus; 'Hail to Thee, Liberty," Semiramide. 3. Duet, "Cheerfulness," Gumbert, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Haydon. 4- Humorous song, "Shivery S oakery," oak-ery," Mr. H. Mai hen. 5. Cavatina, "From II Martin," Donizetti, Miss Helena Gorlinski. 6 Quartette waltz, Vogel, Messrs, Podleoh, Whitney, Herrmao, and Cutting. Cut-ting. 7. Solo and chorus, "Crowned with the Tempest," Ernani. Verdi, solo by Mr."W. D. Owen. ; ; PART SECOND. 1 Overture, "Otello," Rossini, (arranged (ar-ranged for the occasion by professor Careless), Orchestra. 2. Solo and chorus, "Imflammatus Stabat Mater," liossioi, solo by Mrs. Hamilton. i. Scena, 'Cat Duet" in costume, Berthold, Messrs. Herrmau and Cutting. Cut-ting. 4. Ballad, "I'm a Merry Postillion," Abt., Mrs, Hamilton. o. TeDor Aria, "Pra Poco a Me," Luoia, Donizetti, Mr. Derbv. 6. Scotch ballad, "Auld Joe Nicholson's Nichol-son's Bonnie .Nannie," Mrs. Haydon. 7. Chorus, "Oh Hail us, Ye Free," Verdi. Director of orchestra, professor Geo. Careless. Accompanist, professor Orson Pratt, J un. I Director of chorus, Mr. Gcorgo E. Whitney. |