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Show i IBy v U. Teleuraph.J E1WI. I OIUti:ST-S WILL.. Philadelphia, 17. The will of Ed- Tiu Forrest, dated April 5, 16(, con- uiim prnviMons for his MUcra now dea !, ut.i -h liave b'couic inoperative t.v their il.-a h. h direcis the sale of Ins propeily, except .Spring Jirook, I'hi'.vJcYliu, which he fixed as the o-caii o-caii io ol EJwin Forrest's home, which institution shall be fur tho support and uiaiou nance of actors and actresses do-ciycd do-ciycd by ace or disabled by inQrmitics, I wh., if natives of tho United Slates, F-!i;-'il have ;ervcd at Ica-t five years in ihe the.Vrieal proles-ion, and if of foreuu birth, shall have served in tho proles-ion ten years, whereof three vrs neii previous to thir application applica-tion fer aduii-.sioa into the Iloiu? shall i have been Ej ent in the United States, and who shall in all things coru-: coru-: ply wiih the laws and rcgu-, rcgu-, lau ids of tho Home, otherwiso to I ; be dtbarired by the managers, whose ' i decision Mull be final. The number of 1 inTi,i-.3 sliili never exceed the annual J oi-t rent acd revenui- of the institution, Oil, en not to exceed twelve, to bo in-' in-' mates sholl receive the approval of the majority of the inmate, as well as of !" uiaiiacou. The purposes of the !'"ine aro intended to bo partly cilnca-tmml cilnca-tmml and efifkii,taining. as well a.1 eleemo-yuary, and never to encourage ( ' l''ncV or lbn!i!(-,rie.j, in any capa-bo capa-bo ot -.,,l exertion. Ii provide. , ""it Ins ubrary shall t,o at the homo, j llJ contain a picture gal t f'H.tot lU presorval.ou ol his coileo-I coileo-I cci,.,n. a,.d a neat ilmatrc for private "motions au.l hisliinnie culture, to "Inch pu.,L, ,, ,H Ui admitted. J,-o ) |