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Show PACIFIC COAST 5EWS. CAXIPOB.KIA. Calistoca U becoming famed as a re-sort re-sort for banters. Henry Logan ie about to establish an ice factory at S&n Diego. The Vallejo city hall is beiDg thoroughly furnished throughout San Francisco manufactured and bottled ale is being ehipped to Peru, Marysville boasta three raccoons, brought from Cariboo, two of which are perfectly white; Alex. Badlam, of Calistoga, killed a deer with a Henry line, at a distance of 425 yards a few days since, Alex. Smith, of DaviaTille, is the holder of ticket No. 38,503 in the Louisville lottery, which won $5,000. The hunters are daily sending into market immense quantities of wild geese and ducks. The Salinas plains are famous as a resort for geese. The superintendent of the Marysville woolen mills was Tery severely scalded on the 10th instant, from an escape of steam in the boiler room. An Italian miner near Georgetown. El Dorado county, committed suicide by blowing the top of his head off with a gnn. on Sunday night, Deo. Sth. Tbe Colusa "Sun" says engineer Watson is dow in the neighborhood of Red Bluff locating tbe narrow gauge road that is to connect that towu with Benicia. Says the Grass Valley "Union:" Rough and Ready is all right in every- tiling save a supply oi water. v neu water comes there will be a big tbicg on those old placers. The Chinese fish and vegetable pcddlars in Oakland are ruining the business of the legitimate traders, who hire clerks and pay rent, by undersell iog them. The dealers want the couDoil to tax the pedlers out' of existence. ex-istence. A little boy aged four years fell into an old mining shaft, on Wednesday last, at Graf a Valley, He remained in all night, till Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, when he was recovered safe and sound, and only a little bruised. At a Chinese christening, or rather dedication to Confucius, at Truck ee, i on the 10th inst,, presents to the value i of $-100, in gold and silver ornameots, , were made to the parents, and placed in the hands of the embryotio China-mao. China-mao. At Grass Valley, Monday night, at the conclusion of Professor McDoaald's lecture, a prizi was offered to tbe handsomest young man in that burg. Five beautiful young ladies were selected select-ed to decide tho contest Burid Car-poq, Car-poq, of tbe ''Uoioo" office, came out ahead. The Solaoo "Republican" says a Btaincd-glaa memorial window has recently been placed in the chancel of St. Paul's ohuroh, Benicia, by 3. McAllister and wife, in memory of their little girl who died about a year and a half ago. Tiic chuiob has also been improved in cber respects, and enlarged by the addition of an organ chamber. H KV ADA. Col. T G. Kellcy, of Austin, has been appointed captain of tho guard at the Stato prison, at Carson. Three Spaniards and an Araericin broke jail at Belmont-on Sunday. During the present month tho Carson Car-son mint baa coined $17,000 in fifty cent pieces, and $70,000 in double eaeles. had spouts aro waltzing over the Twcniy two Mile Desert. The cable in the Julia shaft ran off the reel last week and tore ifp things generally. No ne injured. Osro Parker, of Virginia city, instantly in-stantly killed by being caught in the belting at the Carson mint, and dash ed violently against an amalgamating pan Pacific coast pioneers of Storey Co. held a re union last Friday. Songs, toasts, etc. Austin fireman will have a New Year's ball. Michael Chase, of Reno, while drunk, held his bands over a fire until both were burned off at tho wrist. IDAUO. The Red Jacket is considered one of the most promising mineB in Owyhee. A new mine of great promise has recently been located on War Eagle Mountain. Work is being pushed rapidly ahead on the Mahogany, and the ore house iu full of ore. Preparations are being made to start up the company's mill on ore from the South Chariot. Ten stamps of the EHmoro mill are kept steadily running on oro from the Golden Chariot mine. .New snd extensive bodies of ore are being found in several of ihe old levels, running north, in the Ida Ell more. Wells, Fargo & Co. shipped from Silver city, during the week ending December 7th, six bars of bullioD valued at $9,755 11. Heavy rains in Owyhee, last week, put bd end to sleighiogand coninl'pd quart haulers Ul drup their "bobs and agnin uso wagons. Tbe "Avalancho," referring to the California diamond hoax, says that "Owyheo, too, has her diamonds, which can be gathered by tho quart on Sinker creek. ' Another batch of silver bullion has beeu sent from South Mountain to Trout Creek, whioh makes in all, about 4,000 pounds now there ready tor shipment to the railroad. The Empire mine is regarded as one of the big mines of Owyhee. It ib turning out a large amount of ore, on , which the Owyhee company's mill is kept constantly running. There is considerable excitement in ; Owyhee over tho recent discovery of ; rich bodies of ore id the Minnesota mine. The vein is from twenty to twenty-four inches in width of ore that will pay $50 per too. OREGON, ate. ; Kalama, W. T., is to have a jail. Olympia, W. T., is domg a good fish irade with Portland, Oregon. ' The loss of the Oregon City woolen 1 mills, over and above the insurance, 1 loots up $1250,000. Oregon has disooverfd a sunken lake walled in by monntaim 2,000 fert hieh- The water tastes of iron. Egeu are worth scTcntyfivo cents per d zen in Olympia, Washington Territory, and few can be bad al that 1 price. Our Portland exobanges hareoeascd their abuse ot each other, and, as a consequence aro about as dull as last year's almanac. Back-kin Joe, a guide and scout ' well known at the military poatf-'I poatf-'I thmuchoat the west, has been ordered j to Kiamath Lake to take part in tbe Modoc war. 1 The "Statesman" notes the disoov-r disoov-r ery of electro silicon in Po.k county. - Oregon, by AL Buekinffham. It ha r been tested at the Oregon and Califor- nia railroad shop) |