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Show SoutllERM Utau. From Mr. Jcsso , W. Crosby, who arrived from St. Gcorgo yostcrduy, we learn that matters mat-ters and things generally in the south aro in a favorable condition. Ho was ton days making tho trip hero, and speaks in laudable terms of tho now bridge over tbo Sevier, and congratulates congratu-lates tho traveling public upon its completion.' com-pletion.' -bore aro no less than a hundred hun-dred loaded wagons traveling that way from the torminus of the U. S. It. It. daily, and tho benefits to bo derived from good bridgeB aro known only to tho teauiBtor: With the exception of a few poor bridges in Provo, Mr. C. saw oothiog to discourage drivers along the whole route ; but io Provo there is a bridgo in which there aro short planks, reaching only oo'lwo stringer?, instead of four, on which he almost met with a serious accident ; for as ho ; was crossing tho planks tipped up, got into tho contro of one of his wheels, caused a sudden halt, smashed hie double-trees and scared the team. Tho road commissioner' a attention should bo dirooted to this aud avoid tills for broken wagons, leg.s olc. |