OCR Text |
Show ' dvertiiim if tli" Oil irhi.-h iriouioti pu in ihoir Liuui.i.-MMi.R.i 1'ii-vi kk. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG JV c- x: i-ff 'I'. Room 20 21 -lfri-Aiins' CALIP0HX1A HUM. SAN FRANCISO, AJv-i-rli'iueiiW mhI tfub.-crirUons for tho Salt LaliO Daily and Sonii-"Weokly Sonii-"Weokly H or old j TvMr irit'o J;.van au.l CliiaJ: N.-w.o:i- Unit an. I tl AiiUaha OJbjmoe, lio Allaauo tl:itoa iitid Eurff. ADVEBTlSlSa H.is crcntoJ ra:vny a now hiiMnw: U u e.ihtrh-ci ui.iny au old bu?im;.-; li uroMvcil au:ya d.iU bu.-u:o...; H.u rivo.i'.-d ui.inj- ii1."t biiMiu-.j; Hi' ':wod ininy il fin line bu.ir,.va: l.xvr rvo,l ni1mybr1:..h!..Iu'!; Ami m-arMsiKV.-.'S in aay biumo.vs 1 1; ui n-s sv('i;i:r.-!'ir'n,ri iHm-i-m wiso wouliA lia o Advrrllsc your UusIhckk. 'h.o,, .rr. .... f....iu-. ! ..lull..'-"-. A.Ivc.!l.l"C ,vllt li.-utu Ki-.tunr. ir ii.i. uo.. A.lv.i-.u.- . H.i.l.io.- 1. U.1.U, A..V.PI1-.. -nw -Wf-t '"'V"0 '".I'M,'. lru. x. cn.:.?r:E- r. wom s OILI-Kil'liO a:::. WOOL'S, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVETANC3RS, ! x.-i-SEARCHERSOF RECORDS. STaTK.- iMI 1 rLHR.TUtlK-(. Oilier h'.ur. i. x.. t V . II'.o i 5 ..vcr Kirsi N.iti(iiii Liiua.. l-jiie '-i.y. L uh Turtitory. ") Jaa. VT. Stainoura. Ch;u. A. Gould. STAIN BURN & GOULD, Searchers rf Kccords, C0in:i.s3:oNrr..5 ? dkzds for Now Yo,-'.:, y'-irhu'r:, ?ccn ylvi.nia, Uliio, Iliinni.'. Lowi. I t:iir u :.t .y-.ui-tB-f. Muuiann, No'.:--J.. C-!if..rniL, Urc.-(.n. Its:..', C -i -r.- 1 r. DitrLc: ui O'jluinbijir. i l '-tJr Apl:-.ticna for 1 it cuts. Mi-iins Doods, AiWv.r.:E d:. 1 :r bt-.-l.', Morltttcd, i'owerB "f At'.'Tacj. L:--'rr, Con:r::ct-" ant o'-cr i-.uri'v.c-. a !"..ut; drwn with lU-norlUT nnii ...aluIOii- .T:iniii3 ami other :: i: J a sii- Ai..tru.ci9 of Title' to V.icirw ar.-l otter pr.i..T-y m:---ii inthomo-i .-..mpl-to lor:-). .11 1 ii I ii property cxmniiictl t ml re- vVwc.K01li rkid'h rrn.niN.i. east TEili'LE al., aALI L-Viit (.ill'. U. 'i. A Notary Puulio always in the OmCE from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Transcripts famished f-nm tho ' rft Miniiv; KccTdrt in tho Cuumy of tli Like. tt. w.t; tliose .if the M..uLta.in Lako .Miaii.K Ltiiirtct (now ttiE and Li:uo C-nton wood Uu-irn-.-), and from tbc: of the JJik Cu'-tunwood Miti-ius Miti-ius Lii.ttrlCt. inyll OUAS. W. ISTAY.NKK, KOTAHY PU3UC, Daly qualifiod aud coiainnsiuiicd by tlio UUico In door south of Savatro'3 rii'jt'irrph Gallory, tinll l,:iku City. u:-- Divoncss. A DriOLLTE lMVOK('i:s l.LUAl.LY 0!!-taim-d in dnliTi-m .-uiu-. l.oB-al ovt-i-y-wlu'ro-dtjsirrtiijii, Kuiiural m i-L'oii uu-1, ct-.. siiilitiuni tuii.-u: no pn ii i.-ii " ri' imu'd. lw cliarso until ilivoix-o truiiud; :idvKo iruo. Lll ud or iitidrno JOHN FULTON, Luun.oll-r at L;iw, .No. In) DR0ADWAV, M; Villi CLVY. L. (Vi. BATto v-i CO., 41 1 A. Llro.lAti-. J'. A von :c, Fancy " Brr tK:oas, wooLnx., t : r. i.s, yj.xicr.ic jso2ox!.s, .s-c J. II. BULUmt. JI . Cochran, McLean & Co. Importora and Jotibors or DRY GOODS, White UooilH) lloalery, Notiona, Woolons, Linons, Embro dcrio3 and 102, 101 and 4Wi JjROATiWAY. C B.f. WUIUIU. juyai JEMiAL READ Co., " Wanafiicturerg and Vho"c-.;ilo beIcra in Jj'traio Goads, Unibrdl-s, it'C, .In. 0 S, IlrDMhi iy, Jo. Jim U:l'i..T. J "benedTct, hall a Co. Manufaoturar" : Who! -suit) BOOTS A.ti'J "'AGES IJi nmt 1JO Grand fcl.j New Vorlt, CornorC.-Oiiby, one bleak cj. t of Uro.idwa TK03. P.l. AH3ALL &. Co., Men's. Youtlia' Uoya'&nd CUildrtn's CLOT HING3 AT WHOLESALE, 31J A 'Jl Urondway, .tcir York, J. 1. COVLXH. RICF, OOSDWIN, WALKER & CO., InilrtjrtorB and Jobbers of SILK AND jj' A JS C Y D Jfi Y GOODS, 7l)a, 47ti and ITu Uio:nlway NKW Y ) H IC. W. U. UAKNLY. HOW LAND & fiSPlifvVALL, 54 Soatli Sti-cot, i-ra'iV voiiix. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lr.ko City. WI.li.dvi.iioe lli.rrnlly on i oiiiIrw-ui.i... oiiiIrw-ui.i... of Ore .i.U l.iilllou. Until..., ,..nrh:Tr..l Iit,,l.ci. in.rhrt r.l" Stylos of Dorcut Sizes ol i D O VJ G . The uuial tyi-iUctc bitnl. cict l.rouirlit In lt;i!i,1 A I" L.m'iU-n.'riVLCii&io's LUMBER, YARD, SASHa:.-:irOOR ; 1 . -a - " 1 TIM VI. 11 P,U T. I, ATI M v.. SY N HOTELS, ETC. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIltST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. mrll Hew Commercial Lift Rooms, 4-5, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. C. W. TAP PAN, Proprietor. O P K N A l7T7 NIGHT. Sprlnc Ilcda, 35, 31 U and SO cti. pax .Mglill ll.SU to Sd.UO par Waak. Sing-Ie Iloonn, SOand TSe.pcr Night) 9J.Q0 to SI. SO per WcaM. Douhlo Room a, $1.00 to tl.BO per XlgUt. ol5 GM1T WESTERN BOTEL' OS TUB EUROPEAN PL AW. Rita n tod in basiaesa part of tho oity, with accommodation for M) guosts. ! LiIUST-CL ASS Mcommodatioii for Pam.ili j -l aod Xravelors. Ltooina, BOc, 73c, 91.00 and 91.50 i per day. I Dining Hall and Ilutaur&nt undor the maoaKuuioru of M. il. Beardilor, late of the I Morrison House, Unnha. and Ttchoor Uoao. Lincoln, IS eb. Uoanl ier weak, 7, Meal, 50o, . I'KEE 0MN1KUS TO UOTZL, StiKcs IcaTe daily for tho minoa. i Laundry connected with the hotel. sniiui . BIOAZE, myl7 ProDriators. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Tirmt-t2.su par dayi :Wtkly llniitd and ttoom; I14,UU to 10.0v Tubk ltoat d, S 00. A iuw first Class faniUioa can find pleasant fiuarttirs. fcalt Lake City, November 23, IS72. J. U. LITTLE. . uoU' 1 Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, KAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. '1 MllS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND X bi)st aiijminlvd llouso in Utah Territory; liikI haa uuuoimundatiuQ lor throe Hundred and I lutv h-uuta. Stroot ears and carri ag&i connott-L-dith iheWbilo ouli-hur UatUi. Reading llutiuia, eoutaining iaira from all' points, liatus liar, Tcluvraph, .Neirs and Ciijar btand aiiuubcd U thoilouiio. il. S. GREELEY, Si CO.. nuv2; Propriotura. XOWMSSND HOUSE, a&LH LAKE CITY. lilE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMC TOWN8E N D PHOPRIETOB. This Home ia oentrallj and pleaaantly lo oatod, wall furnished, and bai aooomraoda- tionafor 150 gueau. 0 TJIE PROPRIETOR ifl now preparint c build lame addition! to hia Hotel, waieb. whnnfinishod. willroa'-er It tn Most Complete Etlablithment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION rail Washington House Oiirti Ssioutb. Street, SALT LARK CITY! Oon.nl and Lodfrin, par Week fO 00 Itiiurd and Lodging, icr day, 1 00 Day Hoard, per week, 4 30 Single French Spring Badi, ' r wick, - - 50 nada,pr Might - & num & COAL. BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH, Iron and Ciial. Capitalists oall on mo, I own it. I will divido Atldrcss, S . M. BLAIK, stU 1. O. lloi ISO, Salt Lake CUy. ASrAX-TED, ?2.0tW CASH, FOR ONE Year. Will divide the finest mining inlorestin ftah lor the uao of tho money. Ad.lrofS. S. AL BLAIR, Salt Lake City.iP- 0. Rox 1. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLERS AND J0B11ERB Of SYS WHISKEYS, Wnrdionif Ko.ao Llchl S treat, (lAl.TlMORK. TO 'V. WILL IM RCHASE, OR FURNPH Oni'i'iil to devolop ronlly Rwd prosppcto ..r Tiiint!.-. -.ibiiijl to tho approval of our lecal ;i;.'ii. A.l.lrv.-, in eontidtnico, giving cum- i.U-iD diwoni'tion of proi-rrO'- . E. 11. OIRBS ,t CO., nvl'i 1" lirnadwfty. N k- York-I York-I Little Was her, lHt bE T AND CHEAPEST IR TUK MARKET, Only 17.00. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, Spoaiaiens. l-th Ward Co-oreratire Store. huhwt iru-fin C rirtf-r Hide1 vti.l I ult- J- w- t'll'rKIX - Cl., I Al P. raplcy i Tannery. IPth Ward- MINES FOR SALE. n'.l P U l. tllUi'R Y own? four excelVtit -ilvr iuu:-v '.:h;n - r:e tk;! e! ea.-h ;.i-r. .i"d and witr plPCliful on all ,' "j . H' ; r"1 " r-T An bc ob;ain i ' ' '' ' .' '1.'.''' k VtViif n"'--'' i tt c. ' ' '. ,- -.-rdu-.i h..ra.- .. m.-e rrcf.-nt ; - , , I ,.;!! ii-.Im r.:: In ..retail. - : , j -,.r r.-.7.v b.K-h l.-vie .-r.!a.s 1 ' ,-- 1 .,:-iTv 1- de is d n n 1 ; ,. . '. no. 1- lo-ie i- d.rts-i;y ur ., ',. ;r ;';), il-.:..ri. .Tjl-i.ilMu;!.'-ar .1 I -;! -.ii'ro 'i'fj.n'l be nioAsca to sht-w my , Viw olAitr? and bit litr!" - - wi. ar i .-.--v. 1 r-.Tft t. ,'jv. ei- ' .'.'ciiij'-o'i1 lI rh.- rva a.i 1 proniiJ 'v l" VAUL'lHK'iRY, M.-P. I TouxioUea iixsa MidaiiTal MEDICAL. Dr. J. P. P. TAN DEMRGH, From Frn.iU, THH GR.BAT XJ- O It .'1 EXTERMINATOR, Lit 9 of San Francisco. CaL Remarkable Caret I IThU is to certify that my wife, Hulda Park, has been afflicted for the last eight yean with chronic Dysentery, with pain in her stomach, biek, sides, and severe headache; in fact she was never free from paia and miseries. he doctored a great deal with the best doctors ne could hear of, and I am sorry to say without any relief. We heard of many cures which Or- J. P. P. Vanbenborgb. had performed in and about Salt Lake City, which induced us to consult him; and the Doctor at once told us that all her complaints and miseries were caused by worms. So she commenced taking his modieine on tho 17th of August, and lines that timo all pains and excessive Chronic Dysentery are cured, and in fact she considers heriolf a well woman once mure. T11UMAS H. PARK. 11 13 X mark. Ckxtrettllb Ward, Utah, September od, 1872. Over 1,000 "Worms Expelled from Sirs, Bi ly. My gratitude compels me lo mako the following fol-lowing statement: 1 had boon afflicted for many years with a eomplaint in my stomach. Thinking I was troublod with worms. I consulted con-sulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Denborjn. Ho confirmed con-firmed my belief, and, strango to say, ho gave ma only tivoofnis Worm Powders and in live hours I was reliovod of over l.iwJ peculiar looking worms, and indeed I leel liko another woman onco moro- MATILDA M. RISBY. Salt Lake City, Sept. ad, 1674. "Wo, tho undorsigned, will testify that we were present during the timo the above wo run passed. MARY BOOTH. Mrs. R. L. BEARDMAN, 11. A. EERUUSON. Five Hundred Worms Expelled from a Child only two years old by Dr. J. p. P. Van Denbergn's Worm Syrup. I think it my duty to state tho following facts: My child, only twenty months old, hud boon sick lor some time and wasted away to a mero skoloton, trying many remedies without any relief. Thinking tiie child had worms lod mo to buy a boltio of Dr. J. P. P. Van Donbergh's Worm Syrup, and aftor giving tho Syrup, over 5(H) worms parsed away from the child. Since then the Chronic Diarrhiua and tho other complaints com-plaints are cured. Thank- Ilea von I my doar child is well onco more-Mrs. more-Mrs. M. A. O'FARRELL, Second South Street, half-a-block from Ithe Court House, Salt Lako City, U. T. Letter from W. E. Xlorner, lleber City, Waaalcli) Utali, September 9, 1 874. Da. J. P. P. Vau Dhsbcrgu: I think it to bo a publio benofit and grati-tudo grati-tudo towards you compels mo to make tile lol-lowing lol-lowing statement: 1 havo been suiloring for many years with a constant growing pain and a nuivering sensation in my chost and hoart; my food would not digost, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlogm in my mouth and throat, I was so nervous that with difficulty diffi-culty I could got around; in lact, trom the constant con-stant pain and miaory 1 bad wasted away to a more skeleton. 1 had been doctoring a groat deal without any bunolit. and bolioved that death only could release mo lrom all my sullor-ings. sullor-ings. Sooing some friends who had roceivod groat bonotit from Dr. J P. P. Van Donborgh'a medical treatmont, induced mo to conduit him. Ho stated that 1 was troubled with worms, and said I was curable. 1 took hia modicino for a month, and I must say all my pains and miseries have lolt mo. My bowels are regular, regu-lar, and 1 fool onco moro as if I could live twenty or thirty years longer in tho enjoyment of the greatest of tolcBinga. which ia good health. I would furtuor say miw is aixty-flvo aixty-flvo years. Yii. E- JXORNEIL Card from Judge Frier of Polk C unty. Dr. J. P. P. Vas DassBaGn; Dear Sir: I tako ploasuro in thanking you publicly lor tuo restoration ui. uiy ooaun allor ninuloon years ol groat sullen ng mentally men-tally and bodily. I douiorod a great deal; was alilictod with almost every imaginable pain, and despaired of seeing a well day again. Whun 1 came to see you at Salom, you said you would romovo the causo of nineteen years' sutlering in Qv hours. 1 could hardly bolloTO it, but after taking tho hvo tasteless powdore you gave mo, about UUU worms pussod trom mo, and now, fourtoon days afterwards, 1 leel liko another man, and am ablo to lollow my business without pain or inconvoniojico. lromain, Youra iespoccfully, A. if. FRIER. Bothol, Polk county. October lo, 1671. SEW MEDICAL WORK ! "The Philosophy of Marriage," for the Debilitated ServonsBystam. DR. JORDAN, of tlio Anatomical Mnseum, 818 Moiilgouiory street, (aor California,) BAN FRANOIOO, Califuruia, ha published four of lii most imporuut anil InstructiTo Lcturea, in a nwil Tolnnie. lor ItloM who cannot altud tho Lecture at the Museum. Ktery unmarried and married man ihoulu read and study llioao important Leo-lures Leo-lures for the good of uiraaf If and oflspnng. By addrnanini; Uie spcrotarj of the Anatom leal Muaoum, San Kraiiclaco, and enclosing Twenty-Kive Twenty-Kive Cents in posta stamps to pay postaga, the Book will bo forwarded to any part ol the states orTerritorlea. Dr. Jordan can be consul tod by letter. d7 YSTERS! M LTBY'S CELEBRATED BnRim'TO Oysters, at Wholesale or retail, at O. A. Ssttorleo's, a few doors we;t of Kimball A Lawronco's. dl5 X B. DUNFORD, Dentist, HAS OPENED AN OFFICE AT HIS residence. Third Smith itroot.nr.rth idc ecorid door oa-i of Stalo R"nd, and i pre pari-1 to MAKE, i ILL AND EXTRACT T E EI H . dts "q7a. IYIcCONNELLX CO. AGENTS FOR THE PURCLIAS1 i AND SALE OF MINES. MINES SURVEYED AND EX AMINEF Maps and Keren; prepared, and ceneri mtninc ln'ormatum furnwbed. 0ni -e J-i-t Doors Ea;t l Daieret Nations Bank". Salt Lako City. Box ii. dS COMMISSION HOUSE D, B. BEEMER & CO. Omalia, Neb. THE OY5TER TRADE ha. bfn revoln ihionned this -eaoa. Omaha ha? Sterne the d;Ttnb-j: ir.g pcint for itefirei West. timbre F.vfcrs shin airectl hare, irft.'id cf painE them thr iei "nd rf Chieaar arfc. in this way tha cc il j-a the Caicaro daaler is saved, ar.i a; Ciiicaro r:;r charr addjs, Ikc AViN7rjs to bavara are ie. ta can buy as chaar'.y a at Caicaffp hai tbai nyter5 reraited. so;d-y, and be sura '-(wi ii.vii ar.d : carr ard be naarr thnr bae ft" r.inU- .(' r,ar hr.ich y e-rrej.. ?n'r b-ars fr.-v. Dfta'ieri' auld be eare:ul lo cat tin" exrrc" thrvuch ;'r.-nC-i-'". hi.-h d-V ' a,-.-. :,r.i-n- Sa..--r fi: .-.v-;e'r. ar. I turr.. i'' iii'-r fr-m whita t ai-'a.V,Brh-'a:'h-!'"w a A" .- a.--.' V-U.v.ma V-U.v.ma l- '.r.":vn-orm-Vi f,.r all c 'r.:ry -' - 1 . ;.::-rc . r.i.-r- v - '' "';';.a V.fi'anrai-.V-V'Vr 'if'TK ' f'X Tt-- n. BilH f.;r-..5'i asdraer! ..e a; .-h-rt n.M:.-e, .. I, r.. N,:-;--:--s " ' --ft. J. C. La. oc:s. A -A W -'e-.-arFi'-;::-. -r- rr:- r-i.'aVri 'a.'.i'V'. l;.-t i'.iV'oM-VW r'... jhu T.t-" -' -i r w;ii &e n laiai.SllviOiLY. CasJl. A JOSEPH eOKI-XS-SKI, a CIVIL E N O I N E E R . V. S. MINT?. Ui AVT) P KITTY PVR-r PVR-r YtAi.-R i'uK UTAH, Of5-: FirM Sota Street, nearly o; r-.te St. .;rk- Chorea. d HENRY WACENERp (nit rk cun riab, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I.AF.R BF.F.R, ALE AND PORTBR, si SrV 'ND A1"TH STREET, lire doon ElataaaiStor GRAVES & CO., Wholesale and Re ail GROCERY And Provision Dealers, CROESBECK BLOCK, Second South Street, Salt Lake Citt. Notice cf Assessment. XUELIINUTOX Mining andBinelt- W lug Company Lt.cauun of Works, Little Cottonwood Canyon. Utah. Notice is hereby siven, that at a meet in c of tho board oi'Trunees of ?aid Company, held on tho 1-th day of November. IsTi. an aie;-mont aie;-mont No. 1. often cento per charo w.is lex-ied upon tho capital stock of aid company, payable paya-ble immediately in United States Kuld coin, to tho Secretary. K. Wegener. No. 4H California Street, San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid on the lTifa day of December, 1S72, shall bo deemed delinquent, and will bo duly advertised for sale, at public auction, and unless pavment shall bo made boforo will be sold on Tuesday, the 7th day of January. 1$. to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sals. By order of tho Board of Trances, tt. WEGENER, Secretary. Office lit California Street, San Francisco, California. . nib DES MOINES Scale Company ! F. 1L WEST, Tprosident-f Tprosident-f S. F. SrOEFORD, Vico-P't- GEO. A. JEWETT.Secr'y-W. JEWETT.Secr'y-W. KEDUEAD, Treasurer. S. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't. WM. DICKERSOX, General AgonL Wo aro manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notice, tho following: Say, Coal ani Stock Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales. WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOlia AND DUTCHEBV B8AMI Bnggnge and WareHouae Trucks. Every article warranted durablo'and accurate SCALES Ob" ALL KLN'DSIKEPAIRED. Address, for Circulars, DKS MOINKS SCALE CO., no2C Uos Moinos, lowa. 1 - Pxq ; ft ! P 2 i i M i 2 m s a cr oq Q HAIR DRESSING S el 1 o on. HAVLXii .IT'T KCl'ITRNED ehom j'l-ianH'ro, T would 'nf'.rm mv nu-murous nu-murous pntrnns that I inn better prepared than ever in HA I It JiKK&slMi a.D HAV1.). I hnvo on hand the h no t and be?t assortment assort-ment of K TT M A re n JV I n. f oror bronght to I'tab. and a competenl irrntle-Uiiin irrntle-Uiiin who tlioroiik'hly understand- the art of Hair Iro.iin. U u-s and all bind.-ol Jlair Work to order. Ilnir dreed for linlls and Parties. LndioJ will receive llif1 area let car" and a1 ion t inn. My shop in lurnishod in a t lo nn sur passed in any of tlio E:L-t rn i-iiiu5. M. H KIN A IT. Main itrocU ono door south of White House. d!2 IRON 8c STEEL. SCOTT, DU.wmi & CO., DEALERS IS WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PirE A AM. KIM1N OF FfTTIXt FOB Fl R.A fcJ A flILLfl. BURDEN'S HORSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTIIKR BLACKSMITH TOOLS BRASS GOODS, RUBBER TACKlMi. AQESI3 POR Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil AM, IX) W FOR CASH. Herald Bindery. R.I. r. in . wrt-M). tn.-.t.T. AII-dii.,, 1M Rn.k., tic. lc Atl i.al MAOAil.SEs, fERIOSlCALE.I MISCELLANEOUS. flr.T.REYNOLPSiCO., E. B- 2ABR1SSIE. San francisco. Salt Lhfce Oily. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HA VI TO SALI A FIXE USS OT'. WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of SEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AUENIS FORI "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB A IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THB HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doari aonih of Wells, Farffo Cn'm Bwnfc m ST. LOUIS TRADE. IMIOIRIE "mm" HAVE BEEN SOLD.i T1IEY1IAVE IS1VN GREATER SATISFACTION TIIKY HAVli DONE MORE Sl BETTER WORK ABE MORE EASILY SOLD, PAYIMG A BETTER PR1FIT TJ THE D' LER. AND CHEAPER TO USE THAN ANY COOKING BTOVK NUVY IN Int MArlKtl. Sold by mum immm n SAINT LOUIS, Wholesale Dealers in all kind-of TINNERS' STOCK, And by all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. novl $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. legalized by State Authority and Drawn In Public in St. Louis Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. OlanH, to b Drawn Utc. 31, 187a. 5,880 Vizrt, Amounting to f 300,000. Inrlr oltnO.ODOl BOOprlKMorC 1 0O f. uriM ot Bj.rtriof l.OOU 1 pnrfl of 10,111)0; .nn-of S'lO prlaa of 7.3tMl B prlr.-nr Od -14 pnaea of 5, OIK) 0 prir of 0 . ;;4 ptnof ,(joo' 3flpnwof ami llprlTot I.OMO ?npr:vn MO SO priioi 1 " pnw-ot 1 on 4up-i7of uao ft.tiou .r.7nr io Tickata, HO. Half I'lrkaia, 5. Uuartfn, t'4.bH. Onr lettriri ar rtiartf-r-1 Tit 't"1 "tt. arr klvays drao at lli lime uml. di1 all dntwirnpi W Tincl-r tli- iijwrTUrm ( -"nrri ry-m m'Mli.iiBr.. The "fflrlal nrawlns; will l pnl,hi.iwl id 1i 8 1, Lon l pap"", and a copy 1 diaaiog aaai lo pon-baars of tlr krta. &f w will dm a similar wl.ftin the laat ijny o(e"ry moo tli diirtna Uie year lf.T'1 t. R-anfl al oor ii-k I t POht OFFTfT! H'iNKT OROHa.", BKOIfTRKKD LKTTER, PRAtT, or K.XPRPtBfl frl l.-r rirrnUr. Ad-dr Ad-dr MI'RHAYi M1L.T.KR 'o., , Pnai ruTIc Boa a44fl. bT. LOU IS. M o. Fl7. Ifyoo want the hoU boy Burk's Brilliant rt ii the mt Perfarl Baker. It i th moat Darable. It burns tb lawt WooH- It aiay tiraa fratlffartina. Mira ef Boekr'1 fUrm hate ben sold and ij-c la Die tkaa any ttvrt war mae.' ' "Every Steve is warnM BUCK'S Guarantee, e-oT C.l and W'kvI baa dIt '"n in !' raara. It it l)-w tba leadir.t G.aJ 1.I , et,re. Wby. it i a Parf Bakarr. It i i i Pr 'aTwr; it is maa with oor PATKX1 i CHILLKD Fira LiLin wbieb il " la-t lr.nrT tban 7ie few wmaoii Li : inn. It will draw in any r"wl taa, arid ii t tba only Cr.al t.okln 6u-a tbat ir nure Hat if faction. 3 BUCK & WRIGHT, 790 anil 7a Jt. 8ll Hrrtt, Balttl ! Lnnli, Manofa'-t'jrrr- of all Tarirtiat 0 Ir-OnRIS'-Vand 1! RATI Vi fTOVi. Sana-pi. Sana-pi. G.rda and Prtca LlaU Ian.il Dad oi ajiplicMloA. MISCELLANEOUS. THE D ESEREP RESTAURANT IS PKC10KDLY THE place: TO CALL I'OR YOVU BREAKFAST, D1XNKH, SUl'l'KR, or IAN0U. Boolh's Fresh Oysters I(v the Can or any way you wish to havo them. EVERY DAINTY tuk MARKET AFFORD? Dished up.by (Idlfull Cooks, on Short Sotieo in the Basement- DANIEL GRENIG Proprietor. THH" HAND IX HAND" BAKERY AND Grocery Store Is also well filled with a full Lino of Goods usually kept od hand Everything Every-thing from a Loaf of Bread to a Cauary Bird. The Place as everybody koowa is on EAST SID B EAST TEMPLE STREET, Above Second South Street. Dam el G REN Hi. ..fin PITTSBURGH TRADE. IESTA1ILISUED IKOJ Win. McCully & Co., Manufacturer, of th. Standard Brand, of WINDOW CLASS AND DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Make a specialty of laro sites of Window Glasi, and all odd sues cut loordor. OfTlce 1 S anilliOWond ilrcil, lMtlaburgli, Fenn. P. S. Having the most extensiva fi.rlorie In this country, and making a laitter lino irooda, dealers will find it to tkeir interest not our Quotation boloro pun-baaitiR, i'2 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HKAVY HARDWARE. Iron mid NtccI, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLI, AKrlVMltmral Implmati Ad mialatf Tools, At liowul Ktaa, UPPORITK LAKE IIOt'HB BOOKBINDING. WJi arn prepared ( Hind, in n siuht anl inl .ud wiTkiimnliko iuannr. in the Hindery .connocted with our ustablishineul, HOOKS, PERIODICALS, IMACAIINES, tc-, Ac Ac. r-ali-fa'-ti'.n. h-th aa to I'ricw andHJualily of Work, Kuarauto.-d. UKRALD I'VHI.ISMIVU rn. More Light! 20,000 (; ALLOA'S Vi the ofl'-'braled IMPERIAL OIL, lit) Fire Tent.! c.:r owf, 10 BlaDdard Fire Tout, FnR fALE, T.Y 1 HE UAP.P.EL '.'H CAE. IN L'Jla Vi EL"JT. PETROLEUM Non-Esplo.lve Fluid, SIXTY CKNTS PER GAXLON. i LAMPS A.D Li.MP GOODS ! roil TBE MILLION I i Pioneer LamDStore i 1 1 Ncrly (jppo.itc the larkct. f i E. REESE & CO. BANKERS. ' WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRKSS yOR tt'A KPEKS, Bjuikfinud lfaltriu Kxchauae Draitf on Kiwas. I urv: e.r Co!le.i.otl j.r.'uij-:ly iiksim io. ICtat Tampla airt, Sftll U.fc..Ctty. ttli Ttto. V" r..-Y. Aa-eot. First National Bank of Uiah' SALT LaKK CITY. St Spvciot Jrlrfr-flfMMi-al OM Tfcirrf SALT LA lit CITY NATIONAL UASK tSalt LaLo C'itv. V'tab 'A"r ; Authorized Capilal - $500,000 j , I BanJ. SI. DuHll, Fraileut. j Huti WUIic. l a.klitr. BaxrBTiAD A Kiai.rATWUt, Attoraeya. CORRESPONDENTS I N K W Y 0 R F - j ' ; ''A ) . " i' 1 c o. SAN r.lANOlH'j'Ou-'-'r:.'. L'-uM U', LuXDO Jav ,.l.'.V.I...-a A t A. W. WHITE & CO cr ci- -L-. jlj ' KAM Tt.Hl'l.k MltkkT, Unit JL.k Lll ) . Doalen in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Exenattge on oil tin P.'mewal ittc of the United M,iia ami l.i;,n. Particular attention Riven t. IViloollona aud iruoee.t reiuiHe.i ul t urrent :ata of Exoaanuo on Jay of vajuicut. GKO. K. WULTNLY, AUomoy CU 1 til KSI'OAUES T .N t Bank ol 01 1 to rut a - Pan 1 1 lira Ltw A Mall.-r - !.ili C'lini) Nutit'iml iik - flm lift' Uiuikell Hank M ! Bll lUuk ul Xol.raska - - i'ii.nti AljM DSUT National Bank SALT UKE.CITY UTAH. Paid up Capital. - i:00,000. Authoriiud On; a, tl.uHi.iKfU. mm; 11 am vrsii. i'i -ij.ui , i 11, S. i-.I.I'M.t'Hl-., ioe l'li"l. I U M. II. liLKn i.K, i w. .1 1; M.m:.-. ! Diit-vtoi.; Juiin H. . i ti-.iiAMiNvy. i.i'i'i'i.t;, -. . I L. t. lULLs, ". uliivi, I UOl.U DIN I'. Ol, k l II AMiE, I.A I) A Kii a i Id, tf '.-m '.-m it 1 1', t ie. Oollootionn uiuilti uiii prouitMly rt- UllLtod, FOREIGN EXCHANGE F03 SALE. IMTiRE.-iT 1'AID UN Bnv lugM XJ ojjowitaj. LtuAL. r. L. WJI.MAWK, Lit UI1ANU IiiUNU WILLIAMS & YUUrvQ, ATT U B N K V S - AT - L A W , Office, ball a bl.ik s utb of llieaira. Mull 1-tiitr. t 'uy. JI3 C. . VVrtiTNaiY, A T l' O K N K - A r L A w , UUico v ur Ihiui.'id . f.iiii'Mui, tl Al. 1 l.ivl.j . is i. r i. a i i. i . THOMAa FITCH, A T T U K N i-; X - A T - L A W , 1)111 U SIlK l, UKlllllHlO.l, It. '. Eii'ocial atlotillon viM'ii to Ijr n u . nit l'httiiU IL .v BATES & ORM&t3E, AMOHNlYS ANJ CuuNuadii hi I AW, Aif.-iiW l-r I'ui i lin.i mill Null- ul H Itn X. l.nti.U, Kino.r. IUtik, L.h.Lii-L All-rnry, L Nnll I U. i II , Challu tt.UH....tJ I rVaroer liar 1 1. 1'. M.tiuiith. KAIU.L &. Mil HI, ATTOHM KV 8 A T LAW, iai.t li a rn i, Flrft Soiitb Hi..t t n- II and 12, IN o Jtu. luiut,.,. JAMK.S M. ( AlCJLii, ATT0H1N K Y - A T - LA W, urn. wr hi v 1,1 r,i,i,, ocW 1....-.1 IUI'I.l ItLLI. t. T1I,KMI. H. A- Mini, TILFORD &. MANNr; A T X II H K I, Y N - A I - I, A . , An, 311 l lrtl Soulll Kir. I. J. il. K'n-lHiti'iiuh, K. A. Mi-iiltl Rosbjfouyh & Morritt, ATTORN K V H A T L A V , Knit Ukr 1 l( y, I ftTi", 11 S'-nIIi HtH, firl bind i.f Ueauiat linjik uuriii-i. i".t HAV.MJN i'v UlLljHUl.r, A T T U K N K Y A J - L A W A i- r iiAHK t'l i y . '("-c ;xtJ la ; . h r . ' r ' ' '.ii '.I l.tii. ul.' C. H Menivrtead. M . It i r k i-ui ni a. HEMPSTEAD L KIRKPATRICK, A(lnrnry-all,s v, HaioHirw.1. un-oni VS.ll., Unt k (J-.. L-KSKUI.T bTLAM LHACKLK ; a r."i o f . '.'.'iJ..-,l;l.' i;-D LUj v.. yyj ara .LartMnM-iriMt a irral th,,! CRAOIv i: Ii s 8UPERIOR QUALITY, U b.rl, t ..n-r lit B aann a file prl' . . M )lri m, rl K- tall. M'TcbaiiU a;?- re i ." " r md eiamina Kirtley &. Pitt. p. o. t;.. o fcaJlLaaaCil '-v. lb. ' "i. |