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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. A foot of snow in the north of Enc-land. Enc-land. Jesse 1. Kccd, of the Baltimore Suq" dead. Aged 61, I'lauing mill burned at EurlingtOD. V ormonL Loss $3-1,000. G.A. Keynoids, editor "Home Journal," Jour-nal," Lexington, Ky., dead. Geo. Ii. Bliss appointed district attorney at-torney for southern New York. j John W. Kulon of Philadelphia, dead. An old East India trader. Judge Boardtuan, of Ithaca, New York, presides" at the Stokes trial. .Nicholas Eischcr fatally shot by burglars in his own houso at Chicago. Fourteen rineleaders of the Stockton, Stock-ton, England, Fenian riot imprisoned. Harvey & Co., wool broker?, burned rtn at Hamilton. Canada. Los Sl-'O -000. Gale on the 14th instant did great dumago along tLc New Brunswick coast. General Hancock assumes command , of tho depirtmcnt of the cast in a few days. Claude Mcrt.ir.ccfi, a San Francisco trcnehuian, suicided iu JN'ew York. Revolver. Terence Uo!an arrostcd in New Y'ork lor roasting his infant son to death on a red hot st.ive, William Henry Russcl, long time a merchant of New York, died at I'aria on Saturday, aged 73. Body of Kcnsctr, artist, laid in state in tho New York Academy of Design yesterday. Funeral to-day. Nicholas II. Duryoa'a jugular vein severed by John Simraona in New York. Both lottery dealers. Oakes Ames evamined by "Credit Mobilier" committee yesterday. John lialley to be examined to-day. Reported destruction of light house and loss of life at Anticosti, near Quebec, Que-bec, discredited at Gaspebay. General Dix declines military escort at his inauguration, preferring the ceremony cer-emony to be simple as possible. Thurlow Vecd writes a long letter to the New York "Herald" showing the impracticability of proposed civil service reform. Postmaster B trnes and deputy postmaster post-master Bracy, of Bolton, Mississippi, arrested for robbing tho mail. Imprisoned. Im-prisoned. General Dick Taylor called on the President to interview him as to Louisiana but failed to secure any information. in-formation. The Italian relief association of Now York are arranging to solicit contributions contribu-tions for the relief of their destitute countrymen. Jessie Uppcreue on trial for murder of her aunt at Baltimore, discharged. Jury out from Saturday until Monday but failed to agree. Committee announced to raise a fund for the erection of a bronze statue to Horace Greeley, also a monument monu-ment over his grave. West Virginia assembly vote by thirty three to thiny to remove the State capital from Charleston to Wheeling Not passed senate yet. The London "Post" denies that Eliza Conk, the well known writer, is dead. A person bearing the same name, and popularly supposed to be the authoress died at Deptford. Bertie Freer, ai route to join the British expedition for suppressing the Africrrri slave trade, arrived at Alexandria, Alexan-dria, Egypt, Monday. He was warmly received at Cairo where he is the guest of the khedive. Bills introduced in congress to repeal the la requiring double postace on matter not fully paid, to repeal the tobacco tax, to grant one million acre of land to the Brown Theological Institute, of Florida, and like grant to the Florida college. |