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Show RAILROADS. uthBI EAILROAD. Trains run between Jirichani Junction with CP. 'and TE R MIINUS, BIX MILES FROM LOGAN. LMTeBruhwn Ftntion. (on arrival of 0- K Train.) at - "h Arrire as Terminus, 1,1;.-? Ltavo Terminus at Arrive at Uribsin at ...................l---J 10 canned with trains for Otrdon ami ban Lake. , mr gtaacs connect with Trains to and from Wan dTii.t. and with Northern Settlements in Cache County tiu-weekly. Trains Run on Salt Laka Time. FARKS: Between nlt Lake and Torininus, S;i 00 ' Ogdoa " " Beduced Rates to Excursion Parties. PifseDsora will please purchase their Tiokots at the Offices. For all information concerning Freight or Fusage, apply to CHAS. NIB LEY, QeneraJ i'reisht and Ticket Agent. jxo. Y. Yorso, jji CJon'l Sup't. Ga P. R. R I OX AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 16th, 1S73. TRAINS WILL LEAVE OODEX DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS t Orertand Passenger Train for Toano, Ctrl id, Winneniueea, W ndsworth, BReno, Maryaville, Redding (for tOrocon), Sacramento, Stockton, , Lathrop, Merced tfor Yosomito), K Tipton (for Los Angeles), San Jose ; aad San Erancisco, - 5.30 r.M- Orerland Freight and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train for San Francisco, - - 5-25 r.ii. A.N. TOWNS, T. H- GOODMAN, .Gen'l Sup't ten. Pu-j. and Ticket Agent GEO. 11. RICE, Aawi, Salt Lake City, Office with Marshall & Carter, Orer W. F. k Co'a Bank. s3) UNION PACIFIC MILR01D ME TABLE. UNTIL further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows : LKtvs. I Attain. Daily Epra.S-30 a-m. Daily Ejp'i,S-10 p.m. Mixed, - 6-X p-m. Mixed. - 2 35 p.m. Freight. - 10-3 J e.m. I Freight, - 6-10 a.m. Daily connections made at Ogden with Utah Central Pacific Koad trom Salt Lake city and all points in iSouth-rn iSouth-rn Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific Railroad lor Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and Aew Mexico. At Omaha wiLh Chicago and North "Western, Chicago, Kock Island and Pacilic, Burlington and Missouri Kiver, Kansas city. 6L Joe and Council ii lulls Railroads and Missouri Kiver Line of Bteamera for all points East and South Tickets for sale to al points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co.t East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the otBce ot Utah Central Cen-tral Kail road, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements hayeboon made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denvei on their way East can avail themeelvei of an excursion rate from Cheyenne tc Denrer, and return at greatly reduced rates. For particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to Eecurt their passage tickets to all Etutero and Bouthsrn points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of t through sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Bicxbls, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY In the PIONEER ROUTE between OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed four years ago, since which time the Company have spared neither pains nor ti pense in perfecting its read bed and track, and equipping it with rolling tock.of the most modern improvements; tais, together with the fact of its being the Shortest Line, offers to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for spoed, comfort, safety and sure connections, PARTICULAR CAUTION should I be taken by passenger in selecting taeir rouU, and not be deceived by false advertisement and representations by interested parties of competing lines in i regard to time, distances, rates, etc Thu popular route requires no lse i statements, relying on its truo merits, it 1 needs only to be known by the travel- ng public to be appreciated. TLML: Ban Francisco to Omaha, four days 1 1 seven hours. Via Chicago and North "Western ail way, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-feree twenty-feree hears. Omaha tc New York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-four hours. Pullman" elace. Hotel, and Sleeping Sleep-ing Ctrl Are run on all throagh trainj from Omaha to Chicago. How to Secure Sleeping Berths Be-i Be-i fore Reaching Omaha: ! Pwsonera dueiroua of securing Sleep ing Bene?, Sections or State Rooms in the sleeping Car from Omaha East, can do so by telegraphing from any of trio stations on the Union Pacific ftnilroad, to W. A. Carpenter, General Agent, 0. A N. W. Railway, Omaha, slating what they want. This is all they neod to do until they reach the C. fc N. W. Railway Rail-way Depot on the east side of the Mis-; Mis-; louri River, town go to the Sleeping Car I Conductor, give him their names, as per telegram, and they will find that he aas their berths reserved for them. Passengers going East will consult their own interest by securing Through Tickets na CHI A GO fc NORTH "WESTERN RAILWAY, which can be precurod at all principal ticket 1 offices in California and tho West, and at railroad offices to San Franc'sco, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Omaha and Council BluiTs. i : JNO. C. GAULT, . 1 General cup't Chicago. H. P. BTAN WOOD, General Ticket Agent, Chicage, J 8 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Einstein Bro's &. Co., Manufacturers and Importer of i BOOTS & SHOES, ' 1 And dMil(jrj in LEATHER, FINDINGS, Kt-'.( , 30 nnil 31 BAT it: It V FtTfli::r. dlJ fc AN FKAN:iC'. Harness Saddlery, Leather. J. a johTTs'oiV co.t k 104 S' 100 Front Street, I . SAX FHAXVISCO, I MmfT h-v rrmlMkn In Nr. If. I t.tate- , fPrinttrvdvnl of Um M. C. M . i. ufr mm mm SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. E. A. FARCO&CO., Importera and Jobbers of Braniios. fines aii Lipors, 316 Front St., oor. Commercial, D-1, xti- iS5 SAN FRANCISCO BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR, WHOLESALE TRADJK, Weaver &. Taylor, 3H Markot Stroet, San Franc iico, Cal-1! a 12 J. BAUM & CO., Importers aud Manufactarera of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING J1S & ?J0 Snnsome Bt., Bun Franclico. No 18 Warren St.. New York. ft. HECEIT, BKO'S& Co. BOOTS. SI IOKS & LEATHER IQJJt 106 SansomeSt., San Franciaco, And (i Jt 12 Pearl St., Boston. BUCEIUQBAJf HECUT, MannTitctnrers of the "EITIA (UAlin" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AH0 SHOfi. oil A. J. GRIFFITH, la lSS l ' SALMON . AND HERRINGS, 1 Waalilnijton Street. All kindi of Dried, Bmoked and Plokled Data ooMtmtij on hand. J4 PAEKEH, WATTSON & CO (Snooessors to Weil Co.J Importer! and Manufkcturtri of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 321, 223 and 225 Front st, oor. Saoramento. a5 SAN FHANOISCO, CAL. a. OEtxLonoH. wutn bckji. b. b. bout. XI. CHIBIiOVIOH ift, CO., Importers uid vholosale deaJcn la FlHX WINKS A LUtlORS, SOLI AGISTS FOB 1ESSE, MOORE &, GO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES, oiaiot rsoM lopidtilii, ii. 601 Front 8l. BAN FRANCISCO. ap4 rSsUblishedin 1851. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Chartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spiees and CalifoTiiia Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jaokion and Pacific. SAN FRAA CISCO. a5 STABL1SHED"is.50. CtvsWe. "Syouy, Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 215 Front Street, San Francisco- o26 Git AND HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery and Ueoond Stroeu. AJf FHA.IVCI3CO, CJA r.. JOHNSON & Co., Propriktors. a E. rVIARTIfJ & CO. Wholesale lipr Healers, ' OS FroMt Straet, Se.s Vraaclico Proprietors of . UILLICU'S EXTRA OLD BO I'RBUM ' And sole axenU for 1 r, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES r ConsUntlj on hand, a fall assortment of ; ill the , ard Brindi of WhlikUi, Fine Brandt Foreign and DomtitU Wlnti, L m8 Blttera, Cnrdlalt, .e L. A. Sanderaoo, T. L. Horn. i SANDERSON & HORN 1 llmporten and Jobbers of CIGARS iD TOBACCO. (Proprietor! a Le Eapenola Cigar TactoryJ Sole manufacturers oj ihe celebrt le 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front (Street, Between Washington and Clar SAW FRANCISCO. rrt MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American and Eyropaan Staple nnd Fancy DRY GOODS, HA. IV JF'XlA.rVCIWOO, CALIFORNIA, " Call the attention of the Trade to their lar and oomplete tWok ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which the? are now recemns- direct from European Manufacturers, oompriaim ia part French Herlnoe Wool 8e.tlna, Wool Plalda, French and Oerman, Irlah avnd French Popllna, Kmpreae Cloths, Vamlee, blaokand colored. Velveteens, Alpaeaa, blark and colered, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Book. Berlin (Ladies', Mirflei', SenU') 6ent8' Underwear And all klnda of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Dnlrf,coni'l-t In til lU braocbre Whin Uoodi, ilnndkcrchltfi, Shlrtlne; Llntni, Uullli, wlill ami eolor-d, Uiraiiki, tirownlm and hlcbed, Vowel, Hnrk, Ii1-t, Tnrk'nh. Hawkins t'l Poyllea, Kke., aCte., Eta. SPRUANCE, STANLEY & Co. Importers and Dealers in Fine Old Bourbon AMI RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins, Wines, etc., Solo l'rrn"t"r! nf ho CVr(M KEN-IUKY KEN-IUKY t'A Vuiil'Iii OLD UulKUU.Vr 410 FRONT STREET, (110 SAN FRANCISCO. MACONDRAY & CO., Iini"rttra of CHINA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS 311 and JM SAN.SUMK STUKKT, rA.V hiam i-cj. Wn bio r.,!r,,n! ir, r-i,l ( frr-li in- v-i-- I III N A unl .1 WAS TKAS. hii.1 l-'-riptivtia 'A ;;i laui 1 mid 6lK m is J'r'i LILLU dl BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEWING MACHINES, II gR W- Calder & Careless, (LATE CALDER & SEAltS,) 3E X O S, Wor Ajrcntsfor the AR10N, STEINWAY & SONS, CIIICKEttINQ & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respectfully invito our Patrons and tho Publio to call and examine our stock of the above named instruments. Wo are also General Agents for tho MASON &, HAMLIN world-rcnowncd CABINET ORGANS, Which wo havo proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this olimate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have Uie Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs', Teaohora and Musicians. MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock cod sis ts in part of PIAXOS, ACORDEOKS, COXCFRTINAK, IOl'BI,E BASSES, OKWAJi.S, AIKI.OIUAAS, VIOLKM E1.I.ON, KM Alt K DltlMH, V lOl.I S, tJ I" IT A KS, FI.MJIJUXI'TS, BASS PRIMS, BA JOS, FLITIAS, I'K'OLOS, VIOLAS', Etc, KtO. MUSICAL MEBCHANDISE. rianoNtoola, TUlln Ntrlngi, Guitar Ktrlngs, Tlolln Furnishings, Gnltar FurKUhlntr, Acxonlton Fnrnlililnsi, Drum Furnlihlngi, Tuning Forks aud I'lpea, M utile Paper, Blank Mnalc Books and Curds, fthect uslc, Instruction Books for all Inatrumcnta, Etc., Etc., Kie. BOOK1S JSTID STATIONERY. Our Stock eoHiLtta In part of The Publlcnflont of the American Tract Society, Bflf rcllaneous and Subscription Sub-scription Books, Blank Hooks of all dcacrlpilona, Inkstands, Writing Inks, Ktcrl Pens, In arrat variety, Prn Holders, Pencils, F.ngllsu Poekct Knives and Scissor, Mann's Patent Parchment Copying Books) all dualities and weigh Li of Sole, Letter, Cap, BUI, Legal, Flat Cap, Folio Post, French Note, Initial Sole, Knvelopes, all sizes and qualities, Card Board, all colors, Foreign Tissue Paper, all colors, Drawing Paper, Drawing Books. SCHOOL FDBSIIHIKOS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo haT a lante and splendid assorted stoek of Cards and Books from th lar PuMisaior House of X. NeLjun & Sons, which wo otTsr at their regular Wholesale and Retail prices. L. PRANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. Having been appointed Sole Ajionta for Utah, for the sale of their tnamifieont Carda and Books for Schools and fortho ParlT. we are prapared to furni.'h the Trado and School Com mittoea from our stock of choice selections at the I'uDUfhers Wholesale and Ketail prices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectfully invite tho Public to call and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which we olaim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market We guarantee every Machine we Bell to give entire satisfaction. All arc warranted to sew, with perfect case, Beaver, Ducking, Ticking, Denims, Domestic, Cambrio, Linen, Muslin, Laoe, Ac, and will Tuck, Hem, Fell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gathor, in fact will do all kinds of work. A Five Years guarantee given with each machine. Instructions froo by an expert on the premises. s3 Pall and Winter Notice! Jk. 1FL 3FL I "7" .V. Ii !PaU&" Winter Goods. C TVS.. S. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE AND WELL SELECTET STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FLUttimh-- IKUGOODN, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. French, English nnd American NuKings, Conling.o Hiirl Cassinieres in great variety ami latest kIj Iiih. .Men's and Boys suits of the latest Cushions, from 'he first Houses in New York, Boston, Chicago and fan Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, Is WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S. UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING- GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SUOEk, EASTERN AND HOME. MADE. GRANT, GREELEY, AND ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. Tlio front buooobs whith has Bttondcd Our Merchant Tailoring Department lias induced us to inako Large Purchases for our Fall and "Winter Trade, No tltt tllemeii mny rhnnir from Hie mont Varied nnd Kkteiialva Murk m Iirt ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. n H. B. CLAWSON, Snperiutciident. GILMER I SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TI1BOUGH Utah, South - east iVcvada & Montana, Mon-tana, LaavlBg Malt Uki City Dillr , xlng bo a tli to Tintio, American Fork, Mount NobOi Sevier, St. Gcorpo, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; Paaalng through Provo, Springvillo, Spanish Fork, Pay Bon, Salt Creek, Cliickcn Ore ok, Ilound Valley, Fillmoro.Corn Crock, Beaver, Minero-villo, Minero-villo, and jlUthr principal tmons and mining enmps intonlhtm Utah and south-east Nevada, Alao ! CnHnni, Utah, dally, rnnnlng Msrlh to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Door Lodge, Cedar Crock mines, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Mod-tana, Mod-tana, phincifal. offjck, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building' lnn ' 6.1t Ijk. CUr L.nWInm. B. P. Klmh.lli SAlT lake, And Tintic Stage and Express ni'NNlAO DA1L r PILUn BALI LaKB CITY, Tla LAHK TOWN, TUOKLK CITY, BTOCKTOIt AMD OrillU TO TINTIC. The route hu been re-stocked wltti filn-dld filn-dld Concord Coaobon. fine Stock, cueful nd ittontlve Driver, mil oTerr at lorn ion la ikld to tht oomlort art i OoaTecioiiao of (iaefn-ttri. (iaefn-ttri. Good accommodation on the road. TUKOIjGU BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. 0(Ba t W1U, Farfto . Co.'i, Salt L,k City, WINKS & KIMBALL, froprlaton. DUWFORDESONS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. Largo Assortment. Now is your time! Ell GROCERY DEP'1, z. a. im:. x. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not 'throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS -A-RE OMEAP DEALERd UN THIS SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL KND ENQUIRE FRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. C M. I. Salt Lalie Oity, GENERAL MACHINERY WAGON DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK, Pitt's nnd other Thrashing Machines, Mood's Mower aud Combined Machine, Excelsior Mower and Reaper, World Mower and Keaper, Champion Mower and Keaper, Sulky Kakes, "Welcome" aud "Superior." Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" Smutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras ! ! ! " ij:.Mark the Place COUNCIL HOUSE YARD j SALT LAKE CITY. Wo are expecting an immediate shipment of the well-known and justly-oclcbratcd "SGHUTTLER WAGON," Tho factory having jugt got frirly running since the GREAT CHICAGO FIRE I H . B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. SUIILIA SIMILIBUS (XRANTTR. HUMPHREY'S IIOMEOl'ATOIC SI'ECiriCS. HAVE PHOVFD. FROM THE MOST ample oxj'oricnc, n sntiro sucrrftw: .im-rlo .im-rlo Prompt tilicicni and Heliablo. Thej are tho only uicdicinoa porfoctlj adopted to puimlar ujo-ao gimi-lo that mistakes can not be made in u.-ing them; so harmless u to bo froo froin damjer, and so eflicionl as to be always reliable. 'I hoy hara raised the hish-e;t hish-e;t conmiondntion from all, and wiil alwayi rondor satisfaction. Nos. Cents. Curos 1, " rrvera, ConROftion, In(!araraatinn8-.'25 2, " Wormi, Wurru i eror. Worm Col 10.- a, " 4'ryliiR-Cclioor tecLhmc of Infnti.-.i1! -I, " IXnrrlioca.of ChildroD or Adults J& 5, ' liyacntfsry, Oni'ins. Bilioai Colic '2 t), 'lklrrn-Morbu, Vomiting'. 2J 7, " "ulm. Colds. Bronchius J 8, " ruralijl, i'oothac ho, Faceahe... 9, " JHoaiiicHc, ajok ileadaoho. VerliKO 3& 10, " Iyppsia, Billiou Stomach '.S 11, " Nui'prcaacd, or Painful Periods 3j V2, " W "lira, too Profujo Periods IH, " Croup. Couith, UiUicult BroathinR....J II, " Knit Itliexnu, Krysipolas,EruptionaJii , 15, " KUeniuatiiim, Kheuiuatio Pains. , Hi, " l ever aud Ague, Chill 'otoj, Aruos 50 17, " Pllrt blind or bleodins 60 18, " Ojilvtlilamy, andsore or woak Kyos 50 !, "a(rrli, aetitoor chronic influent.. jU ai, " WhooptHg-tougli, Tioloot oouxbs 50 31. " An tit ma, o'irosod breathing o0 a, " -r Ilcliargca, imiiairod hoiuing 60 X), " Scrofula, on tared glands, Snoll- intts 0 t 11 Oononvl Debility, physioal woak noss ....50 " rroiy and scanty Secretions SO jl, " ,Si-n-.stckiim,sickno3sfrom riding..60 J7, " KHluey-Ili.uaf , Uruvol AO &. f,,ervoim UcbtlUy, Neiulnal Km m ) I oim, involuntary Dipcharvos ..IU0 1-ivc H .S.C., with one S-' vial of powdor, vorv nooossary in sor- luus onses 00 i, " Nnre .Houtli, Canker M :W, " I rlunry H rnkiteaa, wottinc bod....' Jl, " I'nlulul ru toiU, Wlth j.osuis ;fl', " NullerluR" ul chaiiKo of lilo ..100 3J, " tillciy, iipasms, at- Vitus' Pit two 100 31, " Illpilicrlo, ulcerated soro throat -A) FAMILY CAStS Or 33 to OO l.nrgA vlnlx, mnrot'i'ii or roar wood cnr, coiilnlitliif; a Bicvl(lc for vry oidimtry tcne a . fnnilly la .tlij'ct 1 o. mid look of ilii otttoim,,.,fruai $10 to 9J3 Buiallor Family Hnd Traveling Travel-ing casus, mth:A) tu is vtuls. fro in 3 to $8 Srecilio fur nil Private IU-enxra, IU-enxra, both foM'urlim and for I'roveui 1 v uoalinent, in viuis and i'ockot cases 94 to 95 Pond's Extract, Cur pi Bur mi, llrulsea, Lamrurii, Nfirriieas, dure Throat, hprnltt, Tout It a c lit, Knrnche, S'onra I K In, lluctiiuntlRiu, LumbiiKo, 11 lr, Itol I , Milium, Nnre ;-, lliecd lit ft of lie I.uiiki, ,u(if, h(ommU, or ot l'llei lor mi, Llcci;,01u sulci. I'rltr, O or.. aO veitlat IMuta. tl.00 otrjl'huo remedies, expert POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, by the c.130 or sin a la box, are sent to any part 0 the country, by mail or express. Croc uf charno, unroceiptof the price Ad-dross, Ad-dross, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Modiclne Co. nflii-OBjid Doput, No. DiioAi.w-iT, Nkw FDIiyAl.KllV A ti L !KU(HHSTS, And at .. C. M. I- and (iudbo's Uru 6tore. W11V IS '1 'III-: M AN W Hi) uni;s A llni'N I) IM'NT-J. IM'NT-J. in; barunins P'liiid uut j wlordny that i.i;vi oa itiiirr r, Al1ii- xhind. City Mwl Mrkit. e1t Moat clH'1'i'r than UiuCl.ili (.aula AauciaUon. W Ity la It I doJ7 AHEAD Iff m MADE! HOLIDAY NOTICE. II. WALLACE, First Sontli Street, lias tho best land most complete stock of TOY CANDIES. -ILSO, I' lain and Fancy Candle, Corn Balls, lrlie Cnnily and Chewing Gum, ever offfrod tc tho people of this city. 11. WALLACE, CO.N'FKCTIONER, Salt Luke Cltf, Mince Pies Fresh every Day. 023 FAR WEST FREIGHT CO- Ilaad Quarter, Bt. Lou la, Ho, DUKANT&CUTTLNG, t'ORWARDIMi AND COMMISSION HERCnjm AGKNT8 SALT LAKK C1TV, I'TAtl. XirS are prepared to eon tract for shlp- M meats Irom all parts of the Kast. our Liineharinii mndevpecial arrunKouiontB for the Bute and speedy transportation of all freight from New York. Uostoo, Haltiuioro, ChtcaKo. bt. Louis and all Kalorn Cities, to Salt Lake City. We are offering extra Inducements for the snlrraent ol Ore and Bullion to all Kastaro points. OrriCl AFft Wahihudbk; Klrat block outh of Depot, Sail Lake City. IH'RAST CUTTING- frWElRY Cracker 'Mannraclory, lior hflow Wn I ker I In Mar, M a I n Mlri'd Snlt l.nkg tlly." Wo have now re.-ei imr CRACKER MACHINE Willi nil Hie tntp-l Improvement nn.l nre GALLAGHER & SONS. ar fjond for Prlco Llit. AddrossP, 0. DoxUli. 1 MISCELLANEOUS, BOILER MAKING T'HE UNDKBSK'.NED U rrerii to Jo any kind uf Holler or Tank Making ;OU KEPAIBINQ ; And BUY OLD B0ILKR5 OR IhVZS. or Uko thorn ill par for work. Ho will also do any kind of MILLWRIGHT WORK On short notice. Orders lo(t at tho liuuLD OBio. will recoir. JonNSLOAK. . TUIS WELL KNOWN BRAND OF JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT i.. MZZ JVMm H Grocery Department. .H H. B. CLAWSON. gn.t. To whom it may concern. WE, tho nnderslrned. olalm and own twelve hundred U20n) feet, inolading Nos. two (2) and three (3), in the Titos lode, in Little Cottonwood canyon, and hold the same by deeds from the oriiinal loeatart; and have complied with the laws of tae district dis-trict in every repeot- And we hereby caution all persons notto trade, bny or barter for said claims, without oor oonsont- C.H. BA5SETT.1 nlnistratort Ol tn I.IVIS. f tu of Anthony Irim deceased. I I8RABL IVINB. Salt La laulKa t. HENDRIE BRO'S 33 BAIN ITBKKT) SALT LAKE C1TT, ManufaotnT. California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND 8MKLT-LNQ 8MKLT-LNQ FURNACES COM PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. we manufacture lha Varntyt WbcL Fan a. Patent Prcsaed Shoes and Dlea, Patent Stem Guide, and in a Macblntry uotplta for MILLS ' AS D- REDUCTION WORKS. of wtioh we make a specialty and raarantee latiBfacuen in aUc&eee. Hanofaetsre Boltlioff's Ball Pulverizer, FOR DRY CBCSaiSO, Will do the work of 15 StampB, Prioe. $15C0 Manafactarerfl' Axenta for the Sale r Stnrtewant Root Blowers, Eule . Cameron lean Puoapa, Hoisting Portable and Statianstrv ICncrlnea, Wire Holatlng Rope, (Flat and Round.) Tunnel Hall Iron, iO, 12 and la iba. M tie yard. Iron Ptpa for Ou and Water, Dndse A. BlaJt Ore Crninen, Blnlng Car and Iron Baoktti, Argltla Fire Brick, and, Mining- applies SSTI MATES and DRAWINGS farishe4 FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO INSURANCE. AMZON LSSURANCE CO, J. B. BEWETT - - PrealdeMt. B. 1. VT - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSITTS, Jl'SK 30, 187. Cosh on fcand. in bank, and in l - course of transmission- United States .bonds, market value 1,1S) 09 Alorwea... - i CoUateral Loans , l-- Accrued Interest. BilLsKootWable IS Sute Bonds and Miscellaneous. 58,617 ft" Due from Asenta - SS-7 $NAi06 70 UABIUTU5, OnL'tanding Losses mod other Lia , bihuea. $77,711 W H. R. MANN: Agent, Onicci Banking Hon.e of A. W. TFhtttdCo. F.O.Sox, 054. l?g AQEITCV OF TOE Home Mutual IM'RIME COMPANY, or CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL --- - $650,000. JOHN II. BEDIXUTOJi, Pr. Id.nl., CUAHLLs K. KTORT, S.cr.larr. lyina'pal Office, 433 California Si., SAiV FRAXCISC0. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Bankinjt Ilouse, A. W. White Co. a2 TRIUMPH FIRE INSURIME CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable t'nderwrltlnsr, Ferfeet Indemnity. V Ak Fair Hatoa nd Proniiee to Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. K. MAIMV, Apent, SALT LAKK CITYt nitli ei Baiiklnar Ilonae of A. W. . V hit A t o. P. O. Mot tNM. Fire Brick. TltUmioar loud. Kfthecelehrnted ArKlll,, Work. - IlltnoU nnUnrNf. tiiir.nl tVfiUi- antl Nijttare Nli a pe, llm i.i.t l.,.rn rivni.rd n.l h oflretl to Sm..t.-.s.l-.,u.a.-r. Itoild,.,-. ,V.-. .enK V-rior t. iinv ..'l.-r.vl in thii inarht nnd l l.oi rnloK. l orMtloin lots to suit, l.y 4jOltIton A Jl V It H A V, .'lo AsonlN llulf liln.'K "initli r It. H. lorot,Salt l.aVe (.ily, and tandy Station. t,(Ci JOB PlTi, The varied wants ol the MINER, ARTIZAN nnd TRAVELER FOR JOB PRINTING CAN B El FILLED AT THB HERALD JOB OFFICE. i The unanimous satisfaction given by the work done at oar ofhoe in the past has justified us in continually importing im-porting all the . Newest Attractions with which to please ou patroni in Elegance and perform Job Printing to oompure favorably with any importation importa-tion in this line from the Kast or West. Anything in the nature oi PAMPHLETS, POSTKRF.'i SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANK?, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBUiS, business cards, visiting carts, bank;gkecks, count1ngh0use work receipts, ball tickets, circulars, b1llheaps, CARPS, ETC., ETC., dorio to order in Black, colors or oW Wo do not profrra to work Mow wt, nor work for tho sko of workioj, nor (rivo hailJ of any nature, but by Rj-stom of calculating pricoa, make a .uie to compete with outside Quality & Figures 1 |