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Show ikli:c;s. I The KemucLy legislature lias pa.-eJ a bill to extend the corporate limiis o Paradise. An indignant New York woman called her husband an old ca-iom- house fraud. Zion's I Is raid affirm3 tliat it is more agreeable to receive an obituary than a 1 letter sayiDg "fc? top my paper. J The intelligent compositor pleasantly alludes to "Alt-xU, the noble Kuss," i as "Alexis, the noble Kum. " j The advisers of the V ope are urging ; His Holiness to quit Home and c.-tnb-1 li.-h his See in some other locality. j To mothers You shouldn't let the children read Watt's poems; they con-taip con-taip much hymn-morality. Judy. E. K. Ilale thinks the daily paper isi destined to leave the monthly magazine in the background, and iLs turn will be 1 superseded by hourly papers. (icorgc McDonald's latest, and one of his most remarkable novels, has1 reached a fourth edition bclore a single ; copy has left tho publishers' shelves. Instructor: "(.leullenien, you have no idea how completely a man may he absorbed in a tudy like entomology. 1 ; can remember going 'round with uiy i head lull of bugs and" l-'proar. j A young lady in Kluiyra, Ohio, who 1 has received the attentions of a young : man fur somo timo, on being asked what his business was, replied naively: "Oh, he is a bummer for a dry good.-Griu good.-Griu iu Cleveland. Mary had a little lamb, with hair as white as fiiik; The longer Mary lived, tho more sho found that lamb a bilk. For all the hair was only flux, on that deceitful brute; Hut Alary hand't much to say, for her's was only iute. Somebody says "devil" is a mean! word any way it may be written, lie-move lie-move the d and it is "evil;" transpose the eanditis "vile;" remove tho o and it is "ill;" remove the i and 1 remains, re-mains, which has the aspirate sound of "hell." "It has been found by experiment that the best cure for rheumatism is to bathe with spirits the parts affected and set them on fire. The skin will come off, but the rheumatism will go off." The remedy seems to be worse than the disease. A millionaire who lives on Fifth avenue gave a testimonial to achiropod-ist achiropod-ist which testifies that "several years ago ho successfully extracted several corns from my feet without pain, as also members of my family, and they have not returned since that time." A lady who had been exceedingly annoyed by boys who rang her door-bell and then ran away, finally set .a trap for them by which a pail of water was to be spilled upon the next person that rang the boll. In a few minutes her pastor called and was baptized, but retired re-tired without making a visit. A Boston minister says he once preached on"The Recognition of Friends in the Future," and was told after service by a hearer that it would be more to the point to preach about the recognition of friends hero, as he had been in the church twenty years and didn't know any of its members. They tell of a man in Deborah, Ills., who is so penurious that when shelling com, and a kernel flew into the woodpile, wood-pile, he removed seven cords of wood to find it. A neighbor standing by dropped a kernel whore the searcher was looking, but when he found it, he said: "You can't fool me with that small kernel; the one lost was a larger one. ' 1 |