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Show The Tracts. The following telegram tele-gram was handed us last night by General Gen-eral Superintendent John Sharp, of the U. C. B. B., received from the agent of the company at Ogden : Six sections of the U. P. trains will arrive here at half hour intervals, the first abeut twelve o'clock, midnight. Our special at Ogden forwarded us the following last night: Ogden, 21. The trains which according ac-cording to my despatch of last night should have arrived here at nine this morning, were detained at Bitter creek until this forenoon, owing to a part of the track being washed away at Hall-ville. Hall-ville. There will be six trains hero between be-tween the hours of twelve and six a.m. D. V., and the train due to-morrow is expected on time. So mote it be. All trains eastward bound aro on time. |