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Show The Sultana S. & M. Company". Major Wilkes, the superintendent of the Sultana mina and reduction works, furnishes in with the following particulars particu-lars as to the present condition of the mine, tho amount of ore recently reduced, re-duced, and contemplated future operations opera-tions : The lower tunnel has developed develop-ed an immenso lodo of oro far bolow the original working, and only speculatively specula-tively supposed to exist at the time the mino was purchased by its present owners. This 'main tiinnsl, with its connecting levels shafts, and inclines', has placed "in sight" about 12,000 tons of ore without discovering any limit, except on the "side at which the tunnel strikes the lode. In one of ihe lower levels upon this lino of works, an. extensive lodo of crumbly oxide ore has been discovered which, in addition to a fair yield of silver and lead, carries an average per ton of nearly $16 in gold. In the month of January 230 tons of mixed bullion was produced by a single furnace from about double that number of tons of ore, the oro averaging averag-ing fully lifty per cent, in lead. There are thrco furnaces completed at the smelting works, and after tho first of April it is expected to run two of them continuously, producing a daily yield of from tea to fifteen tons of base bullion. bul-lion. The lire-e'.ay for lining the furnaces fur-naces is taken from tho tniuo and is said to be of a very superior character both in respect to slauding tire and in freedom from shelling. Tho furuaces wore stopped about a week ago, and will not be again fired up until preparations prepa-rations are made for continuous opera-lions. opera-lions. Work on the mino, however, will be sieaJ:!y continued despite the advcive condition of ihe weather. |