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Show SENATE. The senate resumed consideration of the resolution of inquiry into the alleged sales of arms to the' French government; govern-ment; and Morton, having the lloor, continued his speech commenced yesterday. yes-terday. He repeated the assertion that Schurz remained in the Kepubliean party for the purpose of defeating defeat-ing it, and . was in affiliation with the Missouri liberals who wero making war upon the Republican Repub-lican party itself, lie read from tho platform of the .Missouri liberal convention, conven-tion, and said it was a Democratic document. doc-ument. Ho asked tichurz whether since the commencement of this congress he (Schurz.) had voted with the Republican Republi-can party in the senate on anj political question ? Schurz said he bad voted for the amnesty. Morton showed ho did! not voto on the bill at all, nfter it was. amended, and said fcrchurz stood with tho Democrats in favor of universal j amnesty, which was not a Ke-1 publican measure. Morton continued con-tinued at length to criticize Schurz' political course, insisting that for a lone time ho had boon iu opposition to tho Republican party. Morton discussed the question of tho sale of arms, and said the resolution now lay exposed to public gaze, exhaling most unwholesome unwhole-some orders from tho untruthful character char-acter of tho preamble and its hostile purpose. A running debato between Conldiu and Schurz ensued, of a personal character, char-acter, after which the senate went into executive session and soon adjourned till Friday. |