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Show Sargent's Enauunu Bit.i, was declared by a resolution adopted at the nice ling of the nationals, liberals, apostates, apos-tates, tH'irituali.-tf', habeas cor him us, carpet -bag cers, or whatever tlu'y may call themselves, at tho Liberal Institute on Monday night, an insult to every citizen of Utah. Tho insult consists in the simple laet that Mr. Sargent's bill w,is introduced in eongrcNi without previously having been approved by the otlieors of tho liberal institute club, and the provisions of the bill run counter coun-ter to their dicta. There is no bigotry in this treat meut of .Mr. Sargent by the so-called nationals of Utah, oh no! tor do uot the.) geiulemeu make lib-oi lib-oi .liiiu their shibboleth. Somebody di-lines the puritanical idea of religious ficodom to be the right to worship God according to the dictates of your own conscience, coupled with the right to com pel dissenters to conform their o;.iuious to your idea, and such is the liberalism of tho nationals. Mr. Sargent Sar-gent may next expect to bo anetbe-unitized anetbe-unitized from the institute tribune as a bribed emissary ofBrihaia Young, |