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Show MEDICAL. W.F. ANDERSON, M. D. H J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons aud Physicians, OSVes for the preient, at their resrectiTe residence in ibe LUh and 17th Wards. nS fgggi DR. GROVES, Office and South St., Sail Lake City. Throe doors Wwt of Kovere Hoase, half block EMt of tbo Elephant Store, ornci Houaa raon a a., to 5?.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON,' Ofrcri his professional services to the people of Salt Lake City, itcsidence at Bolivar Roberta' brick house, opposite St. Murk a Church. JV 0, C. OR MS BY, M.D. PHYSICIAN. SUiUiSON AND DKUGtiiST, BillGHAM CITY, UTAH. J. I. 4i F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over Calder Bro's Mnsio Emporium. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House is oentrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, wol! furnished, an i has accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 guest. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing: to build largo additions to his Uotol, which whoa finished, wlUron'or It the Moat Complete Establishment in the KOCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ON K BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terine93-00 pcrdny. Board with, ont roomm tia.00 per week. Uatlie free to guttti. J.C.LITTLK, junZ4 Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, (Formerly Hold's,) TVI J. I INT T 111 23 T, Two doors south of Wells, Fargo fc co's. Our liar Is furnished with all Hint cau be found lu niiy nmt-clesa inloon. Altonlivo and poll to bar-koepers lo atlond upon all who may fairor us with a call. ZABRISKIE & CO. f u , TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Bide EAST TEMPLE STREET, ROOMS 1IY TUB 8IN0LB NIOIIT, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY, TAYLOR & CUTLEll, Proprietors. Wo havo rented our RESTAURANT to Mcssra. UL.ADE GOOUMAfi. nZl Washington House '-i-'lilrd Nouth Wtreot, SALT JL. jS. lH CITY llonrd and Lodging, per Week 90 50 Day Uoird " 0 00 French Spring Dedi " 2 00 ncds, jir Might - 5tJ FASHION CHOP HOUSE, (Next door to White House), Main Street, Salt Lnko City. Conducted In first-class French style, a moderate prices. NICHOLAS BERNARDIS. fll Proprietor Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the European 1'lnn. is now oron an issui'ilitM with every dolicacy of tb icon. Meal at all hours, OjMcrs ii ocry ,-tyle. Supper 1'arlied eupplied 01 burl notice. Terms toautt the times. ULAUK Jfc tlUODM AN, Jl Proprietors. Sierra Hotel and Restaurant Kt itilo Commcvclnl street, Jlealu served in the ben stylo. Rooms fur niched and unfurnirlicd. ( Wm. OKKH, Proprietor. Hew Commercial Lott Booi Commcrclnl Street, Opposite German liiikery, lL Lnko fit C. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. O 1 K N A Ii I- N I U II T !iiliiK llnls .".H ct.. prr Mr1i(,iU I.1U In JjJ.OO per erk. Mimic Hnoiiii, 75c. per MglU, an. lu SI. 30 per Week. e!5 UTVII llOTKL Main Street, OtilHCX. The only f-rit-clas Home in the Cirj Omnibus lo and from alt trains. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, jlT l'wiawtora, CENTRAL HOUSE LITTLE COTTON WOOD, T. P. Fuller, Proprietor. To the Public This houso i? nowrcfiltc an i iipon for traveler! at reduced rate. J- Board and LodKinc by wock, 813.(0. Meals, iOo. Uod.Toc. Aloals at ail tour &30 LEGAL. TIIC3, FITCH. CKO. 1. WE IT NET. FITCH & WHITNEY, AITOKX EYS-AT-I.AW, X Fir-tSoath Street. fJO 6ALI LAKE CITY. II. JI. 31M1GA., Commissioner for Utah Territory. M CALIFORNIA STREET, sax fhascisco. fe3 hi . A. 5IAXX, ATTOR X EI-AT-LA W, ,'o. ;W First South Street, fj Salt Lnko City. Utah: L). C O O P K R; ATTOKKEV AND COUNSELLOR, OlBct-Eirhanpe ami Reading Kuoui., iii-.talr. iu23 BALT LA KB CITT. CASH FOR MINES! Enquire of SKTU 1. JJLVlli., Attomey-at-Laio and Milling Agent, ofkick : Over 07 Iiimlall'a lilik, with C. M. Ilawley. P. 0. Box isj. tilo Wit. Y. LOVEL!.; n. A. HEED. LOVKLL Ai REED, AT10RNE YS-AT- LA W, Salt Lnko City, Utah, Will practico in all tho courts in tho Ter- riOuico, front room, Taylor's hotel. J17 P. L. WILt-IAJJS. LEORASD Y05SO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTOItNEYB-AT-LAW, OGicb, balf-a-block south of Thcutre, Salt Ltvlie Jity- j 12 GEORGE C. BATES, ATTQRNEY-AT-LA W. O. 91 Y RON HAW LEY, Attorney -a t-Law. Clerk of tho Supremo Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. IIASK.INS. Oflico in "Kiuiball's bluet, near U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU " ebal's ollico. WM. P. APPLEBY, Attorney-at-Law. nAVTSO provided himself with suitablo Blanki, is proparcd to draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicants Appli-cants lor Deed to City LiOta. Office East Temple Street, first door north of Oouimcrco building. Qla JOHN B. MILNER, ATTORNEY -A T-LAW, Prove City, Utah. Collections niado in tho 1st and 2ud Judicial Judi-cial District. ,,. . Especial attention Riven to Mininn case?. Udico at reiiJeuco. Coalro til. Provo City, ja Wtrner Karll, F. M. Smith. EAttLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BALT LAKE CI TV, East Tcmplo Street, ono door aooth of au Godbo'fl Storo DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T - L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office-vest side of East Temple Street. . Kipecial attention sivca lo Jlinlns litt- Ration- i Win. HAVUON, (l,ato JuJjjo of Atb District Court, Noviula,! A T T O R N E Y - A T- LAW, Room No. 9. East Temple Street, over First National b.ilili. nl JU. m. 11AKNUM, AT TO It NE Y - A T - L A W , Office, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Special attention nivon to Titles, CK0tla-tions, CK0tla-tions, Sales or Litigations in Mining Wanna and Hoal Estate. . Collections made or business dono in any part ol tbo United Slates by Association of reliabl o Atto r a cys . a!7 3. ii. ilompsload, M. ii, irk Patrick HEMPSTEAD & KiRKPATRICK, Attorueys-at-Law, Main Stroot, oppoBito Wells, Furco A Co., BLT Li K K 01 TV, z. snow. s- D- noa sm).v & uog;, &.ttornoys and Counaoiori at Law Ealt LiJtoCity, Utub. Ofllceat Snow's coruor, 1st Kaal Streot, Ju6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOUNJfiY-AT-LAW, Salt Lk City, Utah. Office-Over First National Bank. Rosi-donco Rosi-donco on id East stroot, buiwcon aouth and . 1st South slroota. eM j NOTICE. rpUE law partnership bercto'oro existinK 1 between 'I'h'imas J; itch aud ti. A. Maun ie this day dissolved. irrcii & MANN. , SaltLako City, Eobruary Z1. 1S7J. l3 ! NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. SHOULD & SOS, CONVEYANCERS, BT Minims lcci, Aproemcnts and Bondi for Deeds. MortKaxLS. Powers of Attorney. Leases. Coiitr.ici and other instruments ol t writing dravfn with accuracy and dispatch. Jl-Mlnti.ff Coiiiiiails Incorporated Incorpora-ted uiiiler the L i of Utn. A. S. GOULD, 0 asd 1 COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for Now York, 3Iaf.-aohuscl.ts, routisylva-nia.OUio, routisylva-nia.OUio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Ncvaia, Oaliibruia, ar.d other ' States aud Ter- ritoris. East Temrk Rear Write, Fargo L- r7o.t < Lkc (it.'- - mil i IVm. Ci.atton. S. J. J.is.issoif, Jj Sutary i'ublio. Conveyancer. s CLAYTON "TjONASSON 11 AY sir at :":)' 1-n to the cnPeclion oi money in ull purls of tlio wtuid. They ftljn Jnw or .iknowleJi.0 all kind; . of m.-truiui'LHs iu wriutiit. Sl"rln' ntn nlltm civpn in Ibe dfiwinp 0f Vvill and l'.umcio.y nitnti. ,l Loaiis ti"7i.i'"'l. Minf. I1..us.m and R.mI EsUio ot -II l.i-T'.i bou.;hl. told or leiCi. nr orpoint ton nixl 1'or I iter alii p Pnpei-s of ov.'it Jf-n U ticn dr.nwi in strict act uritn uce i.ie laws of L't ah- ' OKFlC K Fmiri ll floor south of G(lbc'M Corner. nli? XllOi. DAV1KS?, United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, OSi-s No. IS Tavl.n's Hotel. Salt Lake City - t-h , IIOKAC'K POTTKH. REAL ESTATE AGENT. ;d Conrpvi!;r rnfully draffn r:p for tl.f "Ie til L..;ns of llon nn I UV, St..ro, Office aUill.A1.ii-'. I -JH H.-kMlilUvl. , 1, OflflCB-No. iT Tlfr'i Ilr.Idlag, opppoite Salt Lake Uonx, Salt Uko Ciif, ii BANKERS. Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Temple and Firat South Elrecta, SAXT LAKE CITY. UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 100,000. rtRIGFIAM YOUKO. President,"! H. 3. ELDKEDGE. Vice Pres. WM. H. HOCJPKit, WM. JENNINGS. Directors. JOHN SHAliP, FEHAMOUZ LITTLE, L. 3. H1LL3, Cashier, J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, Ac. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FARGO & GO., Esjiress Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. DraJU on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the united States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. E&st Temple St., Salt Lake City. THEO. F. TRACY, Agent. mil 1 Thos. R. Jones. A. V. TThite BANKING HOUSE OP A. W. WHITE . CO., EAST TEMPLE ST11EET, aoO Salt Lake City. Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akers ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., 53. EAST TEMPLE STI1EET, Salt Lake City. i 13 $25 B,EWAED J70R tho detection of tho person or persons who Defaced Pnrdy,Scott Fostellc's 01 instrels' Bills in tho Market place. Tho above reward will also bo Eivert for the detection of persons k nown hereafter to tear down or deface ths Salt Lako Theatre Bills. PURDY, SCOTT FOSTELLE. 115 H. B. CLiVWSON. SEVING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that ts now and novel in Sewing Machines. They aro tho latest improved ani lightest running shuttlo machines in the world. Beautiful ana compact in model and unexcelled m material and linish. 'Ihoy fiow overythinK from laco 10 boavor ololh in tho most porfoot manner. Kviry variety orilemmlnp:, FelHnfiT, Q,ttlltlng, Cording, Rnllllng, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, He in Stitching etc., easily pei formed. Straight Acedk. Ko Cog-wheels. NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Roprosontod. Salesroom on First South Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New Meat market. IRA PFOUTZ, Juyl8 Agent. 0. 3F. HFL. JEL. February Sth, ISTA, SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. T."ivp pihiK Kill. ; Arrive fnini liiv-t 4 mji at 7 Mn ..8n Fran., i H.''J'l"a t- -11 I'm 4 :ii " "35" .Oat lan J.. " 1 jJ " 1 W " 7 60 " j .Ban Jom.. g..k) " i 2 10 " 5":lS" 8.15 C;Ki!eil 7. (15 " U lj " "S-J8 " 11 50 1 ..Stockton. .1 4.0 " ' 9 1'7 " H4a " ; 1 15 jun Jiacramcuto. , 2 JJ pm 7 1 Mm Arrive from Wosi Leave Ki'inp West SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND 01 DEN. 1. rava t"ciaK Sast 1 Arrive TrOLii E-iH li iM pm i.Pni-rantPnto.' '.'nipai 5 IS " L..t?oltx.10 in 13 45 smj.. .Rmio '1 ID 9 to " Winnpmnceal 4 16 pm 12 M m Battle Moo nil 1 34 " . 4 40 pm .) Iko. ... 8 46am 8 '.o am .OpIon.. 5 '2''pir . Arrivi frvni Vr.-t j Leave c-i'ns M"c-t Explanation. Vor train" runninc "from" San Fr.ini':??o. take tho 1ft: hand columns and read dosvu-ward?. dosvu-ward?. or "ii.i.-tw.mi." Fur train runtime "'towards San Frn rN'-i. take tbf richt hand column and read upward or "Ve.-twrd." "Sunday? excepted. tSundays only. A. . TOW Mu, r. B iVVrMA)I. Gen. Snot .ta. r ii kn4 Tl-k't Act XEV.' 3IEDICAL WORK ! "iHt PHILOSOPHY OF M4RSIAGE," Forthr Debilitated Nervous System. DR. JOFPAN.if the Anatfmi'il Mii enm. 31s ImLsmery trect (Bi Cii.lijr- hVhc i"1oiir oi"L'hi3' mo.'t imi- n-ot an 1 ia- f tmctire Lecture- in a neat volume lor th-e hn cannot attend the Lecture1 it the M.i-iifum. M.i-iifum. Ercry 1'nmaiTi'sl ar.d Married man ' (ihnQld rend and itudy Ihvn irui"-ria:it 1 I.e.-tures for the good of himelf and o5- j llVyBaJdre.nmit the Srctary of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, ran Fnicci?,'o, and enclos-, enclos-, ' int Twonty-Fivo Cents in lo.-;.tio Mslj;'." j to pay po'.ao. the B ok will l o frrwardca lo any part oi lao StatM or rrr;t or;ei. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by leiicr. 1 49 SALT LAKE CITY STATXOITAL BANK OF UTAH, SulL Lake Citj-, TJlnli Tlt. Successor to A. W. White k Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Besj. -M DdHell, ProsL Late Treat. First National Bauk of Idafco. Aijbi, W. White, Cashier, Lato of A. W. While A Co., Ilankors, S. L. City Hejipstiad t Kibki'atkick, Attorney?. MltXCTOltS: T. 11. Jones, C- II. Hemusleml, -M. B. Callahan, B. M. Dulil-ll, A. W. AYhito, J. M. Allen, li. "W. Donnell, Of Donnell, Luwjju A Co., Now York. This Bank -trill transact all kinds of Icg'.li-mate Icg'.li-mate Banking business, and DEALS IX GOI. AM) SII.VKIt 111'LLIOX AM) OK:S. Gold and Currency Eschaniro drawn and Tolcprnph Trunsfcrs muo on Nnv York. San Francisco aid principal Atlautio -.ml Pacific: ei ues, avkilnblc iu any jiarl of the United Maton and Canada. Deposit, and fro i oral business solicited from Kasiern and Foreign j.mk and Bankers, Bank-ers, Firms mid individuals ; Cheok Aceuutus kojit in Uold or Currency. Exchange on principal ;itics of Europe and the (Jan ndas turn iincd in su:us tosuii, at tho louii rates, and Telegraph Tra asters on London. Loam made on Bullion, Public Securitie", Bonds, Lo;al sJtoek, Merchandise, or other good Collaterals. Approved business pajH-r discounted lor deimsitora. Certili'-atcs of D:'ivit iftuod, payablo in Hold or Currency o i call, or at any s; ccificd time, available in any part ot tho United SJtalo' and Territories. Advances made on thii ments of Bullion or Ures to New York, 6au i'ranoisoo aad blurupc. CORRESPONDENTS : K 'i'if Vi IKK1 National Park Bank, V 1 hK I Donnell, Liiwaon i Co. cJA.V FRANCISCO California Trust Co. LOiSL'jJi Juy Cooko, AleCullocb. A Co. Treasui'y Department, Office or Coiii'troller of tuk Ccrkkxcy. W ASIilNUTUN. JANUAKY 12, lS7i V" HERE AS, by satisfactory evidence pro-t pro-t V scaled to ttie undersigned, it bu9 been made to appear thai "IliE SALT LAKE CllY ISAl'lOKAL BANK UE U1AU." in tho CITY OF SALT LAKE, in tho County of SALC LAKE, TEK1UTU-KY TEK1UTU-KY UF Ul'All, has been duly organized under and uncording to tho requirements of tho Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Curroncy, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide pro-vide fur tho .circulation and redemption thereof," approved Juno 3rd, 18(5 i, and has complied with all tho provisions 01 said Act required to bo complied with before coa.-incncmg coa.-incncmg tho busings of Banking uudor said Act. Now, therefore, I, 1IILAND R. JHUL-BUKD, JHUL-BUKD, Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby certify that "TliE SALT LAKB ai'Y NATIONAL BAN K OF UTAH." in the CllY OF SALT LAKE, in tho county of SALT LAKE. TEKrll'lURY OF UTAH, is authorized to commence tho butineus oi' Banking under tho Aot aforesaid. Curroncy Bureau.' In testimony whereof tral of tliu witness my hand mid CuuiiitroLler I soul of oflico this ll!th 1 oi iho r JJAY OF JANUABY, Curroacy, I TroiMiry Do(iin-l. J .,. i , (Signed) lilLAM K. lffl-BCRD, No, 1921. Comptridior of Currcnoj. foH ANNUAL BALL OF TIIH Mm Benevolent Society Will bo givon at Ilia LIUliltjVL, 1XST1TUTK, SALT LAKE CITY, Thursday Ev'g, Feb. 22, 72. Cinitiitiftcc (f A , riinifcincitd S.Kahn, -T. Drnstein, L. Arnstoin, Chas. Adlcr, J. TVatcrs, 1 nrilnlion Committee Sol. Levy, Sam. Auerbach, Louis Cohen. Reception Committee J. Bohrman, Th. Hollander, M. Anucr. Hour Managers J. Sultan. 11. Arn.or. Sol. Sciftol. Tt't'ht's, including Carriages, - &"). ft Li Aflministrator's Sotice. HA VINO bf-n appointed by the rrobato Court ol. -alt L-.ke -unir. Adi.iiini-tra;.)r Adi.iiini-tra;.)r of the csiatc of Uradfurd Li'miard, dt I'spod, nutiee if- hereby given tu all ptr-I ptr-I fv.' ind' btid to fT.d o'tate to C'.uC f--r .. .rcl ai'.d .-ciilc i.jmcdi liciy. and lh"c hiivine o I t in ac.'Misi ihc same to pre.-cnt them fur adjuitnivLt h ithout delay. R. J.GOLMXd. Anmini;tr?i'r, Office, Roum -o.l Court House. i S-i!t Lake City. Feb. ly, l-7i 1 ! D1F.SOLUTIOPJ I OF C Ol'ATiTNEKSl $ ('PUE Cu PARTNERSHIP heretofore ti-i ti-i i. litinc lic;-.vecn Levi Garrett and Vim. V. "".!, tir.dfr tho arm name ol 'iarrett i Wed. Ejtcher;, in the City ilarkot. ia thb I day difi-jlvi'd by autuil constat. A'.l per : j ton? kiowiaj; thc-jiielvca to be indebted to ;r.e ;';rm arc re .uested to immcii-itciy com ; forward and settle tue nmo, and tho'o hav-' hav-' i ins cljirr.s :ho-j i .rcicat them lor liyuida-, liyuida-, 1 tKr. at the old itar.d. T'.c i,;;--.r,c.-3 wiii bo contir.ned by LEVI GAKKE1T. at Stall Nai.n.rr unr. i Li, VI (iARRETT. ! Salt Lata City. Feb, 11, HTi I Ili KAR3WAP.E. II H. BASSETT Ait kinda of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron mid K'ceJ, Stoves :ind Tin Vare BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Affrlcullurni lmilera-nta Aud aituing Tooli, At Lovrst ItKtcc. OPPOSITK SALT LAKE UOl'SK Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUfirlANU CO. ARE jLGKXTS FOR THI GULDEN CITY KIR.E BRICK, Which are equal if not superior to the best English. Special rates given by the car load. oot!2 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WtlKRKAS-VTe WtlKRKAS-VTe arc to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therc-foref therc-foref EIiSOWrED-THat EIiSOWrED-THat Senency & Co. are Eeliing Stoves Cheaper than auy other House in tho city, for tho reason they arc Closing Out. Xo. 8 Crescent toal Stove, 832 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 Slates do. 12 50 " 9 "Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Slove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. 8EBET&G0 Ojiposite If. F. cb Co' i OSke, SALT LAKE CITY ll. A. KEY KM, Agent SCOTT, DILMI.IM k CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IK IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, WON BAKKOWS AND ALL KINDS OK .MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, 1'ipc and all kmh of Kiltinps iot Furnac-js ami Miila. II A 111) WARE, i i:i:llows, anvils, AND OTI1KK l'.LACKSMlTII TOOLS, WON" PIPK, 1'IPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKINO. age:;to for Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, :! Fireproof Safes, ; G. S. Lubricating Oil, I Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. I 3 WINES AND LIQUORS. B.W. Allex & Co., -17 Hrondwriy. Jsiow "Vorli. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. Cily. Agcntt for IHe CelrlirMctt COLD SEAL WHiSKYI S. FOSTER, Aseul. j N.&E. BOUKOFSKY, VVliolesnle Denlers WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS !AXD T 0 Ii A C C O , Second South Street, SALT LjVICE CITY, Throo doors west of Wulkor Ero's. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale ami iUlnil, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ratoi. OROK SBKCK'S BUILDINGS, nlT hlaal Tatni.l Rlrttt. WATCHMAKERS, (- CAUL C. ASMUSSEX, IMPORTER AND DEALKR IK Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Jtut rocoivod a largo, additional stock of NEW GOODS In grout variety and stylo. Tho imblic fire resiioctfully invited to call and iiit)ocl tiioiu at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Ilnlf a block north of Die Kngle emporium. J.jij WITCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. EL! ASON, 1 ) K(!S to Id form tho rceident of Salt Lake City and vicinity, tbat he not only (ttJarnnteoR to properly Hiilr,Clenn nd Adjust Watclie find ChronomeUrl, but ha will make them or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work, A nkw pupplt of ELGIN and SWltsti WATCH Jui-t roccivM, which he will mmnl'Mi an r"liiiMe tim-koprs. PnuoB to defy cmujioUliun Rr-membfr thn nHdrr... Two.li.on Of tli Uc.crct Uonk. crJ . is , es e 7- E - i I - n &H i o, a 5 s ?, " u-i c, ; J' . - ' - u CS Si 1 .S' 5 T'. CD t -J i ) l: - Z E. ! i ' a 1 "' o ! s . p i lis 4 hi 6 ' CO H I COLLEGE 5CRfP! pKKEMPTOKS will save $16 od t each charter section by buyirig Apricukuraf Collogo fccrip. AmIj to THE BANK UF UKSKIt tiY, 15 Buooouor te Uoorsr, Eidredeo A Co ! CHICAGO TRADE. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED! YA2T SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WIIOLKS.VLK DRUGGISTS (Late of 90. C and ;1 Like fireel. Cur. iJcarborn etrcct,) HAVE REMOVED Oi account of the intense hent, To the Baptist Church Building 817, KI9JL83I WnbuhAv., Whore wo hnvo rt 1ari?i ste-ek of Drugs, C'hemiaU, I'rtii;:, Oils, Glass and Gl:iw:ir. l)riiir;i?ts' fciuti-driva, fciuti-driva, l'n'.oiil Ihuubugs, Etc., Etc CALL AND C11KKR !'S. (Weonly pay 100 cents on the Dollar.) CHASE, HANFORD & CO., . 479 Bonth Canal St.) CI11CAOO, B eadq uartert for Oils, Paints, Class, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated WILSON Oil, TA N K L. M. BATES & CO., 451 A 453 Broadway, NKW YORK, INrO&TKRS ASD JODUKU la Fancy Dry Goods, HOSlKliY, WimK GOODS, WOOI.KXS, .SHAWLS, rAXXEt: Aorjoxs, f-c. J. II. Bl'LUKH. Jol M. D. WELLS &, CO., MunufnoturerH of and Wholceulo Uealere in Boots and Shoes, 018 VVabadi Ate, Clilcafro. M. L. AVclla. H. J. Mtarlaad. K. Uonediet. mM s. I'. Meliuyre. NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ &o7' Manufaotnrora and Jobbers oC 871 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John t. New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer In Wrought, Can ami Uxlvaiilxcil Aud tvery variety of fittiuja fvr the. same. jn17 C. A. LonghtreeL Jihn -h. LUK33TREET & SCDU',C Manufacture- ni dt.J Wholw-ale Dealers in HEN'S Si BOYS' CLOTHING. 400 . IflB Droxlwny, Nw York. HESDERSOH.JUSTiCTiCo SuccesBOM to Qriffon, Hondorson 4 Oo., IMI-OHTIIIB AKD JOBUKK8 OT nm coods, kotioas, FURNISHING GOODS, KIO.. 40tl OU ItKOADWAV, Oi'l'oeltc St. N'icholu Uotol. Now Yorfc. BENEDICT, HALL & Co7" Manufncturers and Wholcaalo Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, and 130 Grand St., New York, Ciirnur Cropliy, one block ctift uf Jiroiidwuy Ayer's Sarsaparilla Jl ft widely known M Sss rs ono of timmiBt fy ' j l ' J. cli'i'.'tunl ri'incflii's k h o"vnr.lis,.vor,,l ' J J ' for cli'iineiiiK tho '-' ' v '.vstcm mid jiuri- V-v ';,;' "r!s",K lh,! ,,'"'"L Vi'-'y H Im-i ilOud llio c:. ut "'' with acn-tHHlly Kruw iny rcj-utalion, Imped on iU inLrinsic virtues, nnd Fii'-liiiiied hy it rcinnrkahlo our'-. ro mild to 'i fh( nnd hene-lifinl hene-lifinl to t'liildron. nnd yl to Fcrt'hinjr , u lo i'il'-ct'i!ly j'Hrg'i "t tlif r"iil r;i.r-I r;i.r-I millions of lliu hlood, uueli ns llio htu-fulouB htu-fulouB ii i, J syr)jiliic t'onliitniiiHtiori. Iiii.urili'-, or ili'ii"- llml huve Imli-d in tho y-'-m f..r v-irK, h-,, yi...j lo ll.i ...wiTful iuili()o:() hiid d i-hj ciir. J I "!,) it woi,.!-rJul run-, mimv of hi.-h nn- j.uhli-iv known, of ,e, .(,,! t i.r.d hl KTol.jlom di-.-,,s 67 r, Er, .j,t, .n, nnd rro.!ive ih-Td.-r ol lh kl.ll,. ThhkTS, Jllxfrhr, !'', J-OW''A, lftul,- S,,,,:, SI. Anl.-n httrtji-.n r Er.r ), 'trtf'r.S.rt kh'um, Srnhl lh,.i; ,...; o.i-t Internal l-Urrn. 1 1 "tu of tU, a,rvsSt-,mieh awlLirrr. It iiU., ( up'-, oili'-r roi,i.lHinlr, u wiii' h it woul'l not ri cm (."!'' laily ndiiil' (rjch ii y;-",.'v, Jiv' 'J"-'"- '''-, jV' urai-p'i, il.nrt Ji-u,r frmnU WruUts, ''-O.htij ''-O.htij ni'-l J,rurrrhi"i, v,inn lh-y aro uiiirnfi'-iHtioiih- of Lli'i M. POulous jiM.uoji(,. Jt is mi ::. !''!it r'.'-torer of li-alll. mii'J Ftr-iiL'lli in tin- S r i r j r'TM;w-iiiif r'TM;w-iiiif th'.- uj.jteliio nnd vii;or of Um d iiri-s-tif or;oiri., it di.--ip!il'-i tho d.-pr"-Joii htj'1 li.-J:r ItuiL'uor of tii tt'ii-on. Ev-n wii'-ro no di-ord'-r upjit-iirf, peooie J'-ci bKlT umI live oi,('r lor el' nn.- mjf He bi-K... The rv-l-ni imov, oi, with rurjfcwud vigor and a new Jeat-o of life. VHl.l'AKLIt Ul Dr. J. . AYER & Co, Lowell.Mass., Practical and Analytical Cbcmistc. Bold by all Xrna;lta everywhere. For Sal" at Z. C. M. I. JjI.U'j STOIiK, |