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Show TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN, IIAILHOAI). ! sfVJ. V -fi' -M- ' " Uu nml after January Hl.t, 17 MIXED TRAINS WILL !Tt TJ 3ST D AIL IaviriL'tlic Utah Central K.R. Uc-pot, S;ilt Uiku City, at 7. lu a.m.; Draper p. iii., iirni Sao'iy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at I1.2U p. iii. Ad extra train will Kim on Sundays Leaving Orapcr at S.-10 a.m., Sandy at 'J. Id a.m., Walt Luko City at 4. 1U p.m. FAUKH : Halt Like to Bin Cottonw ooil Station, " Littla " " 50ou S.in.l " II.") " " DiAor " 1.25 Twnntf -fl vci cents ft.lililion.il will be obanied wbon the Into is oo Hoc tod on the train. U. U. CALUKK, Uien. Freight acd Tioset A Kent. FUUAXOllZ LITTLtt 8UPKRINTKNDKNT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES Tiiuouaii Utah, South -cast IVcvntla & Mon-lana, Mon-lana, Leaving Suit Luke City Dally, run uliig Sou lU to T'mtio, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sevier, St. Georito, Utah ; and Piocho, Nevada ; X'asslug through l'rovo, Sprinsville, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Com Creek, Heaver, Minera-villo, Minera-villo, and Ail the principal towns and mininc camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Alio leave Corlnne, 17 tali dally rmiuluK uurth to Vireinia City, Helena, Fort Benton Deer Lod.o, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and laming lam-ing campa in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OKKfCK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building jun4 Salt Lake City UTAH CENTRAI IIAILHOAI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH On and after Monday, July IT, 187 Daily Traiiis Leave Salt Luke City at 5 a-n, and 45 PJI Arrive at OuJon 7 a. m. ami 4;15 p. m. Leave Ok Jsn l S a. ni. and 5; 30 p. m. AinTO at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p,a In addition to the abo e TvrTTrinn THA.IJNJS Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCKPTEI Leaving Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m., an Ogdon at 5 a.m. Passengers will please Pare to oj thslr Tickets at the Ofncss. i'ifty Cents additional will be charged win the fore is collected on the train. for all information conoerninc freieht lsae, apply to D. O. CALDKIt, Genera Freight and Ticket Ag't JOEH SHARP, SUPKRINTKNDKN' Lea Wised. B. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE opiim And Tintii Stage and Expres 11 tSM.HO PAIL V KKOa SAL LA1CK CITY, ! LAKH TOWS TOOKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND OPIILB. TO T1STIC. Th route bv been re-s'. vke-l with irle di i CcntrJ Coaches, fine Stock. CAietal ' Mfntive Drivers, and every attention is rs to tae ctaiXort sol coaveaience of paj ten. Good accommodations cn the roa THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Timi Ome at Wells, Fargo Co.'s, Sait Lake Clt 4 KIMBALL, oprietoit SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. JXO. ii. HODGE & CO., IMl'OItXKUS Wholesale Stationers, Keep tka large I nock of Htallonrrv, Blank Books, School Uuuki, flujli. k Card. Wrapping Wrap-ping Paper, Twin?, Pocket Cutlery, dec, d'C, On the Purine CVrnt, which thuyaro proparH tonell ollUr fiU.JJ .ir Currency at .nr..- il,t unHr lblureiiii)t fur Lujen uiwUcin west f Iht Ou.k; Uuiiulalu. 327, 329 & 331 SANSOMK STRKLT, roll Fruiclaeo: lit OS ASU STKKh WinUJ t'LAT ASU HOL.VU, ?or lioiittinic frtn niiniQK shaftn nnl inclines, Forry rJiw, Uuy ruio, i'.jr iranswittiUB power, etc Manufactured oj any Length or Size. Wire Ilojie In miirh chrnper, lighter mill uiiiie durable tlia.ii uuy other kind of ilopc. Hallitlie'sKuiHcss Wire Rope H ay, (Wire Tramway). Fir the raiiid and economical transportation of Ores ami oilior uiiiierili over uiountiiin-ous uiountiiin-ous arul dulicult roudd. (Sccurud by U. 6-I'aleotJ. 6-I'aleotJ. aido. I'll to ut (ii-ip Pulley, For transmit tlnir power and by which the ropo is uninjured and oanoot dlip. SKNU FOll CIUCL'LARS, Aitency of the PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OF CALIFORNIA,) All kind!) and fixes of Wire, constantly en hand and uiauul'aoturod to order. A. S. HALLIDIE. 5111 Front St., San Franci?co, nl'J California. MlOHi.IL Ki.Hl. T. N. WiXD, WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, W and Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS. Proprietors oflluntor's California "Wlioat "W iaJ.ssls.oy. ' Also A ecu t s for Josoph S. Finoh's coiobralod Ponnaylvania RYE WHISKEY OOT and OUO FroutSt., near Jackson, SAN FllANCISCO. my31 J.EVEStDOU & CO., . COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4H Clay St., San Francisco, , DUAL UUS IN OllSCGON PR.ODUC1C, Are constantly Id receipt of Oregon Hams, Bacon LarJ, &Umon, Ac. Starch, of onr own sua Ejutorn manafactan tlways on baud. ' CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importers and Jobbors of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC I BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco. lyta WiLMERDi?t9 & KEU0G3, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 21G FHONT STKUKT, SAM FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Do-J Do-J mostio Fanov and SUplo DRY GOODS. Depot of Ooods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. S9 537 Market St., San Fra njlS Paris : 28 Rue Do VEohiqu . J. BAUM & CO., t Importers and Manofaotorers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING 9133 San some St., San Francisco -15 Murray bt., New York. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, SJVIN FKANCISCO, li CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trade to thoir large and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, comprising in part-French part-French Merinos. Wool Salines, Wool Plaids, Frtnch and German, Irish and French Poplins, Empress Cloths, Taralse, black and colored. Velveteens, I Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck. Berlin (Ladies'. Misses', Genu') J Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. 3 UoMery.ci'n.rMe in all iu tranches A White Goodt, ' llaiidkerchlrrs. ! Slilrting Linens, UHt, white J colcrcJ,' ParnmUt, twnl.vniiE.I blmched S Towel-. UujX P.; or, Turkish. Napkins and Doylies, kite, Ktc, Ktc. . MARTIFi&CO. ;T Wsale Lipr Scalers, 1U' Front Street, San Francisco Prcrrietors of fllLLKK'S EXTRA OLD BOl'RBOS ' And fole agents for n- J. F.C'J TTtfi'S EXTRA OLD SZUtzZH WHISKIES '' Con-tiEtLj on harni, a full assortment of all the Standard Brands of Whiskies, Fine Brandies Foreign and Domestic Wines, m5 Bitters. Cordials. Jtc. e GRASD HOTEL On Market, Sew McBcoaetT ui Second Street, ' 9AJff ITtaJTCTSCO, CAI JOHNSON & Co., PaopaiKToas. ft MISCELLANEOUS, ! CALMER m. Are in receipt of the now eJitions ! oi thu Standard Authors Enoh cnmplfte in one royal octavo vol.. bound in tli3 most appruved style, and at tho Uopreceieitci Low Price or Clotli extra - i.0() Library Sheep - -2.7o Wo have, to select from, tho finest and largeat stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, oin-bracincj oin-bracincj tho publications of L. l'rancj & Co., T. kelson & Suns, American Tract Society, tie. Our Stock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in part, of PIAlVOSj Of the latest improved stylos : ORGANS Of tho best makers : h ms m sm mm From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Hannonicans, Received land expected dnily, a large and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which toe offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. IF1 O IRi $125. Fito Octave, Doublo Heed, Five Stop?, (Viola, Dmpason, Aleloda, Fluto, Tremulant,) with -two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono oi" eight foot ; from propared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Kneo Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut caso throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornament, orna-ment, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. ' HaT Wo rospectMly solicit the public pub-lic to coll and examine our goods For the Holidays. The Place to Buy YOUB GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, ASDi PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Trice, Imported or llomc-uiade, IS AT LATIMER. TAYLOR &, CO'S rLASlXG MILL, Sash and Door Factory, One bicck wc;t of Tabernacle. on nnn ZU.UUUlROH AND STEEL At C. II. Bassett's. Opposite Salt Lslt Hosjs. MUSEUM AMD MENAGERIE. lOpposite the entranoa to the Tabernaole. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 ctB. ChildreH, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Minerals, Petrifactions, Concretions Con-cretions and Cry stalliat Ions. Home Products, A'nfiM and Foreign Cu rxotiiies, dtc. Compound Electro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, && Prof. J.L. BAR-FOOT, JKonagsr. W Schools and Families by privato ar-ransomenu ar-ransomenu admitted at roducod rates. c-i - , 1 -a g -g S CD CD CJ3 C3 cc a I LU 2 1 ca .5 bJO 1 M 3 c "3 i z pq s cc 5 1 j O J LUMBERYARD, All Kintls of Luiuber DOORS, WINDOWS BLLS'DS, MOULD LGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, A.VD CRAIN AT WHOLESALE, ,T. R. JONES, I j7 Half-block lonth oTJ. C. Dewit. MISCELLANEOUS. tCt-BRATED ?tomachBittR- tAre indorsed .ind iTcseribcd by moro lending lend-ing l'hj-Mfiaus than :my otbor toniL- or siiiu-uliiiii siiiu-uliiiii now in mo. Thoy are a SUltE PKh-V PKh-V 10TIVE for r'evtr and Ague. Intonuit-tciil.-. liiliouiiiois und all di-urders arising from miiiMiiatic cansea. Tliey are hixUly recommended :is an auii-dysiioutiL', and in cajie of indiuestion are inv;iln:iblo as an ai-i.tuier ai-i.tuier and rci-uiitTiint. and in oa.'fi ot'tJeu-eral ot'tJeu-eral llebility thty bavo never iu a suibIo instance tailed iu producing the moit iiaiMJ' results. They are tiarticularly hksciciL tii nml strauKtlieniiiL' tho body, invig-oniliin: invig-oniliin: tho mind aud Bivini; tono and elasticity elas-ticity to t 0 wholo Bytcu. Tho HOMh lilTTKBS are compounded with tho greatest great-est care, an.i no Tonic Stimulant has ever ,bcon uft'ered to tho public so pleasant Tu : TiiK tkstk, and at tbc aiiie timo combimiiK I to many remedial unents. indorsed by the medical fraternity as tho be.U known to llio : Pliaruiaoop..-ia. It costs little to irivo them ' a fair trial, and Kvcry fr'diutly lioull luive a. Uottlo j i Vo nk every ouo to read tho follnirinR! I cortiticates lroui many ol tho most eminent , phy;icians in toe country: St. Lot is, July IsTU. J auks A. Jackhos A I Co.; (Jentletuon As you havo communica-' communica-' ted to tho medical profession tho reccipo ol I tho "Homo ilittors" it cannot, therefore, bo considered as a secret or patent inodicinp, no patent having been taken for it. o have examined tbc formula forinaking lho"Ilomc Hitters," and unhesitatingly say the combination combi-nation is ono of raro excellence, all the articles arti-cles used in its composition aro tho best of tho class lo whijh they beloiiK. beinc highly Tonic, Stimulant. Stomachic, Carminative and Bligtly Laxative. Tho mode of preparing prepar-ing thein is strictly in accordance with the rules of pharmacy. Having used thorn in our private practice, wo take pleasure in rooom-mending rooom-mending them to all persons desirous of taking ta-king Bitters, as being the host Tonic and Stimulant now odered to the public. L. Cu.Boi SUSIE RE, M.D. 0. F l'ORTEIt, M,D Alfred Ueacocs, M.D. 0. Ueiuck, 11. U. Hnst McDowell, M.D. C. A. Ware, 31. D. J C Wuiteuill, M.l). DR. 0. V. F. LviiWIO, K. A. Cuke, M.D. 8. 0. Moses, M.D. W. A. Wilcox, M.D. lluRuERTtMiiMii, I U. S. Marino Hospital, St- Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, ISTu, Jas. a. J.tcEaus, & Co. ; I havo oxatn-inod oxatn-inod the formula for nialunn tho "Home Stomach Bitters," and used thcui in tho Hospital Hos-pital for tho last four months. 1 consider them the most vuluablo tonic and stimulant stimu-lant now in uso. L. Melcuer, St. Lous, July G, 1870, J as. A. Jackson, 4 Co, IlavinB examined the formula from which your celcbrated"Stonitich Bilter?,"are prepared, prepa-red, havine witnessed tho method ot combining com-bining tho different ingrcdionls.wo can safoly recommend thorn as tho best tonic with which wc aro acquainted. From tho great caro with which thoy aro compounded, and Ironi the choieo materials wbich enter into them, wo have no doubt that thoy will prove as they deserve to bo, the most popular touit and stimulant in use. Itcspocttully yours. T. J. Vastise, M.D. T. U. Oujistwk, M.D, Wa cheerfully concur w'rth every word contained con-tained in the above testimonial. JOU.N CoitLllAN, 3t. u. Joii llAmuAS.M.rj Cms, VAbri.E, M.D. JousT.Temi'LE, M.l U.S. Walker, M.D. E.C. FaASKLrs, M.C Ciscissati, Oot. IV. 1ST0. Messrs, W.U. Kex. Xedv A Co,: Agents "Jtomo iiitlera"; Uents Agreeable to yourrciuost, X havo oxatnined tho formula of tho "iiomo Stomach Hitters, and find the remedies it contains such as arc in general uso by tho Medical Profession They are scioutilically and pleasantly com' bincd, and aa stimulating tonics will bi found especially adapted as corroborants tho treatment of low or debilitated stages o: the system .whether arising from impaired di gestion or from malarious diseases. Dr. J. L- ViiTiERB, L, A. Jaues, M. D., It s. Wavhe, Clii'iiiist, C. T. Smrso.y, M. D., W. T. Taliaferro, M. D., S. 1'. Bossee, M. D., J J Qtl.NS, M. D., C. S. Muscroft, M. D., J ii. BUCKUV, M.D., U. W. ltiOLER, M. D., ff Jl Woodward, M.D., U. A. Douertv.M.D. Cuicauo, Sept. 30. 1S70. J. U Bmtii, Eaq. Wo have examined tho formula ol the Colo brated Stomach Bittors," and find it to bi composed of articles that arc considc red thi best tonics used by tho Medical Profession and ono of tho best bitters wc know ol in use very respcctiuuy, n S. IlAiiy, M. D., B- WcVicAR, M. D., j ij Walker, M.D., 0. A. Mari.ner, Kobjlan 8: Barxes, M. D. For Sale by all Druggists Grocers Jas. A. JACKSON & Co., Prop'rs, Laboratory 105 & 107 N. 2d St., jut 11 St. X.OUIS, MO. NOW IS YOUR CHANGE STOVES ! SOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOB STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc ; Select from. Including the Old Favorites, I Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, I Inland Empire I Superior, Etc., Thc&c aa well oLhcr varieties. will be SULD CHEAPER AT TUB ,Hardware Dep'nt OP i Z. C. lL. X. i THA IS AXY OIHEK HOUSE IX THIS TEKRITOItY. j H. B. CLAWSOrt, j ,17 &apwiaiadeiiu C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN gmtyTotsI Hurry up and File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it At CalJcr Bro's every day next week. Figures Don't Lie! 1,500 Ladies andGcntlcmen would not testify that this INGENIOUS PKEPARA-TION PKEPARA-TION had preserved the Hair from Falling Off ! HAD Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all DANDRUFF FKOM THE HEAD I ' Baldheaded persons WOULD NOT ! DECLARE that tho DOUBLE STRENGTH had produced from ; one to three inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the case, 3"Ladio8, as 70D value vonr Beautiful Hair, ocaso to uso OILS and DYES which ; destroy tho hair and iujuro tho health, but - aek for tho a '.GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Take no Other! For Sale at Cnldcr Bro'a, Z. C. M. I. Drug Store, And most all Druggists. Price for Toilet, - - Sl.OO. Best for Ladies' nso. Double strength, - - S2.00. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE OISTE BOTTLE OP TOE All unite in sa7ing this is A.N EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR THE CHILD OR THE PARENT. Xtooroa Catarrh, Dyspepsia, n PURIFIES THE BLOOD and Builds Up the Whole System, For mlc at Cmldtr Bro-,, and at Opdcn Co-op. Init'n. Price, - 50c. aDd ?1 per bottle. i C. W. STAYNER, General A sent 13 3L 4 O , O O O SInffcr Sewing Machines wire Sold within the iast year. Scientific American, Juno KUh, THE S ! NCER 3Ianufaeturins Company, A-T THIE WOBLD'S PAIR Constituted bf tho homes ofthopeorlo Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales !And have left all rivals far boltind thein. FOR THEY Sold in 187027833 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tlic mnpnitudo to which tho uianufdcturo otaowinit uiachincs has attained is shown by tho "sworn" returns (to which nuy one cm have ncotwa) of tho uii.nut'iicturera fur the year l.STd to tho ownors of tho lo:idinn lalonw, on wuu-h thoy imy a. royalty. According Ac-cording to those returns tho number of uiaoninos nold by each manufacturer in 1S"0 ii a." follows: The Slnfrer - - 17, Floroncs 17 fififl Whcoler tte Wilson - Oold Medal - - - ft.yi? Ilowc - - ';,-'; fKuii 5,Si.n drover A Ifukor fx. -tic lviiLuro .... 3 Weed - - - as.iKia Kinkle & Lyon 2.m Wilcox k Qibhs - l'tirham 1.760 AuioricaiiUultonholc A OvcrcenniinB M,W3 ilaon .... And several otuor oomiianiea who sold a few machines, It will bo scon by this table that tho nodularity of tho Singer machines far ex. coeiU that of all others, thoir sale boinf; one-half greater than eTon that of the famous "Whocler Jt Wilson" machine. This is owing to tho fact that tho Singer Company have lately commonood mokins, besides their old and woll-estnhliehed manufacturing miicbiuo, what is known as Iheir "A'cw Fsiully Machine," which i la selling at the rate of nine to one bet ter 1 ha 11 their old style. Thoir total to-tal sales for IStW woro 8!,781 .nnchlnes against tho 127.SU! of 1870, showing u Increai of oiie-hnlfln t he latter year." "Now York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW KKARLT THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Macliines Sold, AND Were made within the pint tliree years. But tho Greatest lit' res of our Hales over all Other machines, Uclng Within the Pnit Year, This Is lucontestlble Proof that Our Machines Are tho Ucst Ln the World. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE With attachments for alt kinds of work, s fait winning bupreme favor ra tho household, as shown by the rapidly Inoreaalni sales, over all othor machines. In is Iew Family machine is now capabla of a ranuo and variety of work such &a was only recently thouKht imiioasiblu lo perforin by machinery. Wo olaim und oan show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arriLDKcd, nicely adjusted, easily operated, speedy. and smoothly running of all the Family owiuk Machines. J.t ia remarkable remark-able not only for tho rant-o and variety of its sowing, but also for tho randy and different dif-ferent kinds of toxturo which it will sew with ciual facility and perfecting, using silk twist, linen or cotton thread, fino or coumo, uiuking the Intcrlocked-elastlc-stltch, aliko on both sides of the fnhric sown; tho only stitch which is uni vera illy approved, or is at all adapted for flrn-clnus work. Thus, beaver cloth, or loutlier may bo sown with great strength and uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment, this willing and nover-wcurying instrument may bo adjusted for fino work on game or gossamer gossa-mer tissue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or ruflling, or almost any other work oven by a child which delicato tinners have boon known to perform. Kven the careless and thoughtless have little or no trouble on this machine. Send for Descriptive and Die Circucars, We manufacture our own needles, silk and twist; furnish linen and ootton thread and oil all of superior quality but which can bo relied oj only when obtained! through oar Principal or Branch Ulhoos, or Agencies. OTHER SEWINQ MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVEKED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to come and boo tho Machines, whether they wish to buy or not- See all others, but do not buy without you examine the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent attendants. Instruction free All Machines jierectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEFT, Z. C. M. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south ol'Eafilo Emporium, Halt Xtilco City, Utah. 11 . B. CLAWSON, SurorintondonU XAYi Oli HE'S Have ou band tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which tlicy offer -A.T Ij O "W jP 33, ICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OP THEATRE JAMES HAGUE, Jan. J. H. HAGUE. GEORGB HAGUB Big: Or xx Store! HlAGUE "brothers, LATE J A M K S HAGUE, Importers and TJoalers iu GUNS, PISTOLS, . AMIMTION, 'MTJflSBIIK TACKLE. Etc. W P 0 E,c. Sxclcilos, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY-DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. v East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. Ffl. I. BOOT AND SHOE Department, at tlio nisrn of THE "BIG BOOT." Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, satiifao don guaranteed. VLW ATS ON BAUD A LABOI AND OHOICI STOCK OF HOME-MADEimptedBOOTSANDSHOES A FULL ASSOEIMEST 0? Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of leather |