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Show Commercial. j Salt Lake City, Keb. ill. j Gold. Buyinr, 107; scllio?, J 10, ( Jcst Arrived. A lare slock of Fit-Ci.ah PIANOS, to bo o!d' CHEAP for casli, fit J. Oayxes & C'o's, music store, cast of the post otlice. f 11 The Japanese Embassy and Miniler DoLvng attend the (jrund LWll at Kich-arJ' Kich-arJ' ilrtll lo-niyliL. f 'J Cash will bo paid for ten or twenty acres of good jrrigublo land near this city, if price, etc., suit. Address, with full particulars, "Brother,'' post ofliuc, s. l. city. r m Great sacritico in lino CLOTHING, to close out winter stock : Suits SlS worth ?"2i. Suits $-JJ worth $:x. Suits i'-io worth Suits S'lO worth $ ID. Suits Sio worth -io. f :il Derby's, 42 Main street. Consumption. Scrofula, Etc. IIEGK.UAN'S GENUINE COD L.1V-EK L.1V-EK OIL. Oar Cod Liver Oil is war-runted war-runted PUKE NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It hits stood the test of ovpr twenty years' experience, and can bo relied on in every particular. ' Manufactured Manu-factured by Ukoruax & Co., chemists and druggists, Now York, and sold by all druggisis. 27 Furniture. Just received, sit Itenry Dinwoodoy's, 900 CANE SEATED CiiAlKS. To bo Eold very cboap for cash. j 1 7 Okntlmenok the Convention: Wo are pleased with liio groat c;ire ynu tako in tho interest of tho PEOPLE. PEO-PLE. At the same- time- wo propose to take care of your SULKS a? well as tlio scat of intelligence. BOOTS, 11 ATS, GLOVES, etc. f 21 Dwnkor n & Sons. Thk "Great Unknown" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j'-S Or per, Chock and Kccipl BOOKS pririk'd and bound at tlio Hkkalo Job Ollico and Bindery. Ctttino & Lo s California Canned hunts and Jelling pro the K'-t in th market. Ask your grocer for thorn. Go to tho Crystal Palace, 78 Main street, Tor Furniture, Bedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Glass,Silverwarc and household house-hold goods generally. dl7 Fashionablo Hats at Hiegol Uro's. olO Km, Harius has u.-t received ft largo j stock oi' the tincii cigars and tobacco, and go:;lUMiien'i notions. Ho had the largest and best :isorliiiol t" imported eii;:i;-s in tlio Territory. Cull at the "Liitln Cigar fetor o round the Corner'' md see. f 11 Overcoat--', :U coit, aLt-iot Uro'i. olO Oopr.vRs printed c'.-.c;ip'y and ta.-te-! l'tuiy at the LIkrald Job Ollice. 1-1 AoAra in running order, tho PAL- ACE BATH KOOMS, No. IS Commer- ; cial street, corner of Olive. f 18 i Fine Furnishing Goods at Siegol Bro's ! olO I Circulars, Bills of Faro, etc etc., I printed at tho Hkrald Job OGicc. ' f'Jl Large stock of lino and heavy boots at Siegel Jiro'e. o'24 Business, Visiting and Show CARDS printed in excellent stylo at the Herald Her-ald Job Ollice. rai Messrs. Taylor & Cltler are laying lay-ing down a very fine flag stone sidewalk side-walk in front of their hotel on East Temple strept. OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Business Bouses, MERCHANTS, Wnlker Brotliera, Ziou'a Co-on. Mercantile Iuill t utlon. Jnmcs Hnrrockt, C. Wood m n tide e, P. Auerbach dt lira. HOTEL, Ogiteii House, John Million, IT op rioter. LIVKRY ISTADLE. D. a. NeliQij, Proprietor. ' ' nIO CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines,, fifty cents ior each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional lino ten cents. FOB, SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT. DESIRABLY Located Lo-cated on the Bench, in th o -Uih Ward. Tho house contains eleven rooms mid commands com-mands a viow of tho whole city. Parties who wish a pleasant homo will lind thij pjoiierty a bargain for cash,. Apply at tho Real Estate oflico, 13oMain-3t, next to Paoitio Uouso. m ' ' 1 A. C. THUS i CQ. F0H EEXT. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, J. with Board. Ajiply at this olllco. fJO Dissolution. . of Co-Partnsrsnip. ITAVING disposed of the Bunking busi-ness busi-ness heretofore conducted under the name and stjle of A. W- White A Co., to the Salt Lako City National Bank, which will assume nil the liabilities, and i hereby au-Ihoriiod au-Ihoriiod to aolluct all debu duo the said firm. The co-partnership buretoforo existing exist-ing under tho name of While A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual content. A. W. WHITE. T. R. JONES. Salt Lnke City Feb. V.ilh., l-7:'-The Salt Lake City Nation ai Bank hereby ossupics all linbilil.M as ab-.ve. B. M. DL KBLL, f. President- SPRING TIIYjE 15 COMING ! George Goddard lias for SALE tome Choice TOP or BUTTON' ONIONS, Evergreen BUOOH COHM. SEED, very earK", and suited to hieh altitudes. alti-tudes. The best in the market. GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS, KVK MEAL for Beo Kaisers, Norway Oats, Sl.-RVRISK OATS, Choice SEED PEAS, BEANS, Ere. SPRING TIME IS COMING ! GEORGE GODDARD Waots to Bay and pay Ca;h for Fresh, Cle Lucerne Seed, Choice Pea', Bran, Short?, Otu, Barley tnd. Wheat. l-Z COAL! COAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coa! Mine V( are prepHicd to supply this Justly celebrated WEBZR GOAL 1 by cr loud or rrtmll. tjmt C. C. K. R. Vnnl. (T.lce; kichkngl and , Reading Haomi. BATEMAN & BUEL. 11$, W.U. UIxLD,Agai. MISCELLANEOUS. - S. T.-1S60-X. OH WARD I THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the prauuaJ disuse, of blood-letting, salivation, drastic purgatives, and powerful opiates, opi-ates, goes bravely and gloriously on. Every day the sick grow wiser. They are no longer witling to open their months, shut their eyes, and take what-I what-I ever the doctors arc pleased to prescribe, I without inquiry. They want to know ! the nature of the medicines they are Ideeired to swallow, and demand to ! have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid World understands at last that VIGOR is the trreat an-I an-I togonist of disease. The leeble decline j to be utterly prostrated by depleting , pills and potions, and turning from ' such mendicaments with loathing, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonic and Kestorative. It is now about twelve years since thij grand desideratum was introduced under the name of PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the present its progress has been without a parallel in t!ie history of proprietary medicines. ith the spirit of the sugar cane the most nutrieious of all stimulants lor its basis, and medicated solely with the juices and extracts of rare, vegetable specifics, such as Calisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that the world produces, pro-duces, aud which makes it by all odds the most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by science within the reach of the sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Bitters is to day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on either side of the Atlantic. WHCil 1ISTUG LUQUII FOR MAX AXI) JSEAST. Probably few articles havo ever had so extensive a sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than tho celebrated Mexican JLustakq Lini-ms Lini-ms xt. Children, Adults, Horses and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it it safe to sh3, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being neces-sary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter of import-j j anco then to secure tho best. I ; The merits of the .Mexican Mustang Linimext are well known throughout tho habitable world. Prom the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is ro-commended ro-commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, liheumatism, Swellings, 13 itos, Chilblains. Chil-blains. &c, upon man, and for Spavins. Pounders, King-bone, Poll Evil Scratches, Wind-Galls, Hoofalo, Jcc, upon horsca. IM'OrtUNr TJ GW.;Eas 0 HD.StS. "This ia to certify. That tho Mctiana Mus-tang Mus-tang L niiuonlh.u been tsieusivtly uiud in I our s tables throughout tho country (we havo 1 l',5O0 horscij with tho ronton beoeln in all uuses ot Bulls, kicks, sprains, l:imiiiios, siiti- I loss. cto. -Many oj. our men have h.itl qoch -ioo to uio it ia their families, nn-i nil spc:ik of i: in the highest tornia. Uno ut" our mon got kickoi ulcI badly cut and bruised; as usual, us-ual, tho MustacE Liuiuiuui was roaurted t; tho lauionojs wjs removed, aud ho was almost al-most well in fwur days. 'Vo can caeertully recommend ii as a valuable preparation for men or bouat. Yours respectfully, J. IH-Ms'ING. Foreman 0f Adaiui & Co'a. Exp's. Sublcs, "We lako gr.at pleasure in recouimcndine tho Jiexican .Uustuug Liniuiuut us nn indin- pcnsabla itud valuable article, and tho best we hiivo over used for Siirsinn, Sorm or Galls on horses. Some of our men have also used it for severe burm undsoro.-, as well as rheumatic j-.iius, ujid all say it acts l.kc uiuuic. J, U. IIliWITT.tVromaa. For American Express Co., 10 Wait Street; Urdeu'e Lxiires Co.. t liroadwuy: Pullun, , Virgil i Co., Express Co., H Wall Street-Wells, Street-Wells, Fargo J; Co., H Wall Street. Over three hundred livery stables in I the city of Now York alone ar usino-1 the Mexican AItjstanq Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. satisfac-tion. t'AUTIOX. yiiiuo unprincipled parties have undertaken under-taken to counterfeit mis Liniment, itio (tcuuino is wrapped in a fmo "Steel Plato" engraving, with "U. W. Westbrook, Cheui-i.-t." and "Trado Mark, MEXICAN MUS-lAfttt MUS-lAfttt LINIMENT." engruvod across tho laooofeuch wrapper. The whole bears tho proprietors' private United States Kovenuo Stamp, and not a common nt&uip, as mod by druggists. Lyos "MaspfaCtubiso Co., LOST SOME TIME in tho latter part of November Novem-ber or ca'ly in Ucc amber lan, probation probati-on First Sou'.h street . bo t ween the Lpisuopal Church and Fifth East stroet, A Lady's Watch attached 9o a ticntleman s Heavy Link Gold Chain. Tho Chain is valued by tho losor beyond its intriniic worth, and a liberal reward will bo paid to tho finder. Apply at thu Ollice. 1 15 SElilN&JFF Now Is the Time to get Durgiiius ! Our remaining stc&k of LADIES' FURS! Will be sold regardless of cost. ALSO FANCX DRIOSS GOODS, LINSEl'S, FL.VNNKLS, JEANS. WOOLEN' GOODS, JUOODS, NUBTA3. SCAKF3, HOSIER r, ETC. T"E.tlir with a ..leuJJ assortraeQl of WINTER HATS and BONNETS AKD MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, wliioh will be sold at cost to ratine room for a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Tempt Street. 23 NOTICE. A IX reruns ro hereby fnrbjrMen and , wsrnr-d cm't purchasine or in any k.iv nrotiating with any person whf-mf'j-I ever for certain niiainn property eitunle, i lying, and being on Chloride Hill, in Oj.hir Mimn: District, Tooele County, L lib. Tcrn-1 Tcrn-1 i.-ry, recently filcU or record m tho Jim Ftffe lode, or for any ore." already esir.iricd. or that may hnrea;ier be tifactcd, thero-I thero-I Irom; cr tor any property whatsoever be-: Icaginc to, or in anywise ai j.eiiiininK to, fi:i mice, or lode, a- the same i the pr.p- crty the u-deriiKUDi, who aro the lawful owners of mining property, under the I Mice of the Cblor;de Oueen, .hiviit been l-ned March 15, 171. by Jj. W. iiani.-n, UOTidl Ha;; :ht. John D.ivif, RfCfe BTii .Murray Meenngcr, and reccrdedia the oiTi-e o! 'he Recorder r.f ihe Mining District aiuretaid, April aa."K'iK U. P.Ai'GUT. . A. BuLCOilE. flT MISCELLANEOUS. F SPECIALTIES FOR GENTLEMEN. ! Fi-k. Clirk i Fla-f eeleKatcd Spwialtief ' "re M sale by all clas dealers iu th:s True Fit Sliirt. Patent Haiit a loo'n Drawers, 1 Russian Mmves, i Laporte's Kid (i loves, ,'nv Styles of JVeck Dress. L,-'R ?vc X'-'ve:;i,-. KiFtont. Doveroloth . .!iiris and jji-riic--;. -inn,,., lirao. Patent ' P.im;i'.-...n rr;ivirj ir-d fiu:ui. . Lji'orteV 1 lub.p kid U;oves, und tie lifgcut street j JISIC, CLA1IK ; LAtl'i, I Qr ' L.-oadway, MewYurk. LOCKE & JIOmClE, j IUPORTE&S 0? STOVES ISO METALS,; il A NT VACTUK F.1XS OF A'D DKALBHS IS Hoass Furnishing Hardware! AXD Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS POH Agricultural Steam Boilers, ll'J and lli Knticry Street, inT KAN FRANCISCO. SALT LAKfTbRANCH OP THE Great "Western I : INSURANCE CO Y, OF CHICAGO. THKO. F. TRACY, Fil,l c. ii. c sv i.:tt, HK.VKY W.t,AWl!ESCK Dlret:tors CMS. 1,. UAULKK, J UAKIISALL A. CAHTKII, Allornt).. A Broach ol'tliis SOUND and HKl.l. AliLli $5,000,000 COJIPASY lavinir boon organized in our city, we re how reruiy for busincs? ami carD-cstly carD-cstly solicit public patrormue, gtiarau-rccinp gtiarau-rccinp that all fire rifks will be carried t a f'nir ra'c. CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, A PICTIOXARV OF UNIVERSAL KNDiVLEDGE For tlie People. Revised Kdition. He-issuo oi 1870-71 , with Map.s, Plates and Engruviogs. To boooaiilote(l in ) Parts, making 10 Voli. of S2Q iaca each. Illnstrated with about Four Thousand En-grdvines En-grdvines and forty JIups. PRICE prr Part, Inclutlliiff Mapw nd miiBtvattoiia, lil Cum. PRICE PKUVOLTT. Extra Cloth, beveled Gourds' en Half Turkoy iUorooco g 5JJ CASS EL'S SKW POPtLAll EDUCATOR, Xow Edition, Universal Pn-nouni-inc dictionary of Bi-Oj-rb ai,d .Mytbuhy, by J. Thouins, A- Nfttionill Portrait Hnllery of Eminent AwcncaaB.oO jurts .it .rJ centi oneh. U. It. KEY fc CO., I 513 Ciny St-, c"&n Frftiiotioo, ' Mr. 11. Mav i3 bow in Vtab nna will visit the ififf'Tout j.iiieew to uracil for (he firm. t arliM nnbscnbiBB fur any of Lhoir workR may rely non btniK faithl'ally aorvod every monto. MAY, Uotlbr Oc(ngn IIoub, i A I.T J.AKK (JITV, A Hejioitllury or Fashion, Pleasure, nuil I si ruction." Harper's Bazar. . .Xviiccs of the ll'ras. It i rcilly tlio only illu.-tratcd chroniclfr of tii.-bioQ in tbo country. Ii- fmti.ioiuenta alone iiro W'n)i tlio mbscrmtion uru'e of tho raiitr. Y, htlc ( jU uiintiiiin He r-titiou r-titiou as a mirror ut Li-iu-.n, ii aUu cou-Uuns cou-Uuns stories, imcms. bnlli.int ess;iys. bcsnl-g Ktr.ernl :uul i-cr.niil CKFi-iji. "JJoston fcat-ur'iny fcat-ur'iny hveniiii; i..ntt;e. 'Iliere ncl er w. any pnfer published that bo Uuluhli-1 tno be.iri ol wonniu Never mind il it d.ics coa; jou a now b.'.nnel- it will fhvo mu leu lime tno j.rii j n e household ecjnonjy it teddies. "Pruvidcnte Tb'cJournr lady who buys a mBl0 nura-' tor li.c. -Npw li.ri; Lveiinm I'orU ' Tao UriJ:s Hnt Li.ie all the pcri-ni(.,t pcri-ni(.,t ideiUly well uJued. flll(J tho eHfg ((f readers lor wlmm 11 ia intemiod ;be mothers mo-thers and dnu;i:er in nvorie f.-itciliw can not but j.r.:it ny iu good i-ca;o;.ad K.J()d UMC. which, we have no douht. afe to-day matins very ira:;y Li.rurs haj,.,i.-r than lbey iii8yt.vcb.iii. bci .r. ihe b0 a l:.l.;t,K c.-n, ,n i-.r,.,,,,,! aii,i bold and .--'Cial m jn.ietutni imm 1 hii 1 natuiet nuntor. "Ju utwa, N. ?i I IIS lilt I I'l'lOXK. 1 bT4' I 'IV r mt: J UAfcPiiR'S BAZAR, one year i xAl c"i'J"'r(,ilhcr the MAGAZINE, HhhKLi. or liAZAii vA i.e.- .;ii.,.ihJ cri:..- Ir.r e;cry Cit, ol '1 lj 3 1 D.,t IA U-hlij U-hlij .it ? 1 11 1 c.i -Ii , in olo rem ill it.'c; or, : Six Cop,eo lor aJJ M, without Ci tra coi.y. ! SuWrii'ti'-n u, HARPERS MAGAZINE WLhKLV. BAZAK. i-,no a-j j.--- (,,r olf i.ir. SiM'': two ui il.iri-Lr' Pcriod- ; :cal, to oao ajarcss fur ono year. JT I Ba:it Numben cin be FurTlied at any time. 1 The four voluni'- of KAP. PER 'S EAZ-'.R , for tao e.ir: -Tj. 'Tj. tlt;anth' boasJ ;r. c-cea in f-'-.-.-j cL.t.-. k.II be tent oy cire;;, ixcisa: j.rci-aii. (t.-JTlj each. TheP- tcon HARPER'S BAZAR ia W cer.u- a.ycar.wi. :h mmi bo pair at the tvl- kAKPER A BROTHERS. New York. WALKER BRO'S. 0,3L"3t Rooms, UP STAIES. CARPETS! CARPETS! NOW OPENING NKW l'ATTKUNS 1-0 11 SPRING rURHISIIINGS, Whioli mke ihe Be.st Po'ocnon WEST OF CHICAGO. 1: 2? a i i,s lr coco a m a t tin g s i-4, -1-4, fi-1, 8-1. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, 4-1, 3-1, 0-4, 8-1, PRICES G U A K A N 'X 10 IS 1J . Eun the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTION L THE PRICE OF T.lfiHT! Gooil News for those tHit like a Hi illiuiit, Clmr and Snfe' Light ! Large amval of PETROLEUM FLUID at jTlie Pioneer Lamp Store, j ONLY 2.50 l'OH HVB GALLONS. For those that like COAL OIL, we have received a Lnyo Stock, of all qualities, and at Reduced l'nces. The Lan;. st A s.rtuieut of LAMP GOODS in iho Territory. IB. ZEZBZESIB &c GO. Solo Ak'ont.s for The Dn forth Peiiulritiu Fluid. 89 let South Street, halt block West of Post Office Coal Oil and laptha Depot PAY & CUIiMEK, SJ Last Tcmplo Street, -AX3-ZE2STTS FOR FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURMXG FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid is of much IIKAYIKR Git .WHY than any other Lurniiij; Fluid ever offered io tho uKirkct, approstuitttitii; elose'y to that of tlio iu:ilttic of COAL OIL, hut yet possessing LOUliLU tho ILLUMINATING power. It burns CLKAN WITHOUT SMOKE and does not char the wick, which will not require attention oltcner than once a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to oonvincc any person of its mpcrior advantages. advan-tages. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL Who want AGENTS in overy scdlcmfiit of th. Territory. jl7 Two Blocka tonlli r tile li.U.K.U. Dtpnt, nntl neit to Win. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. , seTera! law-mills with iA Full Assortment of Nativo Lumber. W. E. solicit tb i-ntroDiite of bi ol 'J friend. nd by rasctaiilitr nfl diliencn in buiiaeu hope to merit ihre f public lopport. FOR BAI.K-ln the rtb V'Br,i. ,.t-bl'.rk ,.t-bl'.rk HTi-i a hull wt '-( the V. 'J. h )'... prnkl) h'.u i ni l blf 1'.!. With uubsrJ, j t oi jarUcolf ecjuire of I ne'i WM. EDIilNOTON. J.C.nEKIMiAn, ICOMMISSION MEHCHANTS i 804 nd BUO CAllfornlM Rl., 8a.n XrmcKto, - - laJUornlfc. Pftrti',nlT attention puid U, tnfiiHnrof orderi ior rcry d(.-cnnion ot ittrL.Jne. B9 ift.1 of Orci, c, e. Ul CI BAUDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, it!ovs:!ts, ta sin;ts And Jtf icii-Ty for Smelting Furnaces f'r,ti;i Is nimlc fur building J'uni-! J'uni-! . f.f Utah Pirc Slone? Iii''Iu')ir ft Ahicliin'Tj", &c, (ct up in i'oinplr;!o T'lnnitut order. ll-fnM.fr.-Kut(k JlllnlitK Cum pinf, Umlt LmIi ( 1 1 y llcih Ktnell-lnf( Ktnell-lnf( to(it)n', Tlntlr. A'drrM J, C. A';''-A ', Chicago. VA widHA J KONT )THT. SAW FIlANCIffCO, CAL., Offer thr fi.et( or4 mntt wrmpUte. it'K-k mi fh j 'nettle watt. fccfer to II. D. CLAW SON. Eiup'tof k. o. r. i. |