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Show GENERAL. The Tarin" Insurance Compnulei. Now York, 21. Tlio boards of trade petition the United States senate asking action on tho bill already passed by the house- for tho repeal of duty on tea and collco. Proceedings havo been commenced com-menced to throw into involuntary bankruptcy bank-ruptcy all the insurance companies in this district which aro unable to meet their Chicago losses. Kcw York Ken-H. Now York, 21. Tho coroner's jury in the case of licmpstead rendered a verdict ver-dict charging a younger brother with causing his death by giving him arsenic. ar-senic. CJrccley, in to-morrow's Tribune, says conventions or caucuses are simply voluntary vol-untary assemblages and havo no legal authority or binding power; and says; ''Zl'you chooso to subscribe to a platform plat-form and vote for the candidates or any one of them, you may; or if you think proper to support the candidates and spurn the platform or disapprove generally of the principles and not vote lor tho candidates, it is open to you to do so." Ho concludes by telling tlta people to hear and hoed all the suggestions sugges-tions of can iidatos. aad thon to vote exactly' as their oyn unfettered judg ment dictates. Republican Convention. Indianapolis, 21. Tho hotels aro crowded with delegates to the Republican Republi-can btate convention which meets tomorrow, to-morrow, Tho contest for the nomination nomina-tion of governor is between general Ben. Harrison and general Thomas Brown. Tho district doIog:;Ucm h.vy o all had caucuses, in" favor" oT Grant and Colfax for the presidential ticket. Julian telegraphs to-night declining tho uso of his name for congressman at largo under any circumstances. NatlonaT Labor Convention. Columbus, O., 21. -Tho National Labor convention met at 2 p.m. Tho committee on credentials reported lot) delegates representing sovonteon States, Arkansas and Mississippi lining tho only Southern States not represented. A resolution to allow the delegates present to cast full electoral votes for their States was adopted, after it lively debate. A pormanant organization was alloc ted" by tho selection of E. M. Chamberlain, of Mass., president, with tho vice-presidents from eU'h Stato represented Among tho list of'vice-prosidonu is tho name- of Jas. DeLancy, Cal. Either judge Davis, Gov. Palmer, of 111., or Grai7. Brown will bo nominated for president by tho convention to-mflrroy-Liberal Republican!. Little Rock, Ark., 21. Tho liberal Republican committee apnointod by tho Stale convention in October, 'tl'.i, met tero to-day and appointed tifteen delegates dele-gates to the Cincinnati convention in May. Kansas Republican!. Lawrence, 21. The Stuta convention to elect dcK'giUos U tho Republican national na-tional convention at Philadelphia, met hero to-day, and was the largest ever held in the St:Uo. Resolutions were unanimously adopted expressing renewed re-newed confidence in tho Pr&sider.l and vice-president, and faith in the future of tho Republican party. Washington Hrpubllcaas. Washington, 21. Tho convention ot the District of Columbia have elected two delegates, one colored, to the Philadelphia Phil-adelphia convention. Resolutions were passed endorsing Grant and Collar., monetary ar.cj Stocks. New lork, 21. Gold strong: sterling, ti-S; governments strong and in good demand. Stocks dull and lower; AV. U. T., h-y. u,mckilyer, ;!; AY. P., TO: Pacitic mail, 07i. |