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Show 1X)U TIIK 1.ADIKS. Two Torre Haute ladies recently pasvned their babies ibr a coujile ol' drinks. At Newhallville, Conn., three hundred hun-dred jzirls are employed in making ritle cartridges. Two women physicians in the city of New York, in regular practice, have eaeli an income of S12,UUU a year. Three hundred women of Ohio have sent General GarQeld, for presentation to Congress, a remonstrance against woman sultrage. A young lady who has been practising practis-ing "Let iMe Kiss Him for His Mother," Moth-er," says the more she tries it the bet ter sue iikcs it. It was the idea of a minister, down in Georgia, at the conclusion of a marriage mar-riage ceremony, to use in his prayer lor the bridal couple the sentence, "Sulfur little children to come unto nie." Pittsburg has a young woman who has pa.-sedherself "If for a young man for three years without detection, pursued pur-sued studies at a commercial college, and promised to marry another young woman. Fashionable young ladies have cerulean ceru-lean veins painted on their exposed busts, for evening parties. Females not posted in anatomy, who do their own painting, look as if a Chinese puzzle puz-zle were tattooed on their bosoms. A recently-married lady consulted her lawyer on the following question lately : ''As I wedded Mr. Smith for his wealth and that wealth is now spent, am I not to all intents and purposes pur-poses a widow,, aud at liberty to marry again ?" "Carrie," who writes for the Boston Traveler, said a pood thing the other day, when she said that if women were as particular in the choosing of a virtuous vir-tuous husband as men are in choosing of a virtuous wife, a moral reformation reforma-tion would soon begin. -V ueneuict advertises ins wile lor sale, warranted sound and kind, his only reason for disposing of her being that he feels his own educational inferiority. infe-riority. If all husbands should do likewise, the wifeless husbands would make an overwhelming majority. "What is the difference between sixty minutesand my youngi st sister? ' a-ked a precocious boy of his giave uncle. " I don't kno.v ; what is it was the uncle's reply. "Why, one's an hour, and the other's our Ai n," was tlKvvo ungstcr's startling explanation. |