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Show LETTER FROM SAXPETE. Sanpete, Feb. 23d, 1S71. Editors Suit Lake Herald : Allow me to report S.-.npete "right side up with care;" improvements being be-ing the order of the day, and the dance and theatre of tb - evening. Meeting and school hnu-es are springing spring-ing into existence. Fairvicw has just completed the best finished meeting house in the county, and one at Mt. Pleasant, commenced several years ago. is now under headway lor completion. Fort Efihraim is pushing ahead with a magnificent building, and Manti is slowly following in the same wake. Considerable private improvements are also being made. Many of the old settlers of the Se vier Valley are again returning to their abandoned homes. Mining matters there are steadily pr gre.--s.iig. One Chicago company are putting up a crushing mill, and arrangements ar-rangements are made for several more to le set in motion next summer. The postmaster geueral has extended the Sanpete mail line to Bullion City, and appointed Jacob Hess postmaster. The contractor is now -flaking preparations prepara-tions to run a four horse c ach from NY-phi to that place once a week. Hoping this scrawl will be the means of brineing out some high toned correspondent cor-respondent to represent this great Sari-pete Sari-pete country in the Herald, I conclude. con-clude. W. |