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Show A WMAJ'S SO.XO TO WO.H1S. Pnll tli? uc-e-lle, -w in,; tl,.- Lr.m T dy u;. ihe liutre-1 rc-.m. I'll- ii the trf ;er,. d.,rn lu Lirt, ' --lit tti- daily ilnt and oin: All ar-.U'.d ytu rm-t ynr ;X;1L t-olin-leut of kiii'lnese still. Stir the -'nel. knead the bread. Tax y.,ur hand-. ati.J heart. . .i head" Ciii.tlr.-n uck a-.d It.MwM hub-rv; (luvUL-b some thougniles wvnb Lave stcu y.u.) All are waiting' on y,.nr will. Ojntideiit orknidti.a -till. "ever mind th:- lan--e ohii.iae. Nwer c;iii-e uf-:ir,ii, -eek, Never ia,tic slight vr trow a. liy y.nr o.Luut live th.-in ih.wn Ail at la.t will peek"y..iir skill, tkmh-ieiit ol kiudue-s still. Lift y.uir heart and lift y-mr eye-, 1,-t cut.DU u p a;, er ari-e: Tuink ufall the savior s w.je hen lie talked nl, u.au U-h.w, lli.w p.x.r siauers sought his skill, ConndeLit wl kindness stilL i-ins the song and tell the story Ui t le. Sav-Hir's ciu.n ory. To the children wu.-m he hk-se . ith juiir guidauce aad enres-e; M"li. f -r all things wit y.ur will. Cvnriuent ui kiudaeoo stilj. Feed the hungry and the weak. rds ol cheer and Colulort -se.lk. He (he amrel of the Jioor, TV:ie.u theni l.ravcly to eiiilure, tliow Uielil this ihe Father's will, Confident ot kindness -till. Gratitude may Ik yuttf lot, Tneu ho thankful; hut, il not. Are you heller taan your Lord, Who endured the cross and sword. From those very hands whu-e skill aited ever ou Uis will?. Nohle is a life of care 11 a holv zeal be there: All our little deeds of love Heavenward helj i? at la-t may .r.. Ii you seek your Father's- wnl. Trusting in His kindue-s ijtiil. |