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Show Tlie Joint High Commission. Washington, 25. The English members mem-bers of the join: h:gh commission visited vis-ited the State department yesterdav, and were introduced by Sir E iward Thornton to Mr. Fish. An inlbimal and entirely personal conversation ensued. en-sued. They will be introduced to the President to-day. A preliminary meeting meet-ing will probably be held on Monday-next, Monday-next, but they wiil nt organize recu-larly recu-larly for work until ihe arrival of Mac-Donald, Mac-Donald, Xorthcote anl Hoar. The MethndUt-Book Concern; New York. 25. The publishing committee, com-mittee, appointed "to select experts to examine tbe hoiks and clear uo the existing ex-isting muddle in the Methodist book concern, have not vet been able to ,1,.,;. nn,. "l,.,r ,n, m,m. i. a mysterious way among themselves, and decline letting the public know what ihey are about. Tlie Coat Famine. "The impending coal famine is still the uppermost topic of conversation, and serious apprehensions of riot continue. con-tinue. The story of the coal strike is told by both sides. The operators continue con-tinue to throw all tbe blame upon the workmen; and, on the other hand, the workmen claim that the scarcity of coal is merely the result of an attempt to starve them into abject submission aud render their condition worse than that of slaves. It is stated that between this city and Rutherford Park, N. J., there are more than two miles of cars tilled with coal, on the Delaware aud Lacka-wana Lacka-wana railroad, and have been for months. Formally Presented. Washington, 25. The English members mem-bers of tbe joint high commission, with their secretaries, accompanied by Mr. Fish and Sir Edward Thornton, called at the executive mansion to day i and were formally presented to President Presi-dent Grant. Internal Revenue Reestpts Washington. 25. The internal revenue reve-nue receipts for the fiscal year to date are SlOO,5'JG,494. Bad Prospect for Ortleial Appl rant s. Washington. 25. The bills creating new judicial districts, with additional ijudges, marshals, clerks, !co , are likely to be lost in the Senate, tenator Trumbull, chairman of the judiciary eommittee, says he is opposed to making mak-ing any more U. S. courts, of which he thiuks the country has already enough to transact the busiue-s properly prop-erly coming before them. :The Senator Sena-tor has made himself unpopular with some scores of gentlemen, ambitious to lil! tlie offices provided for in these bills, and among their number are half a dozen members of the House, whose pre.-enf occupation will be none alter March 4:h. The Next Congress. Members of the new Congress are arriving every day, and many of them spend much time upon the floor of the House, watching the proceedings and endeavoring to get some comprehension comprehen-sion of the rules. They are almost unanimously in favor of completely organizing the new House, by tbe appointment ap-pointment of standiug committees, in Older that the necessary business may be transacted promptly in the regular way, and that the members may know what committee and work they are U be assigned to, and prepare themselves for it in leisure. The Franking Privilege. Senator Ramsay, Chairman of the Comniiitee on post oili.-es and post roads, has d -tinitely determined to abandon the bill, .twice passed by the House, abolishing tbe flanking privi-lege. privi-lege. Severe Wind Storm in Illinois. Chicago, 25 A severe gale of wild prevailed throughout the north-West f , , '. .: 1 .1 1.. .1 . ; ye-ien:ay. uouig u"nsiuei.ioie u.unt ,n ibis city. A stone piher, from the tower of the Michigan Ave, Rapt st Church, was blown down, crashing through tbe roof into the e bar of an adjoining dwelling, but without injury to any one. At E gin, 111., the steeple of th-Congre-sioii d C:i ureh, 175 bet high, was blown dowi carrying with it must of tbe walls of tho budding. More About the nomlnlcin Commls. felon. The 7W'..tii' Wa-liingtoti sp'cid savs. a gentleman who returned I run S in Domingo in the 1'il'r s-;,tes that the Associated Pic-s d;-;.airli, pub-Ls.lied pub-Ls.lied ibis in lining, that tbe Ciii.ii.i- I siot had Joeid-d not t . -nl prt-1. prt-1. miliary report b..ea i-e of tbe p ,--i-bio'y li.at ii.f jrn.a'ion ( t to le ae- i lire I n a cUrre th'-ir )'" -' nt opinion, opin-ion, wa- pro!.,ib!y not int.nl- J 10 inn : mate that any new oi-e .v r e- l.,ive : yet b- . n ma 1; b'lt the C .minis-, ,ir r pr ,po-e vi-i'ing ii ivti and do not w,,-h to clou. 11 th- lii- ,ves to oplbi ,11- ba- d .on a one -s; ! i and fariial -urv-y r, tbe li i 1. 1 be a-no it.t of ii.f riii i'i' n a pM iv o ,f,-ot.-1 i- i-ijiivn-e. a-, tbe pr-.b.ibil ty i- that the I- p ';! b 1 a 1 vo. no u.. and peil.-iis u.or-e li.an The Sonlhern Pailf.i Fl. R. 1 Th' f.::i:r-"ft!.e.?,r-s t-i day, it, tlv to i,.ive th- . nrr.etn I'a c. i- K. 1! . taiien up. an 1 to hv: it --lerr, d Vj a Cu'i.rui"-e "f O-r.fer icn:- -. L somewhat d.s-o iraged -'ln-iiia. B.ir ra.i it wou.1 trJ b-ltUi to have the bill to fail altogether than to have it pas-- in its present shape. The o'rjection seems to be that, as the bid now stands, it leaves everyihiag to the discretion of its incorporators, the mot of them being northern men. who would make it tributary to the northern nor-thern roads. The Indiana Legislative Muddle. Indianapolis. 25. The House me: this morning but transacted no busi ness, and adjourned tiU Monday. A concurrent resolution was offered for adjournment si';t- die. which the Speaker Speak-er decided CKu.d not be entertained, stattcc that he considered the Senate a legal body, aud as such it eou.d act on any laws that had been passed by tne House previous to the resignation of the thirty-four members, aud that he. as Speaker, would s'en ary such . v. . . j v.- c ... i , :as ueu reiumcu to lae .tujir. a. was therefore necessary for the House to meet and adjourn frotn day to day. until the constitutional limits of the session expired. Bound for San Franclseo Xew York, 25. The V. S. frigate Catj'or'ivt. twenty three guns, Capt. J. M. B. Clin, compl.'ted her coaling yesterday aud anchored oil the Bat ery. Her supply of powder will soon be stowed away, and in about ten day-she day-she will sail lor San Francisco through the straits of Magel an. |