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Show LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH LAST NiGKT. Terrible Colliery Explosion in Wales, Proposal to Impeach apo-lcon apo-lcon Lefore tlie French Assembly. The Difficulty between Italy aucl Tunis 3Tot Yet Settled. The Peace Questioniu France Still Mixed. Congressional Intelligence GENERAL NEWS. The Franking Privilege not to he Abolished this Session. The Coal Question Grown Serious in ew York. CongresMoiml Report on Indian Commissioner Parker's Course. FOUE1GA. London, 25. There has been a terrible ter-rible colliery explosion in South Wales. Fifty are dead. Paris, 25. Arago's mission to Italy is to reclaim the material left at Rome. The Radicals have reinvited Garibaldi to he sent to the Assembly. Bordeaux, 25. Thiers, Favre and Picard have not yet arrived. Tbe departure de-parture of Thiers from Paris is not announced. an-nounced. It is generally considered that the Assembly will not nreet tomorrow, to-morrow, and that the armistice will be prolonged forty-eight hours. London, 25. Bioglie, the French ambasador, presented his credentials yesterdav. The Times states that the Queen of Spain is considerably improved. A Paris special says the French object ob-ject more to the form than the substance sub-stance of the Prussian terms. The preliminaries are assented to, but the conditions of the stipulations of tbe treatv are not yet agreed to, the French ,L.:,,.. t K,.r; on oL.,,l.,n,o, of the distressing conditions. Peace I is regatded in Paris as signed. j Paris, 24. Blanc, Hugo and Roche- j fort, of the radical "left," will present to the Assembly a motion demanding : the impeachment of Napoleon. ! Versailles, 24. A movement for tbe I concentration of the commands toward the south has commenced. It Ls stated j that the French regiments near Bor-' deaux arg composed of excellent ma- j terial. Florence, 24 Del Faso is appointed minister of .justice. Vcnosta has granted tbe Tunisians a delay of eight days; if then the instructions are not satisfactory an Italian squadron goes to Tunis. Paris, 24. It is said Thiers accepts the principle of territorial cession, but strives to save Metz. Bismarck agrees; Moltke objects. The Prussians continue con-tinue their levies,-imprisoning upon refusal re-fusal to meet their requisitions. Rio Janeiro, 6 The revolution continues con-tinues in Montevideo. London, 25. There is great uneasiness uneasi-ness in the north of France on the subject sub-ject of the peace negotiations. Everything Every-thing is in readiness to inundate the country. Tbe Echo du Xord protests against the theory of revenge as contrary con-trary to the national interests and those of progress, while a peaceful solution of the Alsace question is possible. |