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Show o a-c LIVERPOOL & Q'JIENSTOWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from Sew Vork Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool. (eoM) S75.00 Steerage " " " (cur.) 30.00 Passage from Liverpool to New York Caliln, ... (Gold) S75.00 Steerage, - - (Carrency) 34:.O0 Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOHX G.DALE, Astent, 15 Broadway, New York, Or WTT,LIASI CALDKR, Aeent. o21 Salt Lat- City. TJUh. J S M f" n M s .1 S ,1 5 - S Hi! 4 o - $ 5 1 S - & UTAH CENTRAL IlAILlSOAf). -PIJNEER mi CF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec, 1, 1870. Daily Trains Lotve S;ilt Lake City at 5 a m find. 2:46 p.rr Arrive it 0 (fieri 7 a. ld. and 4:46 p. m. L-'-ve 1 g'ir?n t 8 m. an i p. m. Arrive ai da.lt Lake City iu a.m. aad 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cro-s ? .TO CentrevMIo- I Fartui'igton KysTill 1.- Cgden - - 2.5- Fare from Ogden to Kay! vi lie Sli-j f arm:n?;on $." Centreville .5 Wooi'd tro:s Salt Lake City 2.o" In addition to the above AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Wiil ran DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCP;PTKD. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Silt Lake Citj at4:4Jj p. tii., On whii?h full fare will ent'tle t H ptirrhaer of a ticket to reruro on th-- ame ij an t train fre". and will stop by arnnimiit with the cond ict'ir i any point on tJio line to take on or let oil pa.-sencri. Passe ner-ii will jlra-te I,nrcliase their Ticket) al lite OJlicc. Fifty Cent? additional will be charcod whet tbe f-re is collided on uc tram. For all information conTrninsr Iriixht or pa?-ae, ai-ply to D. O. CALUEK, Ticket and roiifht A' 1 Kait Lake City. j SUN FRANCISGO Fresh Lot Just Received. I.K.l! 3, M'TieiTiors. Snthihfr fur 'i'i'ti '1 n,iil h,ic.ti',: t 'xr FOR SALK, CHEAP, GEO, V. DAVIS' T H 10 FLOIlEilGE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE the World ! The S jiec Inl Committee npjiol nt eil to t-zam I ne and rciiort n .sewing 1 ac h 1 n t-s at he North Carol Inn State Knlr, helil nt Knlcili last week, awarded a Gold ilednl tot e Florrnce Se vl nfj M itch lue for t he ease and i nlet nes of lis mnvrinciitK, pf rfrclion n ml litrt;c va ri t of work, anil Its vn Hiu lil f in v tVaturrs, mn-kini; mn-kini; it I he most valuable Sewing 31acUine for family tue Parties contemplating the pur-cha-e of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the fol. owing fioui the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 1870: SEWLVG MACHINES. "We have recently bad ocensioa to make some injuiries into the proere.-'S of impruTo-tnent impruTo-tnent in the mechanism of sewing machines, and were aot a little surprised to learn that f he central idea in the 6nt invention tk shuttle 3tiil holds it place, tbougb many ttempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle, is still tne u eans used to form the stitch, in the leading macbincs. and we find that the ri'Wth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle uting machines. Ihe improvement that are taking firm hold in practical ue are, therefore, oeceja-rily oeceja-rily in connection with the Fhuttle, either in the detail of tho shuttlo iu. If, .r tn other part of the machine connected with it. to cause trie why'e to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and to 6iuj,piity its use. Miny important icains in ti." direction, made since the tim great invention, are nn-Joubteily nn-Joubteily embodied in the " r'iorenct" ma-hido ma-hido ; and we rtc-oiu in end our reader to careful) y inspect the "Floience" before marine ma-rine a choice. Ihe point.- peculiar to this machine are: An unusual amount of monuy is si'CiU in maKiUg the "ili-reuee," thereby aevruriui: :he bc-t material isteti, lor int.mce, where tttaers ue cadt-ir-ju ). ati'l the neat tin ah of important part uhe iiuttle. f -r i-.Taiupl--, r-eing rigidly rtyected il it v.n s Iruui the umd ru 1-2 trjt.h of an inuh i it i-con-traL-t''d on the - mi p!e-t .-cter-ti tic principles, ta.airely dispensing w.tb the ctf?. nl vnui, aiid link; wi.icb .-o oticn (ret per? crselj out f order and son ly perplex e-ery one but toe practiced ujaobinit by their unaC'-ount-iblo freak.-, iue "Florfnce" is &o s rily aiauage-i, and its ue i -o rciohly lejrncd, mat an ordinary girl of ten ta;u ef.ri-e and ma.-cle enouurb t ' run it enecHy. '1 h.elo.-K ititcb, aa made by. tne "t lorence" is very re.ular ana purltot. very stronn an.i elastic, and is drawn into the lahric evin, Kraii-uall-, eiac.lj, witb"Ui jertiir.j. and wiiuuut :au?intr tho .-ream to puiKi r. or stiainmg 'te tiirtdd so iw to eudaug'T lie bre.ikin ; cop--e'jueiitly, ei ' biie thread-aui iiK'-t jhri' f OHi. fir Q-ed. Hfc.nlm tt,m. tn ' K inrfm" in all dq: the cheapest tyll .il.-o uinw tnree dd'litional eiiu-ne a d"ubie 1 k. s -iiji-ie Knot aud a doub'e knoi win h are itron.ir nd more eia.-tic than any other -tiwh, and whir-Li are nj.wlc by no other tii-:huie. tii-:huie. me "Fiorencn"" i.- the only uuco nt ihi h is averiu e e 'L woertoy lt,e Ui-rctiou Ui-rctiou ot tne sewing can oe in.-tanuy cnaiiife. wittj' Ut i.'j,piriK tlie wrk. tnue en -b.Kig the operator to i ilt r umorouirr ub utnLfiiJ irtCiJ.Ly, to few bKwrJ) und trcutf thea a avavh wherever dmircd. ln-l. tiimli. by a tew rej'catd dtitcucs. to :avten eiida in the 'jau-kest nd utroftr t wy. It La the otilj runtime tat ht nci l-t'uujt l-t'uujt 'Djt snultle-thread ten-ion. w hih -rks so perte tly that ttie operator can run cro-e the eavi--t ainp an-J sew the nne-t iinen ami the ttiich;st Dri'd''loth il. iiiituo-diate iiiituo-diate duccerfion wimont lire.-kirik thrtlireHO. tnd wnhou: ch-intiing the nee'llr, ntit'.-h ui teuaion. The "fiorenee" druwrt lae thread tutotoeclotn witb unejiiale-l pro-uiou nd eriaint, by mean-' if an i riit e n io-i uto-matic uto-matic 'utke-Dp" wheel, wbun dirfposw of the .-'lack (bread left alter tbe iutua with aa iccurate proruotnty? tnt prevenLr a I uri- or droopinjr ol ptitobet, nl Allows tie operator to sew barkwara, or to run od it.t :loto and on a am. witb perfect impuniiy. ft bus an nfj proved elasic heininer, exriu-sively exriu-sively ltd own. whifb is manattel with oi, and will rnnke hem of any widtii on any material, it not omy make a pertwrt gther audaewpit to banJ at one operation, but it tie iru, and bind.n, and fetls, and tjuilu, and fords unJ tQCn.i(, and itatnur-i, and 0rid wirtiout baatiriii. oucb ipwial proVi.i.n la uiaile aa rut injurious wear that toe "r'lor nce"il claimed auu taarnine-d hy thoC'oto-pny thoC'oto-pny to Ivt twire a lo rt without ropair n other 'buttle uinj-bine in tne mrk'il. witbou' 'he rtlik'h'et ditliculiy. fcvr par I o! the "F.oren:" i so perlcrtly ril prui-oentl prui-oentl n'tju'teii, and It ha o fw joints od uoiiita ol Inclion, that it run wilb the ul-ooat ul-ooat eaje. I tie nrfile u ni Mn4 ihreadc'l, and the ptifh if ln. hencl, bort ned, or revered with the ul-tnont ul-tnont ea.-e. In u.iiik tbe "Flrenc-" neither tne work nor (ho opcrat'ir's dre-s in 'laol to oe soiled. Luts "i-iorenre" with all thou c aims to superiority , :ll at tlm n!iie nriri aj other first cladii machine. Xhcue auvun ta(tes ; Liorrality in manulature; bnunhcry o( coq truction; ramty ot niati.iKt;iii(;nt; Variety ol rl, t'dico; Kcvr.iible lord; bolf-adjust uu tension; Autouiati-.' Uike-up; J ruproveu henimer; Provision SirainL wear; rvrft:ct and (. rinancnt adjti tinrn ; K-iy reiru ntion .,r needle nd etilch; Uraniirn'M an i i;;i'ai im-a; 'Xhe beauty jtnd h ijfh fi it ik h of the niahine- .Make the "J-lori:i.';," modura l -ly i irn k -in, a tnachirie wlu;fi to be valued, rn;edn but to be f, r e J - No lan.ily can afford to be without a (tew-int' (tew-int' ni v liin;, and we hoi o th 't hcl-t- l-.Dr one iii -i y louud wherever "Ibo Inbune ' is welcome. TO THE LADIES Of Kalt IjnUr. Clly, nint tliroii(li out Ihf h rrltoi lrp. ,f ( ift,r Idaho .)liiiiinitn and VV y oin 1 Wo vxLurirJ n t-nrdittl inviluiion In vn ht our olliffj, hiirl cHiiiirifj th't Kiurnnio Fnrnily iSwing .Iju;hin!( w'thT dn siK'iint' irniii'vliut! pnn lut-n or put; it in our Imi.-iihi-h nnl hUiiiiro t rt'dint clorti) cjcurfiwiutioii arid romjiHruoii, hnvo on !x)nliLiont in ord'-r tint tnir- (;u-ily to cxj'liiin noints of ilil:rr-in o, in whir h wi) ( lnim MiiTioii(.y tlid ma-filiitM'rt ma-filiitM'rt of vuri'Hjx innk' r", ini'lii'lmif tl., ffpiviT As Uiik'-r, Mmk'T and Who. -If iSc Wilson, In tnnkinif fii'di conjoin-hop, conjoin-hop, no iifiliiir ndvtintMX" will ho til.ri ot riviil iiiM'dntM -, lnit uti tin-i;oJitnir thoy will hi: l(-L hy n rofn o-t-iil in ' biiiHt in ll,o ho-f. of run ii ir. it( : "oni" ot ttioni r".iiiro jih yrnn mi 0111- :r jis lo;oiuo,ivt). ) CM A3. S, HAMMER, fir n ml A lit, ' HeiOtr ljAKI' 1'1'Y. UT,' II Truckee 4 SALT i LAKE LUMBER YARD. j ii.-iir-niock soutii U. C. I) iot. D, W. PARKHURST, 0' l'rnirirlnri CLU3 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO T11K i;iMD GIFT EMERPIUSE A Sub-ribcrs of e t-h.reprrcntir:u n J II " " 1 " l ! C " J " " A( l ' 4 mi K " 3 " IOO Ea-di i" itin-, mo I tho . 11 r br r tit a 'i v ..ti ..f th'-ni Mil r- . :)i vi il b--n -.it accruing fr-'iu in t'.Tt'.-.iie re ik, S thr full ? -in pliliirn' ff I 11 t:i,r to n id 1- flilr.l ihe .11111,11 til -iixti I will l.f npplird tn W- purcoa'a "I I" net, nn 1 Mm-) I"- .l'p-ur 1 .r .!! k'it,k ia a tcpinirlr pirty until alter the drawing. f t,f .urtlit-r psrk-,t!.ir- i-.' l i II K I'll A M KA It I I , 1 ienrr.il Mip'i ii (trr,d 'uti h nt- rpr A the Salt hake Kti-hmr Mid Km I t; w ; : t O ca L ; pa 1. WiLLIAM CLAYTON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Millill D.'.'.l. nil.l o'.Iot I, .!;:, ln-tnl-inrMil n. knowleK;.'.. NOTES ANO DRAFTS PROTESTED. ol I fr I loua niAilr 1 ', nil pn i I nt l.lil-o, Iiu- 1 nr-fl Btl.'iuhd to with proinpiiu'-c mid tll-p.H. h. OKMt 11 AT .. c . M 1.. F. If.l.K K."l I'DII H'M. ri lilrii WAIM) Co-operative Store li!;l!TP in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. Drlrd Prnrliri, Apptra, Ar,, ItoiiKttl mid sold. I- lour, (inln, Hunt NltoilH mImrvi oit Imiiil. x4 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKLRS. i c - i- r. ELIA80N &, HAUER3ACH, Door T.ni of tli llrrnlil, Arn work m mi who not nlr rrpiir Wiit.lir Hild t'liH Inn ,l,t Vn Iicr to milnr In any d.'-ir.'d ntvn, i,r miv p ut i-r-ifiii, from a pivot or pinion to an cutim Wnt.di, Work Kion((1 011 MoiUrMli 1'friui READ THIS! In all the beautiful Tarieti,.-;. SEW II SEEN SI IVERYBjDY Contemplating Iho purchase of a Aluchino for fiimily or other use. At our newly-fit teel up Salesroom, Second Door Soul ti of the Kittle Km-porlum, Km-porlum, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. Jl. I., will be found a Full Assortment of theae Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWIXG MACHINE NEEDS KG PUFFING iu riimnirnu il 10 imc puuuc, a. iue following rxF &m MllOWt In KV) tlie.-e now cclcbrjitcl Machine; were first ottered to the public and in tne ! lour yciirs cucceedinif 4.'w were sold. Today To-day over th.-it nuuiour are weekly "irn-rd "Ut from the f:i?r(,ry. uri'l yet tlii imtnen-e supply sup-ply i? noi t'jii:il to tbe dem.ind. At the end o tho yenr Im7, upward o '"J Ma'diintw , wen-fo d. ;ind in ihe 'bt-n fjlf-win? yt-;ir. from ' S to 11, iti c number bad been increased to upw-ird ot I 500,000 MACH1XKS SOU), One third of wlilt li t ere d It. posed of 1 1 ti t n t h r prrrrilln twelve months. From the fore-iin t it will be ien th-t dur-inp dur-inp the 1 t t hrec year?, t n e .1 ! e li.i vc or en upwanl ot ti!; per c nt luorc thai d urine tbewholeof.be pcvtii'.eeu pre i-,-us year.-, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, ! after a score of yrmrm thorough trial j im thai the j SEWING MACHINE I i a I iptr l to m!1 kin I. of wrk, rwirjg W 1 rc tdi.j Uie tiiu ke-l an j uj-jt rtuboorn u;a-t"'ful u;a-t"'ful a.- iljr t.rn-.t iiw-l de.i- Jte t.i -r.c.-; with ft t it- y, that r r t -ue.-, icrlelion sr.d dtir.b,lit Is Ufi'-'tu illfd. A ''! i' p 1 n j 1 tn "-' it .M i n e ire printed ,.,! .1 LI ..-. - ' r -UN All'l V , "I , 'MI.'ru'-ll- 'i"D ibtt, iln "UKQ e rr. 'oiuti.cti'l ra-t"iu-rr- t uk( .it in-! 'Hit ir.-f.'Q ir. 111 tne 1 cr.it'ir. it i -ri in-ii .i .tn- -jr(- a--r -rr:t.g at gir.ce ttir nnniln ity ! tiie Mi Mtit ai.d C"iupiclctic3 l.1 '.Lc C'.'ll'truc.i'.D. ol the oy 711 k SINGER MACHINES AKK S::r.p'i.-;'r r-f rr't-'i'?i n thrrcf. re !cl h. v ilil l.t cr-t f'ul f repair. Sh-rt. Jtn:fh' rd!e lc hKr to brn L bre w ur -p t:. itiU ii. Thehu!t!r i 4rrird. fri;i. n. weir ni the tiff ji'.r of (rrajn.j the race aiethuf voided. linr with wHvh the tr-t inipr-ieu.-rd eaa the icni-B ol u.e tlirc-d. Krerd"in fr.-m weir. A !er twcr,:r year? f' 'ti it ant rr i.c t ti e tn Uuic h t Do v or be 'D ktli'WQ to wear ouU Thv aro nniiolc, rap: I r.d c.y in all their ni" v r itieii All our nn.-Viipr. ar1 liiiitovi rd ut in lli.-rtuii,-'! r 11 n in nk- - ir.irr .. c i ' ta i ' ( t r n t band', ll-irr .t'ln fry. li r-h.Tr ttirrrt.re have i. 't trutittlp, but can fiuve..-tiili) u crate wi;o tiicin At UIKC. THE NEW B JTTON-H 3LE m c 1 1 i x 1-: s are tli'ir.ott'iW pr o-t 1 -il and will perform all that w c ei um It laen,. j,,,,,,,.-,,. t MAXUFACTUKI.'if? MACHINES f.T lictvy ni'il;. are too wrll known (, nets! eiiumeiil. r al-o keep in .-trek the 10 Mi, li'it in Yi''m MAKUFACiU-tlNG MACHINES (Mir to.-k of ( he Simr.'r Seine M :ehi n i Vi-ry e imif i e. in lo .one rery arirty o (ini-h, f xn Ihe I'liun 1,'liinr, tn. tim. -d on Imn k w ilniit t:ldo, oi'ed. to tlip elahor-pearlr.1 elahor-pearlr.1 M . i,nn. it . e .lon-t e :., m I dihiii: e or in niot 1 led h aek w nut fo-o ' d. or in ili-.K HIV liK'lm .ol-h.-d. , Krry .M a. lime 1 hi . in - ti r. 1 1 li the nttio 1 eoinpletn lui nit ore, i n i' 1 n , 1 1 1 1 V' ttie new hem- met I rivmi; till widlli) mid lelle nnd I'rai- 1 l.;r. We ii it r n ii 1 1 e mir Mitrlilnn (u tin III mi Mi I i. nil Idf 1 1 i I r It I 111 llrin I 1 1 h I iui 11 1 Aid I ii j; j ,Mni;lc n HHni hi In nidi il n if (no i Imln nl 1 1 Ii l'Ho i l'U and Sr Iiiii on alanine 1 I Imi e, 11 It nr II limit a linml.nn the nlijr r I it I he rr n 1 r r Cord t it u tT ue fc-li'Kl fc-li'Kl tin 111 I uti T r I mi m I ii m 11 1 ml tug all Id ( h a nd klixU, e t e.t r I e. r t r. WE CELIVEu MACHINES W'ilhnul AJh'ti.i'Hll ('!l,ll,f Tl Al.l. l-Alt l'N Ol.' THIS ( U V AM kiti.lv "I' S.-wim; Ma.-hiitoit I lim (Hi.';lily Ki'i'.iin ,! on lien- M;lbo 'I'l'I'IllS. . llrmrml'tM tin' M :ilrinn Ii .in, ;mn sewiib m.chiies Tno ilooii omiiIi nf (Up t'n k le I'itt-1 I'itt-1 porlnm. CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, JL'STL'S LA "WRKXf.'E, Vrt;il-nt. .J. '. KOGERS M. 11. WYKOOi', A-iw-Pre.-id.:nt. S. C. CUA5DLKU, Jr., "Actuary! 1 li &l 1 1 s. g .a oo g s 5 -- - x s f w7! . h - o EC Zl rj . ri - c-h O Pm 7 A :- - - Tlie entire Profits of tbe Company are distributed annually auionj the Policy Holders, upon tlie contribution plan. All Policies -Voii-iim feitaMe, according to the expressed terms on- tained in each Policy. Xo Extra Premium f,jr travel or foreign residence. I lii i t y days grace allowed on the payment of premiums, and the policy held ;ood dunna that time. Policies I iicontestihle for the cu-tomary reasons, l.tonomj in .ManagPiii'-ut. (July one other New York tomcacj showing as low a rate of expen-es to income. Careful selection of its ri.-ks, as indicated by the exceedingly tmiW mortality of its ojeuiber.s. Policy Holders have a voice in the Klections nd Manajement of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT : OFFICE, No. 94, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO c t t nr'tr arn rm . im 1 . . A. li. DA VIS. - - - SUIT. OF AGES UES JOHN B. MAIBEN, General Agent for Utah. OFFICE AT WOUD.'Ii.VSiK BRO'S, SALT LAKE CITY. MEDICAL EXAMINERS : W. F. AXDERaON, M. L). V. V. BENEDICT, M. D Ui'ihh A'jrtiU hintrl thro'iyltovt tlie Territ'jry. jl? CUAFTSMA'S m -mm uwi OF 'EV VoIUC. r-Purtly .Mutual. Ca.h 5yittm.g All PiiIIcIm Von-Forfrlt Ablr. J'J It'ffftCt n?t,1 fi-l Jrsi-h ,)rr nr TiJ'fl ii ( j'irt of tite World. All V:iri'.;i fuims vt Lif Klldow- ni'-nL. t inn ftt.d Ji.'ir;t IViin- ary i-u-.-d by tiii C'jn.p;i:iy. HtA .M. SWAKT Z. ;nnrrM A-.-::t f t L'tah. O'.Vi- f, t!.r.-n drs ii-jr: N vt K it i;ii:io :.d ii-.-adii.tj K - ;ii-, I .n i n .-tri'-L NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. II Y.V.r.R -Vp li. - v.ce Pre-u-ni. AL'i. iiAVLUh. - ircroiry. Home Offlre. Ilroadwav. rnr. of Vlt : touilu l,, .1 1 1 v a 11 kr c , W l. J Dr. 5. !. WALL! HAN. Gsrral A.-ent ' Kocky M-'iir.t.tin I' .; ri t l -m -ri iw, Mcxk-o. PETER G. FERGUSON, Atftfa: tor L";li. UlTlct In Hoopr, Kldrrdge t Co.'i iuk, , Affm f.-r Mil Lke Ci:y, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE CGMPANY, ,F llAltTFUKU, CII.V KCT1CVT. lr.iuro ftirAint AroiJ.'nu cjuisin.c Dt.f.h or touilly l';Mir)c Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, O Vho nl Hoi'i'iT, EMreJs & l'".'f liMik. ii'-" LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLCBE run: imuv(i: tonrtM. seiis ... K 100,000.00. J. l. MOOH Asm'. -l.M P. O. ltitllillns. ill l.i.k rlfv ' l'EOrLE'SIA'Sl'lMXfErO.: OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. UK vu! Mir!;) c. F. m.-iu:i;mot. 11. ii. nonvrn. l'l r..nlMit. .-'C.'r.'i.-trT A. It. U ' MSI'V r Inl A (inn Ij . Jl. I' )l V Jl M A IV, lruri.1 Allrnt for ttnli. OliOC n S. Y. Il.-nlu ,1 A (Vs. M;.in t:icot. S ilt li.ko ritv. 13. W. K. JENMiNN. I. or n I At iil, ttrirc nt Trilrl t o'. lol St.. ) .4 Snt l.nkf t It . RAILROAD SHOPS. a. hopperTco., S3Q3nJ SjJth Street, Half Block Eat'RtTtri Uome, QA1 T I PITV WAGON 1 l.VP ! CARREAGE AVOKK, ; Of all Descriptions. (HARNESS Made nml lit paiicil. BLACKSMITKING Of all RimU. GARBAGE PAINTING l.ll TRIiniU'C A. noiTVi;. r. v.. .r.i;i.-MK. l" BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAM i'.vni ukus am wium.c.sai.k pk.vi.mu in Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO no, im ami 1 mi (iit.vi) sri:i:i:r, |