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Show LEGAL, ARGIMEM. TERRITORT OF UTA H Bl'F RF.U 1 COURT. Before tho II norable J. B. AlcKcan, C. J., C. M. Hawley. ) . T 0 F. iStnck.unJ, j" A- J VT. S. Godbe. " ts. In Char.cery. Salt Lake City. J Dtr'.NDANT'S AU3TR1CT AVB AIGCyiST : On the 2tiLb day of July, '870, thecmi)lH.in-fint thecmi)lH.in-fint filea a bill in cbanceiy in tbi court agnirst tjall Luke City and lie oflicerd, tbere-iii tbere-iii setting forth tiiat on tbe Utb day oi J u y, )S70, the city by its ffirtrs tiled u. compluint at lan a'iiin t nitn beloro Jeter Clinton, on of the aJileriueu, lor seilius Jiqaur within : the vity limits without a lu'iuie, ind cou-trary cou-trary to an orainnucu pasted October 27, lSi6; tnat he was um-eid, bro.ijrht beloro laid . Clinton, aud on tbe 2 nd duy of July iued .oe huudr d dollars; that bo had outainU a writ of ' cert. orarii" and reuiovtd ihe cae to the tiuireoie Court. Afterward auother uouiplaiut w b tiled bctbr ihe 8,iiu a der-uian der-uian ior ayliiuy four croons ol Lqur without 'a ltceu-o. and that lev era 1 more coui plain ti were about to be tiled. It then sayt tha'. A de.Uian Clinton hau not ' juntdiciiou" ut tue u atier; that the "ordiuaac w.i null and void " without ae;iruiug nht-re n iL was Toid, or why the aid riuau bainotjurii lotion. lo-tion. It lurtbdr stuted that bu claimad tlie r igbr to sell iiyur by Virtue of a liee.ne aa a druggist, fiio bill iTaytd lor uu iujuuotiou .igiust tho City uud in lftoefs Iroui proio-cunug proio-cunug tli eso suits. wliio tuu court cranitd. AftervTara tnc city filea in Hniwcr, in waich it uuject'd to tho j-iriiJitlioii of the couvt. and t-et f-Tth tuo ordiuanca of the oity, wuich bo far as Duces ary lo bo stated t show tue poiuu in tmi ca-. o.daiui taat it etiiiii not ue 1 w ul oi uny pi i m to ml 1 juur witbis .he eity without a lieua. ind it iui puius a fine tor so doing oi au mm not L'xeoaJiuff out huodrtd Uullara, ine oa tueu mured tue ouit to disioifo th ujuuo i ou, or to require ihe coiplainaat to sire bail noi to sen liquor within the eity uu ii 1 ine matte s in tu Din coma De fteara, wuiuu l.'is court re I used. Iho ubore in a i iht facts neccsry to ft noticed te undvrctauu the arguaieut ot couusei. 6nw A Hooa ani C. ii. UcursTXA ', For the City. Marshal k Caeti t, i'or Qodbo. Snow and Uogo, before- Mr.Heirp.Uead was em IttyeJ. prep .red tue loiiowuut aiTJuaut. waii--u, uu M r. llempsleaa'? beiurf re ainej. wa ibtuiUed to hi.u. Jir. lleiupkteii aiter-watdd aiter-watdd kuouiitted luituer I'Oiute. The question of or.giaal jurisdiction in the Supi eaitJ lo rt id ou-iseLtl d by tlio tru. coustructiou of tne C'rganic ct oi Ucab, au. UOl by illj to C of kUjut.lged c Beti. iod'-o L am uot awa e b t tue -ae has erar be l eiore Iuj ouiTeJie Court of the Umteu i.itc, iu whi -b ilit? same or eioii ar princi plea uVe bevn UuCid d. liie Act estao.isuiurf the Territory o Ul.ni, ao iar a- re at'S LO 'Ins question, it I'jutii in ttaU lid, pju 2, ouuuuus 6 auu Section 6 'nys "Th le islatiTe pwer oi iai ; Ivreitory ualt cii d to all ritftUluJ subjects Ol ICilrlailO I, COUdlsteut wi.u in ioustit jtiuu oi tue OnilUA OLtei aud witL tuia act.' aeeiiuu 9 .-ays "Th; judicial power of paiu Territory -hall bo ve-teu luaouo.euioC-u.t. iH' rioL eouTL, irobave courtd, aud in jus-ikcs jus-ikcs oi the Ptaftt. "-bf ou.reuie Curt shall ennsist of a Chief Justice aui two Asa jci-ic J us. ices, two .ji w uu jj fUn eoutltuiua uuiirum, a.,d mIiu obil h ld a term at.. i OB at ol g vtrumeui .iu uit, illy, i uu std lerrit ry t!U.tll do di w , ded iulo three judicial ditfr et. and a Uu-. Uu-. rid eoun eiia 1 ue i d iu ua U ut said dn-iriCLS dn-iriCLS bj ouv oi liie J u?ii ed uf tue upreiue Ciurl, at euch time auJ pl.ice a.- mAy be pro-viucu pro-viucu bj law. 1 ue j u ri i uiiou u. tue eve r.il court U-rein t-r-'V.ded lor, botU appellate appel-late and ontfiu.il, nd t. at f tiio 1'rue.ili oui'ls a ' u ol J u . .Ce ol tuo i'o.i o. uall bt j i.iuiicl i))" un; provi ei, J u.-tice. of lii l'e-' j nal i 11 j I ti av juris lie liou ol a . uiftt ter lu eu-jrTeis' wueio I HO lillo W oi o.iuu 44 ks "i Ua I nay uo ii ui-pjte. ui w,jeru L.i JCJl uT a jiu ei.liliiL-i eh I eicee. mc ujii'iTi-U d'j lurr; .uu lu .upreUi- an ij. ira'i c ur. reepeti e.y ?;ili umt juaa ;ery a- wen oeoiiiaioa 1 juit-di;ii. n. " ri-a ol c. r r. uim oi cia piiuii, ad ap ........... .il in .ill Ir,.... If,. il urn d el. I'jii of t j s jid Listri t I'lUfh t . ae . j pruiJ coun. uu ir sue a ruition a- uiitj bo pre.-ufiOei law ; l lu uu c" fciii-til ft lie .a,-re.i.e Court elia.l tril u. ,ur be iioW d iu i . e .uL. "ni- .i .Mud ui.-iru- c ur'-h 11:,. md ni-'fi'iitf .iiiv. juiimu'.i u iu .i i.vi ri ii t u.diT Lu Loii-iau.i jo mu - ol Luu ciiilel .i ii., u J rii.- ul pr. j. aud apt'ii- - ' U - t .i ' :jn l L iud' iu t.i .-uiiliud Court ot i tie le.ri ory a io jtuer c h-n determine the meaning uf thrr WuT'-i? We t-eitie Luc cou-iru- ilvu ul t P o l r, at ie.i'l, a re al-.l io tue urtgiua. ja ri-'ii -U'ju ol Liit cutTcmo C-jurt. lui Lc.u lUfijUifliJU L'i W beb .ry US. Cliauee.lor KHi lu T -I. i. p. - 'i, lop . ig-iug, ig-iug, eay "Hie w ri' ol -utiUe. il l )UJfii iu uac, ar t be lni-H ia lucr IiaIU . p. a u. on . iuu and or li u ry iiiiili ml imif-rt." fee a 1 Wic . luu, , if. a U n te- U iilC.l worn re Ura l iluy ro in b t.iK.U in t cUul 'ai eur'.-. um it C r;ir.j ap(-e .r.- Ir ui me fniim r otin-r pat., ol mr i Uf i ru ii.e ii lb t - up Wiir i? w- ro mien ir i title ti-tle atm-U 'ii'Teiiiiy to tutir oraiuary wr ie;ai a. . e J : at lo n ." ui tee Urn ..1 n. 'Jl; At cn I ill .'''I, ure in favor ot ri.idiii a vut-" acordi.g io uu uio.it uu inui iu-port o ln i ji.it u.i h-i, u t l. OU Tv 'r-.Hii( to K-U'illu -ad 1 f. r 1 c -Q vruc.t ii' i r tiic urpo oi . uher iiumiug or A n lilt inlf ip-ratioit. , .)' Lju J . .- "I ' in ii i, p Fai rleo m . Conn ii, l V rui'iui .'., "rtM, ire t b. la .i 1 it ii)-) f'ui'a to. i. would c-mf y tu-uic.Lii.ng tu-uic.Lii.ng io all in n i or'ii nry c Aiik".' A,pi- t .e.-e rur to tun ratline um'Ci cm i nrauon and wnl do r hud T ihe li'i;.' muro in.iy onit iitr- on nl. rigrinul su -jesi; 9 ol U . -n ion. d whih lio ..it u -u iu .-f tjq d Hioi tn i ilie jun- li'-Lion d th c ma? in tue n-rri ry i a p.trt: lu, iDe-e mi uiu. be eou.-mont wiiq -no Cui- Uu luu auu wuti the I. W hvo (lie C-n-'.iLUiiou, Hid -Cf nnd (be mw , n-cd r.m al. lie ri ji-Uled. tue i e..rin itit; bui tieu in any iu,i-uii tbo tnw 1 ilic Lrg titir o .ah etiiuiy coi.Uii'U wuli. or it n iutfim..t t(1 tne uuMKU'i'in t tiio net, tho law iiul-i iield. rn it be rl 5'rrtnin'l t' h iinr-n tillllC'iiMi or l urn -i .rtil wi h 1 h o net. trie a ujiin rl any npjuur m ! )n r -tifli. t ilb. or rrp'i-t ii.inl io. Uir nnr or ill" iiilior li l not c..oujh to br nn',-tiy i i.cn n r r n i r n ' or 1 1 ill ''11 1 nl 1'in'Ull'Hi; Tllirirrniorm,.. , ii-.a il. w ' .'.. .:'.. :.;.. '--.7. o.v 41. ,Mt. r-u. rl v.. Uiarauiid .re"fc tnr-.li r j., 2. Vrl em -im in wn find u-d thn word "Suprnnr Com t. ' wn.'di in I j nrdi.Hiry ui.d uunl ?ng mm-Uion iiiij-or a rourt ot ft.ni' ptt': a enuri t'ir tue rorrt'ctiuii f tlm rrrnr of nil iijlvri iouri.1. iui 1 nl li'Mitcu it in.t) h wr hi 'ome c.u". , hs ill .t o itiy, up r mh i uu rt n I lii in i-.l .ii.v,, oi iKiu.il jiiri.ii. iion. -nrh i'iif? OO I H K IliKli li'id imii" i; uii.t i y t i ' doc- no . -.irtiy inn- i . . itir.'tfin iu-t -a, n. M lnl ikintf ol t 'ii jnri , irti-in id In- Fi-i fin -ii r ' both ti into nnd oris i- a . " i tr it up i- .ri io i Im -i.i-ukuirf in lirnn iTill. WllH ll Hrr alikn ill. i. r ih t'i al In iiir.o, mil Hir r n- rii'iom wlirli jive or Kill"' juri-iicnon .o ih ruprein' t.ourt wi.i k vc tipp-'l i j.m". 1;mi n to tin it h- net couris I uu- no ii p. ii x n t,Ur i.tciM uf I liu word ilprrini'. In 111" Hi-t Iui vi) word w., irii il tint oin.Mly. t , l t.o li ly, Kive or (tin t. jiirHdii' i n Io lln U im. eo.ir l.- in lrnlor!ii ( n i U y up' l!io-(i wlnr li provulo lor Hpprn tn tli. it prime ioiirt Iroin IU-Ii it I Ji ni-m ol (lii-liir.fi (lii-liir.fi c.uiri". I liorc art-no word in thr ii' t. il iljjitf boron rind by tiio ruin be-l"Mi be-l"Mi ui'1 1 1 io:m 1, w;i n'b il ir 1 1 v or un - MM-d y ki V" oriiri on I juri-di-'i mn Io i Ii n u-pr-inn oiirt. i i.eri'lor to hul l tl.41. ilio Mpr'iiMt oiirl. h n.- or ikhiiiI iui ilioi i n n li; 'ii'inl iln iin'iiiiniir. b i w ordinur y. il ii nl nil 1 nbvioiM m i if 1 1 1 1 1 it I ton uf iu hr.i.ji Wfl. ( on re in ' Ii miuii1 ped ion ,i i It i ri-t rmirM urn; mil j u i i-d h i m u ui a j III" of riM' V, Il I' ll MI J-") 1 i I' r I llf Con-liiul ion hii'I In of lb ti'iiiii'd .la i o iiiiii fMiitnt oitii rrtn"v If w iii'j'lv lip- rule ol i''iijirindi n. llmt tb ri'ri''inn of o nn tiling i ttm cx.'lii"io of nnmlinr, or nil other. hi Ii. In n.i-.-d wlicm it npplirx ini'loulirnl biw. w v li4Yi t b orii'i"l .iuri ii 1 1 n in U'li imp t 'ken liu in l t'Sllpcll, oiirl: Mint in, llifl ,Hunriiin Court in t-rliidiii. t-rliidiii. bi-'iiil' nol iir ludi'd. In thl iunn ciiib" n I 'mi ,i the -upminn i oiirl h.i appid-nt appid-nt juri ilifiioii irivm ii neatly tlier-aiiio word1" in I f ri loniil rni . I hii bun ' for lb" I'oiipiili rn ' on nf tlm eoitrl, if I hnre io it ut uImI. nihil dill" inin. i ler in or i tr i n.i 1 hi riw-l id ion "I tlm ' oi rl," i i'n-cert. i'n-cert. ("I. bet we II eiiifK t ri"i im inid''! I he I 'on "tilUM"l ii M I (n e o l)i Imtti'il Htutt nml ill'"" llo ko ilT'ifliH ( 1 1 d I oiiirrn , rmifer orittii I j'indl' toil on Ihe Kui'ieme Court i" "fin n,iM ol c.-.M mid not ill nun her? H hern i thernnr wliern cvm Iheri be il M V re 10" ,,r t Ii M ill"' inel ion, no Inr lf relnloMn I ho I itfi mil iinl n hpol Intn juii-iliftto juii-iliftto i ot Ihe nourli I 'I h't net ol CniiuO'M will tm lllriillynp.rr.ful mil i I t h " l i f 1 1 ud Court- in eii-ei Irh lly l -ti riti'rml, nt in other e f-. have, to t f e I muni ol tln .4 u in- f I mil i. of it; i tut I jiiri-ilnit mil. I . I he npp"la1 m in. indie I ion ol I lit' Ml i renin t our I l. pteo-vel ihn rc4on i, boih c' liirl-w'll Ii vi. liiin. erv nt well an nnniiioii Inw iuti- di-tion, I ni". lb will he oi Ui.i:il the oilier Mpptdl.ile. l-tiilbni flllll, ll" ilM llorw Ool Hnli) Wird eidinvn U-.T rondintent ?T ii ii Hjiplied o juried jnt i in I hire in, lb ere- fore, no right fnr the purpose of extendinir its mean ng to intcpolate either, unless the contort or otaor pai t of the act necessarily r- quires auch interpolation ; and eertninly there ii nothing tiiercin, ae I think, which requires or permit! it. But witb thi iater-po-atioanowa urbt to be givm to it, we must interpolate the word " ooncurrent." If it apaeirs that tke lJi.-trict Courte harj orig.nal juriyg ctiou in cases proaei ly Territorial, Terri-torial, v, il I it nt make the act in Us operation opera-tion the same if it rend. " '1 he fcuarerae Court nnd District Courts herein provided for lhall hare conrarreut origil jur:idio-t;ou jur:idio-t;ou ia casva not arising uader tiio Ootnlitu-ti- and laws ef the Uuitcd Htates; bat W riia ef Rrror ind Billi et Eicep'ion and Appeal shall be allowed ea1 may be taken, ia all unit cauey, fretn the final decision of tao Di riot durta to the riuprenie Coor' under un-der .-aeh rerulaliens hs may be prescribed by law." I re-pcifally submit, for the e a ide.-ation ol tke oourt. whetaer it would not be a foroed enm notion aad a changing ef the termi from thei- ordinary nni usuil iig-nifio;itien iig-nifio;itien and impart, and an actual addition to Ui language, and if thre be any rule ef onitruetion which jus tificiaueh an imterpola-lion imterpola-lion or addition? May we aot r-aeonably draw eouelu-dona from anulogoas regulatious in the States ? Here we find, in addition to the Fuertme Court iad District Cowrti. the worde "Pr-bu'.e "Pr-bu'.e Court and Jatiees of the leace " Juti'ert ef the Penne eeii g wU-Vnewn "fl-'ers ia tao Mate, ef the lowest grade, yet eminently uu ful, are the li weet here. Xkea j , follow, ia regular erder, Probate Courli. Oistriet Coarta nd a Supreme Court. HI j theie ce irt w re then for thin Terri tory, being provided for with their respective re-spective jurisdiction!. May we no' theti ' wll ?ay- Congress aiod general wn-tl alike epplicable 10 all. The Acr Bays "The ju is'lietion ef the 5CTer;il eourti herei n provided for, bo h appellate and original, shstll be a u limited bj law." Wifch tk is lan guagc be ore ua whi can fail to eee fchat the e d "appellate," wnen i enking of jurisdiction, juris-diction, ii as uearlyappli d to Justice of the Peace, the lowest court, aa the word "original" "origi-nal" is to the Supreme, the kighu court? tiut nick a eoaiructton, giving Justices ol he Peace a Duel late juriidic ioa, wot I -I. a! I -aid before, eonfouud Ml our i ' ai -f ! gl lroe dare. I here re o art that Congre"-iU5t Congre"-iU5t bare had in view thi- very ihing. and i wiaely submtlted ad tb ese matterc to the d is i !rffjiieti f the GoTerner -nd Lpgislative -seinbly. "I he Actrontenpln,ted .egislatioa fixing the place of the eat of government he time id the year for the term of the Su-ure'iie Su-ure'iie Court t be held, the dividing the 1'i-rritory ino jud eial district?, and fixing the time aad pla-e of holding the D atnc Court, and prescribing the nuuiber of Pro-h Pro-h JuiIk, ith th'i Territorial lioiiti o) each and that nr Jufticea ot the Peac- by Mot, wim the aame propriety, .-ubmii te the i" me legiiiai ive disere ion the Juris lictton el tbe - ourt flxintr. litai irg or let-tltng let-tltng bounds te their judicial powersf Did not Ce gres-" actually aulh -rife the Governor and Lei--islati ve Acerabiy te limit ix and act b -add to the judicial powers o! he Supreme a d District Coui-!", wnen t oiid ' the Le. isNtive power of s.id Terri t' y -h ill extend te all rig tfil subj-t-ol gisl.it ion?" and when it sa id "i h o ju ri? diction dic-tion of the several cenrt.i herin p'-uvi-ie .or shall be as limited by Nit?'1 V hat ebe irtn be made nf ibee term.-? Can any otuet .'ontruclieti pne.-ibly be Kiven tbtstu? -iiiK not. Hen e i proceed to the I -ws 01 he Tcrnto-y. to Irani f cm item, if I ean nbether or not the Supreme 0 iurt h ia ori Mir1 jurisdiction The flrt Aet od this nub-eel nub-eel w.'s approved Jan. 19, 1'j2 Ste Utah laws p. I'rm first section reads as follows: "The Li-triei LoururhallexreieorigiiiaIjuri-- iction b th in eivil n I eritoitinl cact-wnen cact-wnen jot otherwi-e provided b law." Ttiert e find tne -upreuie Cou t is not named arjd therefore it is excluded. It i tirlu n4 be aase it ir not ineiu-ltd. No provision t ouud in this Aet for the rrg-ilalWD contem idatcd in the Urginic Act. for remivimr a from tbe fiu-tl Ucimn of the Ditri. Lniurt lo the Supreme Court tly tlieAct at-'reveiDec.iJLri at-'reveiDec.iJLri 16 J tire Utah L-we. pagu -eo 1, it i provided tht all the eou.U of ihia 1 rriiorr sha'l have law end eqm:y urindiction in civil c ": but it d ies nut tate wiietrier (be Uw and equi y juri'l e -ion isiooeapp-dimteororirfinal. It, hw-v.;r. hw-v.;r. we fol.ww the oal"g.e' 01 the law. t.ti jurirdieiioii of the Dmnct t oitl? would be r gmal an I th t ( t ie iprem Cour: 1 p- , ee.lat. ihe A.l of L tab. m-proTwi Jen. I iSl 1, I ev' Utah lew. p.if e (,, xprriij I g . v apeti.:e j urn di liuntj tee S ipr m-j m-j .our . Put it d-i i not emfr upon it oni 1 11 iu iidi.'iiea. llen- 1 dn-I.Jn it lu uol been iej If it'irr tfio a t of il u-ree u-ree or tfti A i o( I'taa ha-j con 'e rrr l -r gLl jund ru Vi'iu the aprrm C'-urt iad ba-l not proviurl trie po tr ol cl.u.g ,jfif, i tru a ant I'etit. 1 eaitcit. s . ; lUe'H'irrli.f, if UWj.,ljQilbjifLilfi:ctc-l 1 h ti l j . i 7 -l me Anro-ime 1 V : tl'tn iiijiiuu! Or, ii o:li wr if, id!J i.ie .''-urt rei-e it f l.t u tr m mi jiant low at ih r-invrn i-n-eaiiJine o-ni-f r raiting lt it fbn i a iii'l'f properly eurnnitirj to 'hr u.gi'.a;iTe dwpr;weot an 1 not tw the Jo-iijt Jo-iijt il. iq l given cue. Ihe tcfu.r ie -lejhttulwh.ca 10 thi e k'e 1 r--ee i-ully i-ully .ut.itit ifitr re not. (he Ourt mil took intu ui r ua ot 1 u j 1 w. andfivtto, -'.utr m-M a iti'Cru. v.-uti at w.ii b rt pr, aioic t lie c - ;i Vt riicu, r . I t Mo 1 -ih n t j ,t a wti-i. VV ,f ti tue iir.-ine A- i w.e (.. i. nd wtien th iw i, L tH tr n ird tr-iatirig tr-iatirig lo u r ;r t. lr,e lerr t r j titrn-nd b ul fire bu:.'lr4. uii e rta and rout 1. nd I0iu! ci tit I, un Jri 1 111 1 rat t.0 .Huuhol lhiciuntrv w 1 n h biUJ oy 'treiii g triuof Indiefii. IrejurB j ti til. It -a oin ii tte-i ever in toe in l uiUiu.e wuh wtnLe t'l-r. m Il lui c -a .try the pr.-'t't cf trie -ut-rcn. iurt uiuit r u n. il 1 1 cl ivi -e-1 u 1 1 1 n j i ri lirtion; and pritl-r in I inn Vl rr, dt-ln- e "t riat hunlrei u.ll.-i. ii ;r I Q it. Uioft CO:l -j k-ll i4he I ty Ttltl ill. per h'i.-e. ror be o.' tritlipg c hraeie , O01 a m Iq 1 be auiuuhl ia Couuu f rrj nd j to the pnuciple mr-.ive I. ma I tht, b-ith Mt law, i i 1 1 nd criuiin!, and in ei-rerry.e ibt "if -Il I Act Ul.ti.ri d- di1i:iiV-.on T'ir grivrftii - would t f rt indeed and ri'-'.hu 10 prov. d or ririu 1.; f. r. 11 tbe jun ii'-tioj ii'-tioj 111 r. it e.rilj Id the duty n 11, r enirl tn p-ruil the ruitor tn te ort to it. uhrr Hie i.ij.-e-" n-r tue int-ni (.f il,r pl.miifT Could rntrr into ihe controversy 4 .-nui 1 1 ht 10 t hf l-'urt. "1 ruiif he e be-nuir be-nuir .t i imy riKllt; ( pi nt uiv(f upn w) i1 ngUle. 1 rue. I bed a rutii 10 re-- rt to In iiinei nearer bninc. ut : right to f ,in bero; 1 hvt the pt-lin id Ct'iirt. 1 bare mde that eric -tii'tl. aud n w i mIIuu llieC'.urt ( rlil-T'-eit " Ml- h wouol b bia r-umeiit, to which the Vurl ni ,i Jiitrn and tne v.-url tcul -ay I -him. ' I rue. it i yur if b t. and. t r ue. ! i br duly ot tho t'.-url, tnt to umVe. but ti. lr- are tb il; tin lew i with "U. n l we. ha e Court, in u n't a 1 n 1 in 1 U H i -n von taeti." 1 hevc urmuht f-irw ir.l tlii m i bu ui hly vonec. v true iiioii, ar.ij pUri-d it in t n 1 iniif hcoi, tli4t thr Court u. 4- i-e the rrsiiltji to wUica th, ibo-trine ibo-trine w-ll !.) 1 do no in'end bv thl to urc anrtbing M-iml ttie rii'H of tho nupre oe ( ourt In iu any pr r s tir.Trr to pruti-ct itn td"'ll te i-.w, r, nnr lo di nv t h rirf it ol ' iiLg'"" or Ihr l,rffi.t nre "M'trihto c"ti-f-r. lie Ihe wir 10a uf . onlorriuf, n. iiuel j 11 n -ii n ou th" ruprfing I Cut 1 10 bik'li . .1 t r i 11 11 1 1 1 1 r ! ot l-niMinif ih.. ronfln-iotn to which I ho OOurt m -y er ri vo on t ho poini ( hu t.ir di -u -cd w. Iviive ihrui and pr end 10 thr noxt ju.-ti.n. 1 br-j n v fuiiv in the lull 7 1th t he dcrpf ion of a m !! cl.t-a m rm.n ia whi' 11 law un I ''hancry h-ri mn-cirr'tu mn-cirr'tu juri he ion n I" whirl) tin- ir not ,nr) f'jmty cmri hre no Ju-i.ir 1 uu wIitp i lifff l a pi un Nlcjii:tta mti v rrmid t Uw, ft prop.i-i i,( wlu. h only nerd to Uf ir.( I , hr. r- .--'emril. I'n .(tK-i.on r'r-j hy f) l.,U flt,.I nn W r. IU'llll" noimily U-U1 I) s - riiilit. U VirlU'' nl R lniK( i'i lireitao, lo r1! Ml I'iri -uni, Iitu -r li on 1 )' tl oonn r.tnri, i ud 10. not r-t ie v e-iu-i v in h I 1 v.u. I -i -numern'i n r.ie) in lm f-iim-l tn ib en in-nun in-nun C4li-nd r of 1 i ( of I liil Kin 1. but no no m r h n - y wliich bae 1 lm undir in tihant r a ion I' be r nt vnioi 11 rd i une o a nun"! 1 ui 1 mil i-li Tii-'l . Il 1,1 in 111.111V. pii I, pr,rlMj, all ihtt SuIh eu in ii-d lil ' II u -1. t nnr ilm r ei i hi 1 nil h' .i u n t hf rrm cH v i m ire "un pi e nnd ! emu Iht- 1'HIH7 (llMU'MV ll!i llol i II I d 11 I l-'ll lo I'll" .in tt rriminel .r 'nl nn, nind'-i I'll enrj PlPii'lmir un I Pie- lice, 'rd vol., IT. I, Sturpy'n K-jnitf Pie nli nit-". Vi ' ; Mhipj'p Iv(uii7 .Iiirj(trinen . ' v d , ere. I he i-nlr 1 1 i'pt ion to tin Mile 11 when the pur 1 y pi 41 un I) ki ihe ei-1 of chancer) , and 11 1 1 or w.ir-l in diluted n criminal pri'i'c l 1 in air tin-tt Ihe del" n-liint lor I he rn 111 r r.uie, Ihe pnitinn ! 1 hi- ' 1 1 'he city bud com inio ('.in court to -k it md to cRiulili-li ! riithl, nnd nllcrwiird" r-ultd were immh iU'-u-ol, Ihe eutut pou M impixe t -t in 1 hr j ujutici ion. If the h ill wi.d ollini.r e 1, il id bed in tlii ; it bud not -.d 11 i h 11 V l ik hi lo. but mil v (hut he ciuiiiid n ritilil wil h 011 1 eh i li it I li r Cr.iuuiN ot In" cImhii. Ihe hi, I. il Ihv iihht eli.iii'i wild fouinln l li A fuel, elinuld Imfr dfiit-drlnH Ii't in plain term. n (but Ihn iMi't coiil. I hitvo lo rn ib'ii nl, ndiiiilti -I, cr iiinllind bj (l)r nnsncr. A bill hi r.,uilv, lildl 11 c pliiiht nt Inw, rhoulo An1i In- 1". Ilrie no I ..Md nil' Plnlo , whi-b in Iho r inbtil degree d ieU.o I h 0 coinplriiniitit'd ri..uii'l fit r-dif. Till". Il" , nv the Ml n K 1 1 1 rt 1 1' 111" tiol i iliclieu litnl lh onlin.iiii o 1 null and vout ; but theo 11m , cni'lu- ol I iw. I a emir! of iiil v n II Hot yrrmt mi i 1 1 j it n -I j o n to rtuy pi oi-erd ine al la w bo lMinl of ju i' diel noi In tbe it. hi if 1I1100 the prorecilinii' bio 'cnd'tig. M, Hmri'v'd I'-mimI v J itriJpt inl' iiiic, v Thi brniKd tne lo ibn 1 'Iuukm in the bill, tluil (hii.iiiiiiM' ie void, nml Ibr- curl ie no jin diidion( whii'h an1 cnu'dii-ion oi la w, and not a 6tatemont of facts, forcing us to assume to be eua ged in the bi ! 1 h:it cannot there be found, v.t., T but the Legislatu e of I lie Torril'Ty had no power to pii-a tbe act ineorporuting tho city, consequently the ordinance or-dinance is void. As.sumini? ibis to be tho pu.-ition of the complainant, we proceed to show (hut, under tne organic act. t-uoh legislation legis-lation was with id the fcut-e of the power con-f con-f rrc 1 by tbe samu. See. 6 of the net s.iy-1 "The Icgilntive power of e-t:d Territory shall cxiond 10 all rigu:ful subji'cts of legislation, legis-lation, eon-istcnt with tbe C n tiiution of the United tn.tcs and the p ovisions of this act." Thus giving tbe Legia uture general powerB to legnlate ou nil suojccif-j exuept as alt rw:irds bpeciUed in the name sec ai.U the grautiUK uf c-irpornto righu to ctic-j is not mciudud iu eithur of tbe exceptions. If. then, the rignt to grant a cny cli.ntt r is a , rightlui iubjo. t of iLgisi.ttiou, given by this j gui-eial olfUne, there C-n be Bu question but the charier id valid, in tbii v we are lully iustained by Congress, wbich ha- since directly bauctio ed tue city cliarL-.r by the town eite aot of 1667, aud its recent amendment amend-ment extending it to cover 1 h is eutir-- city oy name, and also by the act of March 2, 1S67, see. awa jyCongrea-, p 4-b, seo. 1. whi. h limited thegeueral Kg.elutive p -wur iu 'be 1'crriiuiy 111 cases ut private corporations, corpora-tions, leaving ibis general power 11x1-toucned, 11x1-toucned, iu casts ol' pubi c corporal ions. Xt then follows, of coiusc, tb.it au ordinance ;u;ed in pu auauce of t,ie Charter ia ulao valid. But tiio council for c.-mpiainant utay cay tbii secLion is general in in L- ruai to tbe Legisl-ituio, but doej nut authorize tho duKg 'tioa 01 leg ula ive po.ers to tue Ci;y council. In auder to tlii8, we re er tiio Court to tho diliri-m taies where i-acb leg slutiun is o' con-taot occur reuce under t uOir Uilfei eiu const iiu noni which, neai ly all. 11 not quite ml, aru ail 1, ou ibu particular point; uud the delegauon ftbis legiUtive power ts sauctioued aua upheld b tne r courn To cue nulhoiiti-b iu -p.ta.n luu proposition wou d be an in--ult to thi oourt. Tne que-t on is t fieri aekvd, wuy or on whai. uutb-jnty uo the courli uphold a citation of thi power'.' lo wuieu is unswe d. ou tbe grounui .J general leg! lati . e power over ai- rigntl'ui subject- ol leAislrtiiou. Tuis conciuoi,n i aot ODiy HUiiaiueu u ihusoli, uj lujftc, auu Dy legirlcU.ve euac menii. but it atso ud th--auc.ioQ o' tho hiahedt judicial tribuuea oi .he (iuvernujenu -ee tn Trualees 01 ia-cenuen ia-cenuen Uuiveroity, Yd. tue Aim e of Ind .ana Li iiarvrd, -bi, aud particularly 21, logeia Vri. iiurlinton, d Wuddoe, oo4 parti cuiai ly ob aud ood. aII Concur iu sutaiu-ilig sutaiu-ilig iu in City Cr arter. Sections 23 and 24 et-UlaU et-UlaU awa p. llo autuortZeS the city n the ordtuituce. Part-uauL to tbia Charter, the ordioau e was pSeu. A 5 we aTi iu the uetd 01 eoujecime. we again iti'jU.re wha. puiut will 1H0 Cuunel uiate against lue Vi idily of tbe orui .ancc? Xt nv bi. .g .in l a law uf Coi g-ca.-, i 00, vikat Act'.' lu rct to provide a revenue foi tb u.iito-. 3ta es require druggist- an 1 liq uor dealers, i-ln wuolc-alo aud retail. 10 Ootaiu iiceute- ee Act pp. 61, 0. o , eo S); tub. div. 3, 4 16, li, l'i. IS. liui this Biuje Aci preBer vs tne iigbt of tbe o tales aud i erri tones ftis to n kU ate tbe same deal; be . Z. Ui Igutley'e dlge.-t p. 2.&. StrC cJJl; ee alro be ncei.ee ea- Hollarvaid. tA; mcuuiuvs CoUjmoiiWcailb, 6 v auaee p c'Jj. Au la requiring a license to carry ou ft bu iut-s. druKge.1 or liquor, lUlp.lea a pro ti .oil iou; ,bat ia. all, goou or uai, are probioiie-i Irou. , carrying IL ou wituoul a I. Cense houecai cWiin tuo rigbi to bve it. il theu s g v-mniieni, v-mniieni, ai iu our cse, ecp ine i?-uiu o; it w.ihiu 1L1 uwu d eret ou, uvqu caa Coin laio. liaj tue aide, mau ju 1 idu tiu ? Ou e need rcmai k u iui oiut.' Wc think -t. lie io a J u-tp:e of the i'ea- e uudei another uauie, .ree Organic Ail, o.-c.' 'J; ft-L ft-L lah laws p,-.3'J aud .-cllun p.lw, oee. 4; p. Ii4, Cieeo. iJad 14. p.nw HiCf, Attornej s f-r the "i t y. c. it. RRur.srr.AD ij adj.ti.jnal foists. M r. 11. i-rgucd tbe cae oral'y a', the bnr at great lrng:u. and hs 1 lliouul try c ear-)" an 1 b-gi-.-Al-y 1. A oill of peace lie to prevent multi pliciiy ol sui . a -o 10 prc.eni v-x jtioua 111 ig.i ton. Adam'd K-j iiiy, p. 4 .'; but he r,'Qt iut f.rs' bee 1? -cd at iaw. Idem. in the lormer ca-es there mut be a iiu mtrou? c a.-a lu-kttiij . u tiio law ri$'l. In tne latter pir tlicrc niu-t have bc-n at ri"' o.ie irinl at law 1 1 i-l. 11 e;t-c.m n:. 1 li-:u it-: a -o d .'t-n-yj t.-jji y. '. V-iuerrpt-.no: a "Miuie i a.4 though u titur tii) tJ "luitd !- '.' 'ti- Lw. si-c. 7j. 7 it i,.r!f f 7 '.V .1 ' I -ir .". ( 'tji-:.ii:-j Lijm .N-w.. Liivcaji'-T l. l-'O. p:e 1. i ue p-w- r lo ,i-e;C r.1 the .-.:i;c aj the pt.-w.-r o Lix. I nc cr .litii.g a li'-eri-e i ft f:iv r to th" tTauu-t', not a nii ter ol rt. Ul to oc d- man 1 t J fQ 1 .ij in 1. 1 ol" t r I.e. IVjif ci r I . ii'-u-t -n .iw lo;k Al.ivor, 7 ii---w.ird'f -r,u-. K. M. b'-rr a di.-rct i'n i riven to a municipal ity, ttie "n- j:i:.;i-.i i- b l l. w.t v-r mi) d. Ai-i-' l i-rp f-AfT" 4-7. 7. hiib-ri-ing mutiicip' riru i"n by fine bv 1 hr tn.i t ,. ,- i ii ,l ;.c t i-rc ;-e d ; u 1 1 -:i r.i!icii.-ii-: At-''j;:' C-ti-., j .isc i:f.', rvc. |