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Show . r'nvciRT, nui-t baeecured 'tL'?5nVLocK on the d-y of the "or ihef l be i0lJ 10 Jobs C. Graham. i1f ,v House. Kady tn aeeom-MiN'rv aeeom-MiN'rv public. Board and ia!e;b the dav. SI -30: by toe week. !",,hc U.e m.tb, $25 00. Omnib.i 'C railr.ad depot Two blocks theatre. Suit Lake City.. r.FTtn at his rallerv always pleases ... "on witlfhis lifelike portrait. U.,ve v..u seen tbe sufw-rb portrait, thai "tes four for One Dollar? adv jjrfi-sED .For two feet in the Xe tra-ka silver lode Hill, mentioned in oar last is-ue, we can state positively ibt? 10,000 were refu.-ed yesterday. We .-aw the gentleman who proposed to bay, and the cash was offered in land. No shenanigan there. Information Infor-mation relative to tbe II ill ean be had t the bunk of Messrs. Hooper, Eld ridnei Co. Wistkd A fewsood carpenters and joiner. Apply to 1'jlsom & Komney. ' adv If Iliuirn is Wealth, tben un-d un-d niS'cdly. a rich gift to humanity is YEKBA'SANTA, the tiest safpst and must reliable BLOUD PURIFIER ol the tiny. Its effects are certain and ,,ndt!rful. D i not tail to give it a trial. It is a sure euro for Kheunmtism, Goul mi I Neuralgia. adv For srtle by all Druffgists. Reddixg-ros, Reddixg-ros, Hostbttkr ife Co. airents, iNo. 629 A $1 Market street.rsan Francisco, adv CnAPPKn Hands and Face, Soke ':" 1'RV.vkss of tiik Skin. &c, urM m ih i) bv II K(, K U A N S CAM -1 UOU H'E wlril ULYGKItlNK. It keeps the hands soft in nil weather. Sec I t you gft UKU-E .MAN'S. Sold ivy ll'l Druggists, only 'Jo cents. Jlaiuil'ac-! Jlaiuil'ac-! lurfti only by Ukukm.vN & Co., t'liKiiiists and" Druggists, jSew York. dlS " Hdv . "Heap Smoke." Go and see tht mammoth Ciirar at Ed. Harris', three doors east of Post Office, and get one of his "Salt Lake Beauties;" they are deli cious. Best of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cards, canes, collars, knives, and other t'aney notions. Cigars cheap at wholesale. whole-sale. Be sure you go and see him. adv IFriEsii Salmon, wholesale and retail, at J. K. Clawson's. adv FKESU AKRIVAL. Fine English ale on draught, at Phil. -Margetts'. adv GO ANU SEE Phil. Margetts, if you want a glass of genuine E.NU-LISH ALE. adv For a stvlish pair of Pants go and see M Earl.G'roosbeck's Buildings, Second doutb. St.. m dv Jewelry or the finest qimlity and in great variety. o,Hieal goo(ls silver rjated ware. Uncelebrated ELGIN WA1( II-& II-& , t Carl C. Asmussen's ow Kock Building, opposite Salt Lake, Exchange. Ex-change. aJv Choicest Ciouvs tobacco and stationery sta-tionery at 11. Armor's, opposite alker Bro's. sJv For A oood meal go to J. K. ".w-son ".w-son s. ' . w If too want a No. 1 Suit, go to M Earl, Second South t, sa For Sale, on very reasonable terms, a few hundred "feet" of verv 'rich mining mi-ning ores, in tho "Tintic," "Lafayette," "Anthony Wayne" and "Eureka" Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of these claims, therefore the purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. For particulars inquire of J. S. Simmons, At his residence, opposite City Hall. advj'25 KEW ADVERTISEMENT?. Improvementjif Sidewalks. V0TIE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ihe own-r L" and occupiers of property on East Te:.iive l.rwt, in tbe District h ing l:wfcn South T-mpl-.mi Third Suth strvots, ccmti:? ncir g at a jviui on saiii flivel twenty nds s.nth of South TVmplr St-eet. tliAt a meeting will te ht-11 at tli.C tj LUII, i Room No, 17,t in Salt Lake City, on Erulay. ;h 3rd d:.y of March nest, at 2 o'clock J'.ra., for The purpose of taking into considentlton and deciding de-ciding upon the nature and extent of th improvements improve-ments t te maJe upen the aidevalks on tviiil treet, in conformity tj th ordinance of the Citj in such cashes nia l and provide-d. ROBERT CAMPBELL, fZo CITT XECORPIR. Eggs! Eggs! Cut this out for Reference. roffiTThe puMic Etrc frera first-clas jure brvd J'wuliry uf the loilowing breevis rift TKZ. TZK poz. nMidMis - (.O I.icht Brnhmv - f 1 BulT Cochin - 6 E irt of DerlTtWmes 4 in." Park Brahnias b Ol Vhite faced lilac k Black Javas - b i Spani-h - 3 (V Vh:to LcLrhorus 4 CK' Ro-e Comb IV-m'qo o iX' White Ayleshnry Single C"iul Dom- Docks - 5 (XI iui.iin - & tv Thee binls have no superior in Viah, and every tlort 18 iicsl to oeou re the fertility ol the evg. The Fiwl can le Feen at the MOl'VT PI.KAS ANT POULTRY F .KM, wc-t of Liud.-.-y's I'leaa-ure I'leaa-ure Ground-, '"lih Wan). The marked with a star ( are non-etIer. To those w shiui; to iuirt Fowls from the State? I can ofiVr Miperinr iiidttcement-. Order 1 f-T Kg? te pec tire attention mu-t In ai-compauu'd witk ihe r-ajsh, and will le tilled in rotation. Any inforiiirtiieti con' eriung Poultry cuet'rfullj given bv eticlosig stamp for n-plv. Addre-w, C. U. AVA(iR f.'O fait Lake City. Utah. THEOLDEST AND BEST House in the Territory! EST A H LIS II K D 1S.51 TEASDEL& CO.. Successors to IVnu Jennings tf- Co., MANUFACTURERS AKD liolesale ami Retail Dealers iu Leather Via have been ruauufaciuting Boots and Shoes For upwards of i w TEAIIS And with constantly ineredin fn"ilitie foi the bufinefc are now ma King tlie b-.'t Boots and Shoes Of all deefripiion?, and are the bou" in UTAH T F. II It I TO II V (bt mikt Boots and Shoes 7rom Leather f tbe'.r own tunniiiK. We wn! i adrii-e th' Puhlir bef -re ror-rLv ror-rLv Lid it the i r Boots and Shoes To fee th-t Mir trale innrk, I WM. JI.WIN'i i f ! tiD' e on eh f'le. TEASDtL k CD, Wasatch Coal! ("Ill, ! m VJ..-.;i .-,..,! ; , - J m 1 -. . ,-, I . i , I y J ie . e :... - ! ' . ,! y . r I . CH V- i.o- o . ,. w i u, j. -. M,LS!rMt..-,iL.lf '., y. ' r.i r. a. jitc iifci.L. . rf. r;. l-t. a ST. JOHN"? LOP-tE OF FEKTEO-Al FEKTEO-Al ION'. X- 1. A. i A . R-. n-e. is in Tv Mijonir Hsil every Tafsdsy evt'n:r!g V ai ha;:k-; -Ta,.':! vs. Al n:-;u-cer in g.H-i sfaiidiQ; are inviLd 10 ar-er..!. IRA M. SWA"5T7.. I. T. rSsOY. flo -sc.-.-T. T. r. ii. M. ' I J : 0 s w s :. W S -j . i r 3 5 D. C. BUTTERFIELD Has Just R"-eivc3 a:i;l in r.ow evening a New. Frefh S'.ivk OF Direct from ihe F.:i: nnd West, consistim: of MINERS' Outfitting Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, CLOTHING, BLANKETS, AMI n j j c OF CA.IFfll.NIA MANJFACrUKl, fit Store inGroesbeck's Block, Opposite the Elephant Vfr, SALT LAKE LIT V, UTAH Whore he can nn,l will nlTer UUSBRPASSEli IfflCEMITS To all who inny Ihvor Jiini will) their :itntii:if.'e. K.ramin the St'nh unl Juijr f,,r urn. mm mum BISCUiT BAKERS, Anl nmnir''tiirei of nda, Iln ! nn, It nt t r, I'lr Mr.Kugar, Jl H k mi.i1 I. mt.. tmlt oriACJiiiiii f-i , Jonri v I 'th Cak r, ( i i m,"' in (., Pil.iL i!r-'l, m!....,, 'il..L IIr,.1, Kr-. T- ...t- frv I." u p 1 ka 1 fih ,t If. mi,. tr -if td fi' t f t !' t i-t--u All t nt,. i... nakery ft'O uml 'Jl'i M'l.m i ., lid JiO Mir rainrinn ., S I- It I MORE LIGHT ! It Shinr. j. Ml! IHEDAHFORTH FLUID Irt (lie I.ilit for ll.e I', ,,!... Onl.v (). !! al. I V TIIK FIVE (.HaON.. TUB (l.JKr III H UK II, V, ..I.....I i t,,r;,0...v j, ,. ,,,, nih r n k i. ji i- " ""IT t !:,m,, i mi js mi,,,, A M.V A'H-!. If lY-i, ,Mi:",5 'J F"J"J I'. i a., Cf-rne r tj- r ,,f W , ; , , Tt, ,,i ' COAL! GOAL! f M. o, r , -I , . 1 , ' y '. l'i i. ,,. ... oi, I ii. u, ,-t I ti M . ' I. , m, I.. I, I ,..r,,,i . f.,, ' ". "r K K i-k .,-,) . .j i...mi. r-,t .. II, 1... -ii l.Koii.-r. t i:iiii. G'l.Y, J:iiS, ZcT SAN1 A CHUZTAUHtRY '-''' I 'O ' -U'. l.-n t li. i-. J IlAITl.r. i' f r . -AS JKi.'.'U-C'.'. |