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Show jT r. benebic t, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. ,,., t Residence, rear or Screntics Hall. Ti V. F. A.MiERO.V, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, ,3 .t Resideiic., i. tl Tliirteenth Ward. OR. 0. C. ORMSBY, rUTSICIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIiT, ,;1 BRIG" A 11 CITY. UTAH. LEGAL. Attorney-iit-LnAV, Orrici First South St., Tnrih or eut of Hooper, EldreJg. 4 1 't -a Co.'s Bants.. C H Ueinpiencl, M. Kirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attoi-neys-at-1-.atv, Miin direct, opposite) Wells. Fargo t Co., SALT LAKE CITY. C. II. Hempstead. U.S AU'y fur Utah. f-'-i Z. SNOW. E- D- I!0GE- SXOW . IIOGK, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East St, HOTELS. Toivnsend House, S.U.T LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL IN UTAH. JAMES TOWVSEID, jll Proprietor. Salt L.ike House, IA.ST TEMPLE STKEET, HALT 1 . A K K O ITY. TILDE.N" LAWRENCE, Prop'rs. REVEREHOUSE, Late Omaha House,) Wilt hereafter bo conducted, as AF1RST-CLASS HOUSE, In all its appointments. It will bo rnnoviit crl and rc-furni-h cd, and if management Jitlondod to in a manner lu ic ire mi-fa lion to Fare and Prices. fK! Hiu- will hi) conducted strictly on The Kuroptau Flint. The- Kesaurunt 8? EN FOR MEALS AT ANY TIME DURING T'iE DAY. jl7 B.F. WHIT TEMORK, Prop. UIIAM HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery and Second Streets, SA.PT FRANCISCO, O-A-Xj. JOHNSON & Co., Puovrietors. lo BANKERS. . ( NATIONAL liAAK OJF TJ T Alt, Salt Lake City, Utah Tor. W. II. llooopf r, II. S. Bldrwlgo, L. S. XI i lis llotiper, Eldi-ertge .V Co., BANKERS. Kast Tkmple St., Salt Lake City, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc. C'lIectl.iD. uii. and prumpilj remittal. COIIUESPOXUE.VTS : hlu? 1 r" N"" y"rk ' " '"k "' t'al'fnrnia, San ,hL"& l J ? CIhchico ; Ks- J. f. M,,rcaa Co., Unidoii. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA N KHAXt'lsco. U. l0X- CASIUKK. P"'" IP. - Si.OOO.UOO. DJAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS - V.rhl. , WILLIAM F. CALTON, I'- I'l'IVf L, -KLI..l.I,iKR. one TAFT II SMEETOfJ, Assa.ytls, -L MiMNCACENTS, OI'IIIU L'LTY ,, "AST CAM.,, I 'tail ,GE! ICE! ICE! ALT LAKK E COMPVW, .,, ,. '"M Jan. 1, IS, K. t'L.vw-iox, At;i-:vr. HPT AT Dawson's tea Cream Saloon, AIHSBATHS! "unu Si ii- Hal lis ! Prlvaij and Plunge. ' i,-B.,lelTw,("1 -,r0 01,'ll to Ul1' l"11'1 at all k-n'u ,r"1""l pr...,.n- . uU.j , " " ' uU io emimoralo thou. : i" "h","1' . W law and S"Blm1 . ,C UH' IT I J I SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. AT J. G II ililTlT Bealer in g. all kinds of SALMON AMD HERRINGS, 123 U aslilntrton Street. All kind of Dried, Stuuked and Pickled Fish COMMISSION MERCHANTS 204 and 200 California ., San Fr.ncUco, - . tallfornla. Panicular attention paid to the filling of .orders lor every description ot merchandise, n23 Sale of Ores, c, dtc. The American Submerged X3 XT 2kL X3 IS THB SIMPLEST AND MJSf DESIRABLE PUY.P IN THE MARKET, Bein? eompoed of but sii parts, all of which i are menu. In cold cliujates it U especially valuable, as when n-a in ue no waerre-maiua waerre-maiua in the pipe, rendering it non-freezing. Orders addressed to the Pacific Pump Manufact'g Co., 318 Pine St., San Francliieo, Cal. Will receire prompt nttentiun. SEND TOR A. CIRCULAR. . i't" KELLEE, Proprietor oftheRiHing Sim and Los Anpeles Vineyards. Vine-yards. Depot for the sale of bid NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER fc CO.,' Corner of Battery and Washington Streeta, San Francisco, - - - Callfoniit, ! W'liitc Madeira it Port " AVlue UMters, Slierry t Grape Brandy. All our Wiues and Brandy guaranteed strictly pure, and over three years oli. fiSalt L ike City Corporation, Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, Godbe 4 Co., SaltLjikeCitv, D. II. pL-frr, and GimIIh, & Co., Oirdeii. t-p our wines for dale. RICHARD GOUDIUXD, o22 Agf-nt. Sal' Luke Cirv. EINSTEIN BHDS, & GO,, Importers nnd Manufacturers of BOOTS Am SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. "Wc would especially call the attention of the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS 1 Which in point of style, fit and durability ar enual to tha best custuua iiuide soods. S. P. Hulden. Jas. Moorhead. S. P. HOLDEN 8c CO., lUlTJttTtHS OF FOREIGN DKY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Sic. 2S & 30 SANSOME ST. London : 27 Leadenhall St.. E.C. o.'i Leather and Saddlerv Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 BATTERY STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to tho trade of Salt Lake and vicinity LEATHF.K, of all kinds, HAK.VESS, CJjlFOIlXIA SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of SADDIEBY GOOD'S AT NEW YORK PRICES. 06 Send for Catalogues and Prices.! WEIL & CO. IMPORTERS Of Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of tti" HAVANA CliiAK M AiS'U FACTORY M-l, 323 and Front St., Southwest corDer h ront Jt Sacramento Sts., OO .j. i:vEKi;ixu k to., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Clay St., San Francisco, DBALEKS IX OUEGOX PRODl'CK. Are constantly in rweipt of Oregon Ham, Bacon, Lanl, Salmon, Ac. Starch, of our wu ml K.i-torn manufacture alwaVB on baud. j4 BRITTAN, H0LBR00X& CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves Sl Ranges, SHEET IRON &T1;4 PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wire, PUMPS, Xjond nxici Iron ripo. TIX.XIOII' ;mis, Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHINC HARDWARE, Einbrncins Plain. Japanned. Planished and Stamped H aro, Nos. Ill 113 California and oo No.. 17 ill Davln 'rn'. REDiiGiH, nimm & 11 Importers nnd Jobbers of FOHKIGN A.n DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Finr KsMcntlnl Oils, Gums. Roots, Scrds, Kloivers, (Mtiu;c, kliis, Poinmlci, Jtc, And all other Staple cnnetrd with the Wholealcand Kouil Drup liusincss. Constantly in reoeint, by diroot Importation, of liuropean and Asiatic products. Ksdusivc Agents lor Qnickilvcr. UoMett.T5 Bittern, brake's Pl;uuaf in TJitt.-r.. Wolfs clieidatn -iinapp, Newell's ruln.on.iry ynip. And all the leading Proprietary M-juiouies botu Ameru-an aud Eunr.i:i. Orders Promptly and Carefully K.vcoatcd. os. 3J'. nd 531 Mutmi Street. Pctwcen First and Second. SAN FRAXCISCO, CVLUb'OrOsIA. ANOTHER. CURE FOR. RllEtMA-XISJ1. RllEtMA-XISJ1. As so many are suffering with rheu matism, I could do nothing better than give a recipe that I know is good. In the Spring and Summer of lioO, my wife was so afflicted with it that she could not u-e her right arm, and was unable to rise iu her bed. We tried many liniments, recipes and medicines, but to no purpose. Doctors said nothing could be done, only to give ii time and let it wear away. One day and old German veterinary surgeon told us to take equal parts of the best oil of juniper and spirits of turpentine, and apply to the parts affected. I did so, and in a few days the rheumatism had entirely disappeared and my wife was well. A few weeks later, whrle at a pieknie, she caught cold aud was soon as low as ever. Atiain did we apply ap-ply every thing we could get, galvanic ba teries, and till. - c got the above recipe filled, both the oil and spirits being as clear as pure water, aud in a few days she was again well and has remained so for over two years. Al- -.,,-.. I, e, f -o 1 ,1, i,-f .,i;. tv of oil and spirits. Cur. Wcslim Rural. SPECIALNOTICE. riTUK UNDERSIGNED wants to purchase jl three or four apan of GOOD ' HORSES that are poor, that he can fat up aud sell for a couple ul" hundred dol.ars a span more than ha gave for them, f 10 JA.UKS TOWXSE.D. TUB AVERILL Chemical PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS! Embracing over A HUNDRED DIF-FEliE-NT SHADES, prepared fur . immediate application and requiring requir-ing no mixing, just received and for sale at the Drug Bep't, The incrcdient." of these Paints arc ;impl e and in destructible. The 'lualiiics ri lb. which they recnnuieud' thcni'Cive are: Chen pneir. durability, supe. i iri ty of col r, an unusuailystm-orh aJ g'us?y appearance, iejsi labor required in layine. no trouble of nailing, will itnnd fire or r.iin, and J ,q not crack or peel oil with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by fri.-ti n. 1 hoy are the hct, cheapest, inoH durable and m.n popular Paints iu ue. ThoAVBKlLL WHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, containing no lend, anl is of e iual superiority and popularity. UrliiGT nlnnc your Pntnt Cans open and iiurcliasc by t lie Gallon. A FL'LL LINK OF Foreign, Doinolic awl (ar LIQUORS At the Drug Dipartment, Z.C.M.I. M. B. C L AW ?OV, Stipl.J C. II. IlAS-ITT. U. T. 11 rr1. BASSETU HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE A.l Kir -is el HEAVY II A I. D WARE, Iron ml Mfcl. Stovss and Tin Ware nh.it ivvi itii rtm.. Act Icnlt aial 1 nijilr mr nl And .ninlni; Tool.. At Low est Ilt. OPl'OMIB SALT LAKK HOVfcK n'.i HENRY T. HELMSOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba j GRAPE PILLS. I i (.o,t:ir i; 7'.- K !::-:- S'lf'o and ' uid i-.V:,-cc: Cut-;.ea tVrru'e Juice. FOSLITtT. COMPLATT. Jtl'VM'"?. i,iuor AFrE.-rutxs. sine UK XKR- ViiL's ilE-D-Vi'HE Ci.i-IIVEN" t-s Etc. PURELY VEGETABLE. CoX r AlN lN'i XO MEKCfKY. MI.NEKALS UK t'ELE- The?e Pills are the ui-ist deli?htfu!iy ple-as-aut puriaLjre, sm-erteding caster '-il. Nil";, uiagnesis, etc- Tnrre is Dinning mo- acccpt- oieio tn-3 st iiuttci. Tney give l ue, and via-e nci:ter nausea c-jr griping pais. Lheyare eomposeu ot th-; r.NKT inoke-DiE.svs. inoke-DiE.svs. Alter a few days" use of tnvin. such Jl luvigoraiiun d tu entire tyjiriu taics !!aee -s to a. pear iniracul"US Vj ihe is ma enervattd. whether arisii-g iriuj prudence pru-dence or u:!e.'se. II. T. lieiuibuld'a Compound Com-pound iriuid Extract C awua Li4fe i' e not sug ir-cuatfd, irom th ljct tu; ?iig.ir-cdtea i'il-s uu n'1' d.ssoire. bat pis; uruuga the s;oui.t.ch it it joui dis-olTiu, -jonseyuciitly do n-t pru-iuce the di-sired el-;ec. el-;ec. illE CATaWIJA UUAPB PILLS, be-nig be-nig pieasaot in taste and odor. uo not ueees--it-te iheir b-ins sug-tr-eoated. l'iiC F1FIT CK.nTS PBK BuX. CIKiXRY T-H-riMBOLD'S Highly ConceDtratod Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. vV ill radically exterminate irom t:.e svstem Scrofula,, dypailts. Fever Sores, Vlcers, Sore dyes, S.-re Lugs, Sure Mouth. Sore ilead, Brouchitis. Skin Diseise. Salt Rheum, Cun-ters, Cun-ters, Kuuiiiug fr m tht Ear. White Swell-ngs. Swell-ngs. Tumors, Canci-ruus Affections, Ni d-s, irttckets, Glandu'ar twdlii gs. NL-nt Sweats, ht.-i.-h. 'lr,Pr Hinii.irs.it :ih kinds. I hr.,nir rheumatism. Dyspepsia, and ail disea.-es :hat have been est-aohsned in the system for years, Hi Being prepared express!? for the above iouipi riinis, its bljoa-j'iiniying p.-operties ire graier than any other preparation Sarsapiinlla, it gives the complexion ;i clear nd healthy cilor aud rg-tores the p.ittent to a st.ite ot health ani jturity. For puri:ying the blood. rem-'Ting chronic coastitutionai iisea.scS arising from an iui pure state ot i ue jlui d, ano. the only reliable and ctVeetual rinon n reme iy for the euro of pain? and swelling of the throat aud legs, ubiu-hes, pimple on the fice, erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the 6Kin. and beautt tyinsr the complexion. FK1CE, SI 60 P,li liux'TLli- 1VE HESR1 T. llfc-L.IBOLU'S CONCKSTilATliU FLUID EXTRACT BUCKU, The C-rcat Diuretic, has cured every ca-e of Diaoetes in which it a.ts been given, lrntaii n ol the uecri o. the rJladder and Iiitlammaiion of ttio Kidneys, Ulceration of he K.uue s and Lladiier, Ke-tendon Ke-tendon of Lriue. Diseaat-s oi the Frustrate ijiaud. Stone in tne I. adder. Calculus, uravcl, Lrickdust dejuisn. aud Mucous or Milky Discharges, and tor euleeblea a .d Dei- cate Constitutions of botU sexes, attended With the 1'ijllowuig symptoms : Lidir-posit iou o r.xertiou, Los? ol Power, Lo-s of .Memory. Jiilicu.iy oi lirealhiug. We.ik Nerves, l iem-olmi:, iem-olmi:, lloriorot Uiicjse, u'nte; uhiers. OitU- Vt V1.1UU, I'U-IU 1JJ. ti.O UvL U.1I1UJ, t lusnmg ol l tie Body, Dryness ol the .-kin. tlruptiun on tne Fa. c. Paili i Couuienauce, universal Lassituoe of toe .Vl uscuiar System, etc. Used by persons from the agc of eighteen to twenty-nve. and irom tuirty-dve to lilty- e nfinement or laoor ims; Ded-wettiug in chiluren. Ucluibold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Bl -od purilj ing, and cures all uise.ises arising aris-ing iruin ILibiia of Lis-ii).ition, and Lxec-sts iLid luiprudcuces in Life, Impuriiies o1 the Biood, etc., superseding Cop-Uoa in a ectioiis tor which it is u.-ed, and S; pn .lit ic A ll'ectious in tnes di?e ises used m connectiou wim Uelmbold's Kose Wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Exyact Bucuu is unequalled oy any utiier remedy as in Chlorosis t lietention, Irreg-u.arity, Irreg-u.arity, Paiuiultiess ur Suppression of Cns-Lomary Cns-Lomary Evacuations, LTcei.ited or Schirrus stale ot tne Uterus. Lcucrrlp.et or W tities, sterility, aijd lor all c-mpluiui incident to t he sex, who; her arising Uuui iuuiscieiion or liabiu of Discipauoa. o II T JIKLM HOLD'S KXTKACT JiCCUU CL'KKS lJlSliAKS Mil- ti-Nr vuom imfkl dkncj: IIAIilFS OF JUsairAlluN, JETC, in all their staces, at little cxpi;ne. liit!c or no vti.tiik'e in uic , no iue iivciiicnec. autl Do exposure. It eau.-o? a licnuen! de-n c. and g.vcs SIM iu th toUllluio, tnel'eli n ui'jMii j I bstructn ijs, l'rcvcutiiig and Curing Jne.-au-us ot ttio V re tii a, Ai.ayiug V-nu and I n-da;nmation. n-da;nmation. to ir iuciit m tins c.j.-s u: di;-e.'S- s, a id expelling .tii PoionUi in. liter. Tnou.-aiids wbohave been llie viciiui 'f iiic-mp'-u-uL jiraons. and wh hive pud ncavy lees t b, cure i in a li.irt ti;:ie. have :oiiiid ili-y have b en do ircd. a-. d ni.it ti e i'oir-ou" has. oy tiic u-e of "power u 1 a t m-jentr." m-jentr." been di u-a u p m t .i c .-y.-tcni t.. Ikc;ik -.ut in a m -re aggravated lorm. and i'U r.i.. j s l".-e ii-i.:-iii -'i-n's ExritAn Etriir f r ad Alie- tiotis .uid Di-ca.-c oi the Urinary Ur-au?. Ur-au?. wuctt.i-r extfium in .Mate or 1 : a!- iroin "ii never cau-e in i -'mat i n z, a:. 1 n-; matte oi how b-tig !aiioint-. J'.;' ' ' b LH.Lu-Vii A.vD klclX tL.NTj i't-L BL'i- 1IKNKV T. HKLMUOLD "i? l:ii'Kovki kusk wash cannut cirp.-'cd n a FACK W v.-l will be Pom l tiic "tily 'p'-riii' rrMi-.jy n PV-e T -.f.'IWJ ot Cut 1 11 ' II- A it"'-' I "Ii. U ;,,-.;V!v r--hc.t. -i i-l:-:s. I- .! j K a I"S- -t it 1 A C"L -1 .M K VJ- lkvk -'-n:i;( i'i' i- ... .; ) 1 h ar,d i-i i t INhi.A.M VI a - I l'-.S. !iVr. I' 11. I"I H (' 1 H r,. I I H V N" E. 1 1 F C .' "rt .-KIN. H!"-f 1,11 f. i -id :,M ( irp--- l-T wio -ti "AL rir PIMM KN 1" a' U I . ! " h- Mfv.f val-j - i i- i fin'- iy ' r mi- :m; tie -K n. il- I', ll- n.o.dd f li'-e V -f, 1.4- I- r e - I!'"' I l-i l T1 FJ'" 1 T t- IKiOlHIi 1 ,J'. 'l . .' - I A , J' I I I ii I - I tit i'uKL "N r. 1".1.1. FLrt L' i l"i i-L T: a- I ft Iir'-'i-r.-- r, y ;- -, ..r. : f - r: -i- -. : -:-,r i lii.n , i ' i - :ut ., t c. HENRY T. HILMDLD'S GIN'Ji'vE PPr-PARUiO'.S. .-.i; -h urn.l -t' :- -' -- ' - i 1.1. 1- ! ''I '-" 1 i 1 ' . ' V ,. . . i , - i. i 1 . Jl i. i':-..- - I ,;, 'j.'. '.:.. ):. t in ;.v;' i.:. - :- r . w . r ;l 1 I. : i.' ;. ., L' i" --in I' . -t. T'-' -.. 1 Li...'.- 1 ' .5 :.t: "V r .. NTi.-.i t I't.in i. i:i.LMi.ii s ! lAti. ') Cilli.- 1 CHICAGO TRADE. L'AGH UliO.A: CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 L.ke Street, Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, VHEELEfi St. C:., Manufacturers of Engine, Slennl, Tallow, Lard and i WOOL. OILS. j Doners in HcH.i'.ighi Crb,.n, AVba'.e j Hieph.s::'s csl sni jt.-rui O.'.s, ' Act'nt !iT tin.' s-Ov ut PRATT'S ASTRAL, OIL. Agent of the Wt Virginia Oil mjJ Oil L.id JlANUFACTf&rRS or EX'ELSICR C&B, RJOf AN) I"lN PilST : Tor Tin and ik.n Rfi. Bn.lftf Tim'.-ei-s, Ac, j Fact-i'T. I'lUCAtSO. t'ffoe. ! i Illinois l'r S. Water Str-.-:, ; .114 VAN SCHAACK, ! STEVENSON &. REID W1IOLESALK DRUGGISTS Dealers In P JUSTS, VAROHE5, CiLS, ( . DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, , Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, etc.. etc. 90, 9i A, 9i Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a larc? oxr-erince in tho Territrial trade, we f-el sure of eiving satislaction in quality, prices and packinc. is MARKLEY, ALLING & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Hardware ! Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - - 1I.L. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Successora to DieUdd, BahniHiin A Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE ASD BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic Bank n cr: P 11 ATT & COVERT. Oonoral AgenU 86 'HshiiiKtr.u St., Cijicau. II. B. CLAWSOV, Supt. Z. C. M. 1., Agciil Tor Ctali I c-rrliory. lift I KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HA1S, UArd AM J rUttS JlUinny onl IS'raw Goods, OS &. 70 Wi'ilm.ll Ave., Pilrp inn Jl I5iiii;(;s iioum: B- IL Skinner, Proprietor. Comer AVelU anil p 1 I , n i i ( HtLikiloliili street, Vyllll.luUi This liouse is ccntrnlly located, well furnished, fur-nished, an l eoiitainc iio Rooms CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 Sontli Water St., CHICAGO, lle-idquarterp for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, MauufaeturerJ of the cclebratcl WlLhO.N OIL l..NI. NEW YORK TRAOE. Pool, Nazro. Kimball & Co,, WHOLESALE GllOCEilS U5 "W.rrcll t., tor. Oln.rcli, I ! J. II. BUL'IEK. Now York. ;.hui.ij:k s iod - i.m;it on,. It- - f.r-t Prize l rv ( -t lh: l-Ii-.w m; Eito.-pt.. n : I ijJ L"i,d'in Int'Tnatioiiiil Exhild-i Exhild-i li'ti. I iN H'Tir--:, FxhiLitiMfi "f Fi-h' ri: O-id M.-Ln -if i:-o-ul -ci.-ty f.r tl,..- : W Sr'j ' d" 'T A IIV. I 1 j n-Hl Ki.!iil.ili-n hi kh--1:n. l l'nn- 1 1 1 tr t -it i i i h I h a u 1 1 t n u. At IO'll It t" K III" Urtt (IMF, K t' (W-ljll- .- . -j.i Il i- r- iiii-'ioi i.- Lv Mi.i-.T .: Hi l.M- l i -.-il, -r, !. r . ..1- ! ' .--i.. -i .- - s .1 - VJ-i. ; fti ..t ! - ; --:! I ! . 1 Io 1, A -iv- V""-l.. ' V . ,r-w i Ih- ut.!) on 1') ii.rU t --1 l,,n-t ii I ! l. ...ni i- in-. I o .1 M i ' i -n .- -l.-,. : l,.,r - 1 .1 K -t ! ii . i i,..- .'v-rj r --ri I - (-!-' t ) i rv.wtr-1 .tri il. ! r -r .V ' , to:,.- - -t. :. I : 1 IS. (Mr ir ( n., Vw Vnrk, j C. A. L : r r- t . .!-.' r. t-. .:w,m. !LuSG3iR.ET 3o St05WCX M.T-.l.fa'jtU-'--" 'd and Wt'd'J'i l' -n r.' iu I'Ws &2:YS' CLOTHiKG, 1'.. . 4'. IIm.mIu), tw lmk. HENDERSON.JUSTICEaCoi n.MV coons. mv no t fuhn;sh!g g j j d 3 . I A jijij iiK IADU Al. New York. 1 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. jsAUM & CO., Iu.iv-r-.-;r 1 V..l-u:s--l-.'.rorj of MEK'S &. EQY'S CL0TMIN3 Snsnif St., Sn FranrUrn. 43 .Ha. ray St.. c ork. r"1 J.ijrto SpruAcr, John 5pJ-uari&, CO. (.'impawn. J. J. SPRUAKCE, WINES m LIQUORS, 41.-. KKOXT STllblKT. Ja-xos i-'u.-. . A. .M.,-,-i:aray. F. V. V . ; MACON DRAY i Co.. SHiFPINS AaD COM.V.lSSIJfi MUlll IIA-X 1 S. IM?3!TeS CF iriHK AH) J4 TEA J And '.! Jtvcriptions KAST IX1U t'Kol'l i 11. FrAurlscu, r.l(f,-iiln ESTABLINHUli Hljo. CASTLE BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 4 1 3 and 'j 1 A Front Street, no CHEKERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of all the varieties of FOKKItiA AM) 101KSTLC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wh'.ch wo ofter for sale to the t ado in Cmli, at low r.-itc in Pioh-nco i..r N.rtO.Al. C t KUKNC V "e;u-li down"' or approved credit. jtU 311 CLAV sTUKKT. A. C. Tiicrtinb. li". 11. illiutim. Till 01115 iK UILLIUIS, Manut;icturers, I rnporier? and liole.ak- I'C.Ull.- Ill WATCHES, DIAMONDS, V.n Drsrriplion of Jew rlry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Ai?o Agents for the cekbr.iti-4 UolV'U il, E''jti and Am n'nm jr., i 40 .Moiitnmrry, S.K. cor. I'tne, U Stairs, Shu Krnnc I mo, Cl, All orders from th Tcritoriis pniuiptlv fill i-d. u aOBPHMSANT&lO. ImiHTtr-rs id" Aiiii'rii ftu nnd FlurnpcMi Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, SAN FKANCINCO, CAI,IHI I A . Bet to ca'l f h o fit tent i n of t br lVndr i o th.ir bnco nd varii .l -..., k. .-oin iriM nfc- ciupu to lines ol the lollnwiug good, : on tn 0ILrj, lllnrk, CoIorel nnd I nnrj VELVETS, DRESS G03DS,, ,.n7::;T;:.';,.,.:h HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, GENTS' FUSNISHu GOODS, CORSETS, WHITE GOO 4Cj of Vfi y kind, QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, ",';,V;:;::: SHL.Tli & Hliih'EKElP- I kg li?:en. ri'MV) Q bnrr.linnlif- tnihmrir, dnrti"! LO) wc. pfiTTflMS 11'"' nml Hum it, il J I HO, o( nil U i ii it . COT TON AD ES, K'Y JEANS, U O -J I ..I I if. , Ac, A... Tl I'Jl'i'l O .11 rnln nn,l uitnll. rLAilii .uo, ii... BLANKETS, JI7.a, ,.. ...-". .. .''.. .. r-r.,.K I Co-Purtne.'slup Notice. Vr. .1 I'll'-. b-M ii i r-' r. I ( . ii( firtn o( J .i. n. n A 1 1 i v i - ( i , it- f - n, ..I n ii. If in "in r,. r i ' 'i , i ! . i'..u,r... .! , .-. I f. -,r !i, r-.,jT rni" 1 1." t.-i ' toe -.1 'l ii I . ti i, j. i t tl L tl H I n " t " 1 ' ' O 1 1 . ! M V I - f U A I ." T"I;J. I'l."" .V LA 1--"N, .-;.n Kraf, .,'.!,. ,.l. I -i i :i. ' i i.r a r ' -ii i i n 1 ' t 'n j- ! . , hi: b. if 1. h . I., t n.ii.k cur !m- ti-ti f- r i i.. i 1 ' i , j,..t tw -v ( . ml o !' 'o U r,.n- 1 1-. . J ,i,.m; oi f.' u loi. t- Ti T t l.i- ' I ' ' , " i- 1 ' ''' V ' . v..-. o U 'to.. ... L ,. !,. 'i ' w .. . h i' i. -a' I ;i t : r I iin. ., ri W H h 1 d i o'.'i jii.m !' t i .( i . lllll. IM l 1 TO BIN, DAViSSGU & CO., I I i. t , I.- r,r A1.IIIU1, KMII-II, HII.MII Ml l.t ,llu FANCY GOODS, i ii'"-. ''.' (......., ' !.- . r,: .,... A , ,i, t, ' . ,t; ,, i, .,.' .,. ,;.,. .,..,.. y-r...'..V ... nr. V 1 1 i r anil flii-(,inc lis, SAN FHIKClSCO. |