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Show S.W, Hoyvland & Co.'s Sampling Works. Below is the weekly statement state-ment of the business of Messrs. S. W. Howland k Co.'s sampling works, courteously furnished by Mr. Thurman: Salt Lake City, Feb. 25, 1871. Editors Herald. We have received, during the week, from the Montezuma mine, Little Cottonwood, Cot-tonwood, 332 sacks, 25,025 lbs., of ore, which has not been sampled as yet; and 100 sacks of Savage, 6.2S3 lbs., of ore ; this claim is also in Little Cottonwood; Cotton-wood; 379 sacks, 31,718 lbs., from Mountain Tiger mine, East Canon; 43 sacks, 4,075 lbs., Zella ore, from the same place. These claims are adjoin ing each other, and are shipping considerable con-siderable ore. We have also 100 sacks, 8,14(5 lbs., from a new district. All this ore assays very well, realizing a handsome profit to the miners. As soon as the roads get in anything like a passable condition, we may look for ore to come in very brisk. Mr. Howland has returned from a trip cast, where the capitalists are waking wak-ing up to their interests and looking alter the mines of our Territory; and we daily see new faces among us both from cast and west. We undoubtedly have the best paying silver and lead ores and more of them than can be found iu any other section of country, and all that is wanted is capital to develop de-velop them. Yours truly, S. W. Howland k Co., per L. B. Thurman. In addition to the above Messrs. Howland ci Co. have shipped three car loads of rich ore to their firm in San Francisco, and one car load to Omaha. |