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Show FIRE AT I'SION. Union, Feb. 21st, 1S71. Editors Herald: There was a destruc'ive lire to-day in this plice, communicated from the chimney of the dwelling of Kufus For-bu-h, to his hay srac-s and l"g stables, cm turning ail of hi- outbuild ins-s. shed.-, hay, straw and fodder. His loss is considerable, as his corral and buildings were quite extensive, aud well stocked wiih piovendcr. liy the timely and encreetic exertions exer-tions of aV;ut fifty person-, the neich-boriti-' surroundings w-tc uio-tlysaved, though, the wind was blowing a px.c. 'j he greatest additional ln-s was; the stable and hay ot Foster (jrcenwood, which were entirely con-uuied. It caught at a di-tance of about twenty rod- from the lire at Mr. Fortm-h's, t. a:!...! ,..,rrvu.,r ihn fl. ,,l fir,. liir-ciy towards rheui. At t his writing. 3 o'clock, the (ire is neaily extinguished. exting-uished. Vours, tilLV.S IllCFIAIUes. The above le'ter was mailed on the 21st, as we notieed by the envelope, anl reached hero on Friday irglit, the 21th, too late to be u.-e l for ye-tor ! iy morning's i.-sne. Union is some tv.-elve miles fioui this city and has a daily mail. The cau-o of the d I iy is a liiy-tery; probably the st ige drivers don't care, this heavy wei'her, to drive a short di-tance off the main road. Itsives horse-Mesh aud the pay is the same. SoineboJy can possibly illuminate. |