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Show ?i? J. M:& ii . v u . AT THK MAMMOTH 8H0E AND HAT STORE A Liaise tc3i ol" Wi liter HAPS ? CAPS'1 In Every Style ! And at Cv.i Prlca i CHEAP ! CHEAP I OH SAP Now is your time! Come on and irei yuui.-eii' a nice warm CAP! Iiu't stand Freezing, ljut come on! Tlioy are uii tale at SOUTHERN MAIL & EXPRESS LIKE Currying the U.S. Mail, Aud Wells, Fftiyo fe Co. Express The undcrcignpil is now ruuimiy a Daily line of Stase to PROVO & FILLMORE. On aud after Nov. loth, J70, suites will run on alternato days for Meadow Valley, Star District and St. George. I'onneelioua made with stages for Ttnlic ami Sevier Jliucs, Sanpete ami Arizona. Gouii Meal? and accommodations all itkmg the lino. Time to St. Gcorgo and Jleadow Valley Mines, 3 days, 10 hours. HIGH WHITE, Prop. Olliceat Wells, 1 argo ic Co. C. F. SMITH, Geueml Ajjent. , of the celebrated IIAti ?lT3T ARRIVED. Embracing heavy aiid libl FARM AND KASY0N WAGONS The Favorite 33 X jSl. XvI O ZJ" X aud other LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. Very desirable for Family w.e. TLb Studeijaker Wagon are manufactured oat of the very btrt materials by the uiott competent luechaaic d in the country, aud are WAKRA.VTED F1KST,CLAS. I'OR SALE AT CHEAP RATE.-. J OH A T. CAIAJS, Agent, Suit Luke Herald Cilice.. SANDWICH ISLAND S133AR. J'.m received, direct from the L;iic Plantation, Planta-tion, a supply oi Raw Sugar, Put ui in Double "aok:, which i-now selling cheaper than U-;ar wa? ever Bold in this market, at the I'Jih Ward CO-OPERATIVE STORE. A Krr H H upply Ilecci veil E very il ontli. S-JSTA'v KCVJE --MANUFACTURE! The licst and 1 lie Cheapest I Have You Tried Them T OB C35?CUK3 B33iZSrT PlilS. Home-made nnd purely vegetable. Twenty-five cent? per box Twenty-five Pills. Warrauud i.. give sutiifaoticn. They relieve Jaumiic". Dy?pcpia, Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Liver Comprint, Headache, Loss of Appetite and Foul Stom .eh, will breakup Colds, Fever?, Cuughs. nnd Purify tho Biood. They will Cleanse the Stomach, Kenovnte the System, and dispel Di-e;tee Are good in all c-ses where Physic i? needed. Trv n box. 1 ou will liko tbem. and never want nnv other ot. They are Ionic, Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. OPTHAL3IIC ISAI,&A:i. Or Eye Calm. , Valuable in most Diseases of the Eye?. Re-! Re-! niive.- Inflammation, Strong, hens the Sight, and Weak or Drooping Li ?, and isgnerally healing and strengthening to the s ght, but causes do pain. It is also good for Tetter, Ringworm and badSorc?. Only Twenty-live Cents per Box. COrsKLIN nalvi;. A valuable remedy for Cuts. Bruise?, Wounds, Sores, Burns, Scalds, and for Weak or Lame Back, Side or Breast, and for mauy other USL'C. These and other home-made family medicines medi-cines are prepared by J. E. JOHXSOX, St. George, Utah, And sold at Zion's Co-operative Stores and by other agents throughout the Territory. Also sold at wholesale or turnL-hcd on commission com-mission to responsibleagents. If these m d-ieines d-ieines are not kept at your stores, ask your merchant to order them at once. H. BIN WO OBEY, FURNITURE DEALER And All kinds ..f iMFWQ FURNITURE Oonstantly on haul ;it the ? -n ! esrccin , EAST TEMPI A: ST. ! Every description of HOT'E-'nADE F Un'JITURE At the Eac;ory and .alirooai, 1st South Street, Salt Lake Citj PLAi:; r.ri i-ii ;CAf K.T AU Aivra in Stok. ' A Repository of Fashion. Pleasure and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. A Supplement containing nuiaerou-i full-sized full-sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the paper every fortn'pht. Harper's Bazar contains l' folio nnecs of the size of Harper's Weekly, printed on superfine su-perfine calendered pLiper, and is published weekly. Aoticcs of tlie Press. Harper's Bazar contains, beside? picture.' patterns, etc , a variety oi matter of e-pecial use and interest to the family; brricl' on health, dress, and housekeeping in all its branches; us editorial matter i3 epeciilly adapted to the circle it is intended to inf crest and instruct: and it hoi, be-ide., good stories sto-ries and literary matter nf me-it. It is nut surprising that iho juurnnl, with such feature?, fea-ture?, ba acuicvfd m iv mort time nn immense im-mense sucff'-s: lor home hinc ol its kind was uet.ii cd iu thuu-jndi ol l.nnilic-, aud it3 publishers have lilled the dam and Ihe young Jady who Onjs a i-ing.e numbfr of Harper r Bazar u made a buusuriber lor lifo N. Y. Evening Po.-t. The Baxar is excellent. Liko nil tho periodicals peri-odicals which the U.irp.irB iubl.h, u i" almost al-most ideally well edited, m.d ilie'cla t readers for whom it i, inLenu-U tne mothers and (I nigbrers in avcniKe families can'i't bur proht by its good f.;nse and good ia-ie. ffhicb. we have no doubt, arc to day making very many homes happier than they may have been bclore they bear, tuning lej.-ons in personal and hou-ehold and sncal rnaa-agement rnaa-agement lrom this good naturcd mentor The Nation. , SI'BSCltIP no.v.s 1 h 7 1 . Terms ; Harper's Uazar. one year, $-1.00 An extra copy of either tho Magazine, eekly or Ba.ar wi'l be supplied gratis b.r every Club ot 1'ive sub-cribers at each, in one remittance; or six. Copied for tfJM.OO, without extra c-py. bub,-criiicions t ll-u per'.-Magazine, Weekly and Bazar, to one address for one year, Si'-'.'"); or, two of Harper"(! PcriodicalH, to one ad-dri?. ad-dri?. for one year, feT.UU. Back tiumbera can bo supplied at anytime. V.. da. I, II- and ILL of harper's Ba.ar, f.,r the yearu L.'A, V, '70, elegantly bouud in green morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for ST. 00 cacii. . lue i-o-tage ob Harper's Bazar is '2 cents a year, which mua bo paid at tho hubscri-bcr'e hubscri-bcr'e pout olhce. Address llurpcr fc IlrotJiers, New York. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., -MAN ITACX IKE-RS A.NP WIIOLESAJJ'J PJiALKKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVf- REMOVED TO tin .tint iiiv, ;:' m s'!,.:';DlE,, Cvrii-.-r Ci" t-v. 1 Y'V VHP I ' READ THIS ! - :r- vL mi ' . - h SEWING iCIE Is a Handsome, Appropriate and Useful Present to make a lady at CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAB. At our newly-fitted up Salesroom, Second Door South, of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clo-thiiig Clo-thiiig Departments of Z. C. M. I., will be found a Full Assort in cut of t Iiese Admirable Sewing Filachines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SIHGrEE SEWING MACHTXK NEEDS. K0 PUFFIJN'G to commend it to the public, as ihe following J, rKT1 fesi show: In 1n0 the?e now celebrated Machines were first offered to the public and in the four year? succeeding 4.0U) ivcre sold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned out from the factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply is not enual to the demand. At the end o; tho year l$o7, upward of !!' i.Otnt Machines were sold, and in the then following years, from S to 0, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of w i I hin the preceding twelve months. 1'rotn the foregoing it will be snen that d urine ur-ine the I i.-f three years, the sales have necn upward of til y pjr cut mure thau during tiie whole of the ?eventcc!i previuu- year.-, the pmiv'6 vrnoicT, after a score of jenrs llioroiigh trial is t lint the sewing ummuE adapted to all kinds ofwrk. sewings readily tho ihioke.-t and most .-tubooni ma-1 tcrial as, tiie hne.-t nnd mo-t delicate la it rice; 1 with a rTu.'h, that fr evtness, perfection' and durability is unequalled. Accoli", pan; ing cueii jl ach i no are printed instruction,-, so plain and e.uy ol cuuiprciit-n-;ion tiiai, uhnou-'h we rcr.,mmend cutoin- ' er to take at n i-t one le-son r. in the t'p-erator, t'p-erator, it ii .- 'Ain U'-ri'. purct,a.---r.- rciaif at a glance the ; m rd i -i ;y of tin? Mii.-hine and compleiene--- ol lite C'jntruciion. 6ome of ihe AD XTGJjS (!' THK Siiliitii MACHINES ARK Simplicity of enn-tru' tion therefuro le-3 liability tu get out of repair. ; hort. ?trait:hr nr.edle less liable to bend, , break or skip the stitch. I The . shuttle ii carried: friction, we.vr and j the necessity of grea.-iiisi the race are tliud , avoided. i Rend inc.-? with which tho mon iae.xper-j iae.xper-j ienccd can adj u.-1 the tcn-iun of tuc thrcal. I Frcil'ini ff-iu near. A icr twenty years I constant service tlio inacliine have never been known to wear out. j They arc noi.-clesj, raj. id and c.t-y in all their movements. All our mai-hinrs. arc adjusted and put in thorough running oide'.by com pet cut harjd before delivery. I'urrha.-er.-( thert luio have no trouble, but can ,-uc c-slully operate with them at once. THE KEW B jTTGrKiliLE JSL . V O I I I N I' S nrc tborour-' ly pr.ic' ial and will perforin :'ll th.it. e chilli 1 r 1 hem. M A VJ F A C T U R I A J MACHS?iLS for heavy work, aro too well know i to need comment. We aiao keep in stock the -Xao M'.dt'utii ifijtsdas map:ufaci using machikls Our stock of the-Siner Sewing Mabinen in very cxlennive, t mbracing every vinietv of liniah, from tho plain ,M .ndiinc, mounted on black walnut tabic, oiled, to tho elaborately elabor-ately pearled MaHiin wiio i.abiiiet cadeiind folding cover in mottled blak wnlnut, rose, wood, or maho iny hihiy .oli,-hi d. Every Machine ih iiirnished with the aine complete turmturc. itn ludin tbo new lioiu-mer lioiu-mer (cowing all width-j and feller uu-i braider. brai-der. Vc Kuuruiitto our iVIuchltieit to do lie m miti j, nil widt h( FcIlliiKl Ilcni-stltehiiiKl Ilcni-stltehiiiKl UraidluKi .liable UullHiiK) EmhrolderiiiK (ho chain at Ite-hji Gathering und .Se-ivltiir on nt name t lmetwl t h or wlthfut a hand, on the edge or I n t he uc nl t-rj Cord I iiKl 'l'iiuh.-Inm 'l'iiuh.-Inm (tulldiiKl 'I'rliniiiliif itliidiiig, all widl hr mid kind-, etc., etc., etc . WE DELIVER MACHiiES Without Ailtliliiinul Clmric TO ALL. PAItTS UK Til IK CITY 1&r, All kinds ol' Si;wiiiK iMucliinu llioruiilily l!i;p;iiieil on lii'H--onalil'; Term.). K j u i j 1 1 1 0. i' Lloj .Muiiuiiotlt .S i k i 1 . aiuEii x KiEims J'wo iliMiri Mnilli il Ihu I'jalO Km-porl Km-porl II in H. Ii. CLAVSON,Supt I Z. C. M. I. ClothingDepartm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS! OVEKCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &i Alfo a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS G' nts', Ladies' nnd Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' nnd Boys' II ATM and CAPS. TK LINKS in all styles it mi nuulitioH. Valisks and Caiu'KT Sacks. Carpets,Matting, Floor Cloths Wall Taper and Dec orations. A I way on band nnd for nilo by the yard, largo flock of frrneh and KhrII CnMlmirrir DncukliiB, IIavcrn( Military Clotlm, Home Made Tweed", -c. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! (i"ntlemcii'rt ('loiluntr, or Military !uiln, niiiJn to order in tho wot Slylo nl ViiMhion 'hi tho nhorlowt. notico. Kirwt-eliwB Fit ami Workmanship (hoi ran toed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN llllK.vr V.MUKIV, II. It. (MiAWSON, vSuit. Truckee Q SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Il.iIl-ltlM k NouUi V. V. 1)M1. i. w. PAHKimnyi', Prop, Zion'sdooperamve Mercantile Institution to citv A?a corvno CO OPERATIVE SUES And ihe Trade eiaerjiI2j. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs. ) WjRSTER GD8S Long ShaAvSs, Nubias Mt!35' single Shawls, iltiotls . loves, Children's Hiiawh', Scarfs, Flannels, Ulnulivts, Counterpanes, Jean,, Cassiuieres, DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUffiY A USUAL. lloets &, Iioes,Kubbers & Arctics, Men's, Sloys and Children'y iiats. H. B. Clawsou, Simtt CO-SPER&TiVE KHVELTY IMS, .Jordan Street, 17th Ward, JIalf-ii-blotk wc-t of the Tabernacle, SALT LAKE CITY, Having tlie IarL-Lt improved Mae'tiintry for working in Iron, W ccd h Brass, C;in manufacture all kiud uf Machiiiistri' Toole, Turning Lathes, Fan Blowers, Gear Cutting and JJolt Screwing ?Iachines, i:heee Vats, Cottou, Woolea and Grit Machinery, Etc., Ktc. Etc. OUk FOUNDRY lia.;, at ire;ent, bc-i-n the j -nd we can turn out -a tinr from tLe thin-j thin-j lie-.' of a Stove Plate up to ma-jive one f'jr Sinclting and Crushing ! Work-,, at Low Figures. We have A No i Model Maker, And op-Ut-s in that line fruaranteed to be ?aU;;"a.'iory. All kinds of Old Iron Bought. A more Shares ol' ihe Capital Stock can le Ind on app.icauon to WILLIAM FILLER, Secretary. TO Pc-EMPTORS. We arc r.vvr i-rcparvl to furniih A uricultural L;unl Script K-.r the b e:.'! -n f ln.vi:;r.r.c:i! Land at W I'er quarter section. j HOOPKH, ELPREDGE A. CO. ! Salt Lake City, .v. c I7.. Cotiouwood 3iiues. Person-: vrbo dfcU'n Ffellin? their Hav n : Cottonwood C;ira'.n. -Louid i.urch;i.-e -A' Cliv;e Caitgo IQa'JC Hay Press, Which I have lor sa-ie-CIIEA P. . B.F.K.(JWLTO., ' 2 ineiee'th V,'tr-j, . OrL. 2. KILLS. Uooj.tr. tiiredge i Co . Bank. " SHAVING i HAIK-LT.E;SLG SALOOX. JOHN SQUiK.ES & SOHS, EAST TEMPLE STREET. First d-jor oub of Ii,-. iiun;er reiicsce. Private IJooms For Cu:ir.r a- i Lt? a-j Clil- uren'- Li: r. ?I A .V l"F AC T C R K D II A i K . Every dcr:; ;:-n "f 11.:: W..rk -:e to order. A 'junii'ity - f Ladie?'' twiicie.- uC DaXid. Oi naiHtnial Hair Work. Ladie' and (j-tiextn; V."a;b. Guird-, Bracelets, K:n::-. "e-?klace. i:., male to order. TOXSORIAL! If you want ra?hionab:e ar.d tkiiliul 3 . Fl i?. ?L I IT G- 1-0 TO UNCLE EC3 RUSSELL'S Whrt Ii''; aioeiateJ with him Mr. Jl'Lll i S ANt.EU. a; the-- i j ;. l :: -c--:. : . :i I Street, ii iir Lr-?;:T, shi-'ir.-, i ll p-r- ir.i. al'. kin :s of iLur WL.-i. ir- e a'rii to a wi z. done in a manner warranted to r.ve 5:i faction. Zion's Co-op erati ve Mercantile Inst'n '.YirCTtlSAT.E AND EETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DLPAMTMEWT, r.i.nu :va i: x clawson iu u.dim. v mi can liiiil ai tins IVparMnont of Z. CM. I. a K-iur vk of LAMPS, GfiOCKERY, HARDVRE, STQYE?, MhL. tools, ulastlm; rowDi u staple aitd Fancy tirocerics, H?- And ca-. Get More for your Money and Orders tiun you can a.t any other Mouse in Utah. II. !i I. W S . Mil'1 THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COJIPANY'S PAINTS KmliriK-ins ovrv A lU'.XPUr.l) IMITKUKM' SUPKS. rivpuva It inniH'diaU' api'lii'at ion airl lv uirini; no mixing. .iiiM iwivo! and lor niio at llio DRUG DEPARTM'NT . 2. g. m. i. I'ho inmvilionls ol' tlio-o Tainis aw .-in)le and ilHt,MTn,:i'. ' '' '111 tios willi wliiolt tliry ivoomnion.l tlionKolvo ) aiv : riioapin vs. dui .1! -i.i:y. 't! riouiy of i-olot, an umi-ii:ill.v .-smooth and i;!oy ipivurimv, l.sKvr ivf ' in layim:, no innlio of mixiiii:, will sland tiro or ram. a "1 A v- i O'lfl-' or jK-ol oil with alinoj-i'horio oliato-.os, nor vhaik o!l In- l-- v.n 1 i; , y aro ttu noM, ('hoapo--', inoM dnrat'lo and tnot noin!;u I'.nnls ta u-- 'I'lu- AVKHll.l. WIHTK PAIN I' is .lN0 I'AINf. .vninir.. n- i'ad, nnd is of oipial MH-oiioiity and pojnilaiiiy. HKING ALONG VOl'K l'AlN'P CANS Ol'KN M rnU'llAK 15 Y THK GALLON. A full lino of rorci;;n, iJotnolic and Cjim' S,iiur,' A( lln- lm; Pi'i-ariuu-ni, ( M. 1. it. is. ( law.no; mii' |