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Show Burinl AlO t m Elkailtr, Ian ... ' '.kaJer . .. .- ina: i:ie;ient oe "".:Te i en l':: ;." 1 ,-:. about three mii-s tr u:: t..v.".. that w.. have ever been ca.lv 1 en to r -; Wm. liente. Jr.. and Fred rick G . 1-endurf. 1-endurf. w.re erigaged in deet-euitig a well which had been dug a year ag e Thev were sueceedins with their w..rk and were ab o lay theroek. h uuiurfgnateiv. they haU fai.ed to remove re-move the !eo-'e oirt which had U.-rti thrown behind the waii bui.t ia-t .'.ear. and in an unexpected moment. w h:le the latter were all d.ovn in t:.c b n', of the Well, one of thum. "'-.':ir;i::i Bente. Jr.. discovered some earth falling fall-ing oa him. Intuitively r.-eogti giag the impendine danger, he gra-ped tne rope of the windlass, and. with a rapidity rap-idity and agility inexplicable to himself, snaked himself to the top. He had Dot got mure than halfway up. when, with a thundering noise, the Weil caved in, the dirt flying about his legs. But in a moment, as if by some superhuman superhu-man power, he had swung himself up Before coming up he had the presence of mind to iay a couple of o anket; above his brother and Goodendorf. thinking thus to save them ; but. alas! they did not prove sufficient. They were buried nearly twenty feet under ro.-kand earth. This occurred about four o'clock in the afternoon. The whole neighb jrhood turned out to assist as-sist in extricating them, but aid not reach them till Dext day noon. Ut course, life had fled from both of them. Both Michael Bente and Goodendorf leave families, upon whom the loss will fall heavily. |