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Show Tue Mbat Market. If any evidence evi-dence was wanting of the excellence of our ranges for raising choice meats, the present Christmas display in the Meat Market would furnish it. Fron, the east, we;t and north L the fl-.-h ol animals fat enough to l'ea:t the eyes of an epicure. Levi Garrett has mutton mut-ton from Rhoad's valley and beef from Skull valley, that how how succulent!' rich is the feed on those ranges. George Chandler has large and fat bed and mutton from E -ar Lake va.ley, which may be called a kind' of paradise para-dise for stockowners : he Las also, among other meats, an immense ho grown in Tooele. Jennings A Paul have a splendid show of meats, principal! from Ehoad's Valley, with three enormous enor-mous hogs, one grown by J ohn Hague, of Nephi, and the other two by Wm. Jennings, of this city. Charles Popper Pop-per shows what kind of fat stock can be made on the range north of Beat river; and eo on through the market, on both sides. The beef, mutton, pork, venison, fowl and bear meat make a display that any stock-raising country might be proud of. It is to be hoped that Utah will not aain import im-port beef, as has been done within- the past few weeks; but that our stock-raisers stock-raisers will exert their energies to supply sup-ply the entire home demand and open a large export trade. Such meats as are in the market to-day would find ready sale anywhere. |