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Show Commercial. Salt Lake Cut. Due. lioi.n Buying, luS; selling, 111. ,H r Keceibi. u splendid assortment assort-ment ei' Lady's l'ancy Wurk Boxes, ii'.cvi oert writing deks and other fancy li.'Xt-. lit Now York prices. Nothing . i k c llirm in nr.y other snore in the citv. K'-r --.le m( .1. Dover's Book '.jr ndv C;i.i-i':- 1Jand- and I'.u.k, .SjP.e I,ii-s. l)p.Yh.sH of T riF. .-kin", &c, o;c., fured at ncj by HKliK UAX'rj CAJI-I'lluH CAJI-I'lluH IL'E WITH GLYCEKI.NE. It j'S the hands scfi. in all weiulier. See i atyuii get II EG E.MAN 3. Sold by jiruggit-, only 2o cent. Manufac-riettired Manufac-riettired only by II LoEMAN" Aj (Jo., Chemists and I)ruggi-ts, New York. tdv Those wishing tickets t the "Masonic "Mason-ic liall at the Town&end House," on the JTth inst., can procure the same b' pre--'-n'.iition of invitation and payment of j'J to Christopher Jjiehl, Salt Lake HoutC. adv Ku li hh to-day, a fine line of Alexander Alex-ander Agar' a splendid Turkey Morocco Albums, all styles, from 2 to S18 ; hold from oO to 2sJ0 pictures ; for .-ale at manufacturer' prices Also a lot of handsome musical albums; call and hear mem play, at Jj.vyer s Look ritore. Removed. The 14th Ward Female K'-lief Society have removed the ward Co-operative Store to tueir new building, build-ing, west of tho Assembly Koomn. aero they bavd opened with a cnoice toek of goods and provisions of all kind?. Cull and patronize tnein. adv A Fine Ciikistmas Present. The latest novelty, Musical Albums, at Ed. Harris' CigarStore. adv A h.t of knit Dolls, in fancy worsted i perfectly indestructible; can be " i, bed. Abo a lot of beautilully dress- d ilolU, at "rl.OO cacti. Toy books, all kind-, at .1. Wwyor's Jjook Store. adv . Ti iikkv, Hie Illicit and fattest, geese, ducks, chickens, fruit, and other desirables desir-ables for holiday dinners, fer sale by .M. ClmuM: poulterer and pioneer grecn-gi'occr. grecn-gi'occr. adv Anuiiilk 11 Woodkn-oi N" ICekel-i.lo.v,'' ICekel-i.lo.v,'' ."sulitu Clans wais o it last night wuh a "wooden-gun.'' John McDonald McDon-ald hud him arrested, and has him elmincd up in front of his store, loaded down with toys, pri.e-boxes- nnd bags, Ac. Go every body and sco him. dv Monday for a 1Ioi.wav. We received re-ceived the following last night, from tho Western Union Telegraph Co., and say to all, merchants, bankers and others, "go thou and do likewise": Editoksj Heuald: Christmas and New X ear's coming on Sunday this year, the following Monday will be iih.'-erved ns a holiday, and- our office will be kept open only the usual holiday holi-day hours. Western Union Telegraph Office, Salt Lake City, Due. 23, 7 p.m. I'm K CC!ll.MAK Troupe give their iliird and lust, concert, in Faust's Hull, this (Saturday) evening. Admission 'u cents to all parts of the hall. ndv Go ami Skf. t Ixo Christmas Trees at Henry Wallace's. ndv Imiks' fur-bound Hoods, just the thing fur sleighing, theatre-goers, Ac, t Dliuford A Snn. adv "kw Books. Dickons' works in sets, W'averly novels, Thackeray's works, Kcado's novels in sets, blank books, memorandum books, all styles ; diaries fir ls;l in great variety ; school books, -late-, educational works, Aic. Suh-senptions Suh-senptions received, at publishers' prices, lor all the leading neu -papers and in. uridines, ur-idines, at J. Dwyer's liook Store. adv To 1'iiF. Vt'iiLK. Uciore spending all your money, you are respectfully invited in-vited to examine an invoice of new gouds, tor sale at Koss A Harniti'j old -t.t id. lipen and for sale Thursday morning, Dec. 1S70. " adv A Fine Chance. Carl C. Asmusscn ';as received, tor the llo'idays, a splen-iel splen-iel assortment of Toy-, Je-velry, and -'her govals in hi-hue. sUitab;e for the -lason. Call at hi- .leweliy. Watch, l ha k and Toy Store. Main street, adv Go rou Him.-George Chandler, de-lermuievl de-lermuievl lo cintinuo to please tho public pub-lic as lie has ,!.,, heretofore, will keep tin choicest mem-of every kind, Wltll accommodating salesmen to wait on . u.-toincrs. Try him. Stall No. -J, right iiand. entrance of Meat .Market. adv Christmas Holidays -In con e-quence e-quence of Christmas day falling on Sunday, Sun-day, we shall suspend business in all the departments of Z. C. M. I. the day-following day-following (Monday), to give our employes em-ployes an opportunity of participating in the festivities of the season, adv II. B. Clawson, Supt. Grist to the Mill. Bring on your grain to tho li. Y. lower mill, which is now rittud up and turns out a No. 1 ar-ticlo ar-ticlo of Hour giving the largest yield to the bushel. 1 am also prepared to grind buck wheat. adv Charles Wilkins. Gents' Hoots, Shoes, Hat-. Caps, and Arctic Overshoe ut adv Dunford A Soils. Everything in candies and coni'eeii"!:-eries coni'eeii"!:-eries for the holidays, at Wallace's. iuIt Do vol" want to make a present to a gentlemen? What s better than a box of choice cigars? Get them at Ed. Harris' Har-ris' Ciiiar S torn. adv If vor w vnt u No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. adv - A. Fkixi St rrt.x of genuine English Ale, Golden Crown Cigars, Tis' teel, Lambs' tongues, Ac, Ac., at I'lul. Margett', Second South St. adv Goto H. Wallaces for yen- Chrisi-mas Chrisi-mas cakes. adv Gknis Caps, in every style. Gloves. Hals, the latest fashions, and ue ca'.l' boots er shoes, at toe mammoth Shoe and Hat Store of Dunford A Sons, adv A llet sr without pictures i.- like a house witliout windows. I olfer the i;ue-t l.-t of I'lii-.oues and Engravings ever sCiii in L laii. al o-.-:-prn prices. Cad and see then at ti.,. Pioneer An i.aiieiy. mar tho I'm versa ver-sa v. C. R. s-aviiv-e. ad'v Time and Monet saved bv buvir.g your fruit at Davis', as in addition to seiiing at the lowest prices, his fruits are ail cleaned. adv See the windows at Davis' for choice g-.'ods. adv Opposite Salt Lake House. Matches. - The Great 'Western Matches, manufactured by Paul Lecn-teuburg Lecn-teuburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any cilmale. Try them and be satished. Sold at the I9t'n ard Co-operative store. adv Try En. Harris' choice Havana cigars ci-gars and tobaccos. A large stock of gents fancy notions just received. adv Paris is starving, the Prussians say. Golightly A Harris, though, keep the Giobo well ..upplied with tue finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and mumuiacture the choicest quality of pure candies. Try them. adv Fine Fresh Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv For a stylish pair of Pants go and see M. E.irl, Groesbeck's Buildings, Second South St. adv Ftrs! Furs !! A. Anderson, eign of the Big Glovo, id Soutu street, sells all kinds of furs, manufactures ladies' and gents' t'aney gloves, robes. Ac. First-cias.s goods and moderate prices. adv The fruits are all cleaned at Davis', adv i ipposite Salt Lake House. 1 m po r. r a n r ) Don t torget that Joe Simmons' Saloen and Koslatirant, hotel basement, Ihid South street, is still well supplied with Oy-lers, Pigs Feet, Calves' Tontrues, Sardines. Lager Bjer, Teunant s XXX Porter, Barclay A Perkins' Per-kins' Loudon Stout, Shepton Mallet l'ale Ale, Brewer, Beinas A Co. s Omaha Aie. J. C Partridge s Golden I Crown Clears and Fino Cut Tobacco. Great specialty at this Saloon is Fre-h Oysters, la-ge, tat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. re-ceived. This is the piaee to pet a substantial Lunch ai y hour of the day. and at very CUeap rales. adv Pr.-. i..iv:ati?.v to the i't sn;-. ij i :o r, . y -,--oe r.-.y l'r ca nal;-r , " '','--.'.: - visji.i "va'; L-,k s cV.y ar.J', .-.;:.;ii-:oi;.io P.P. K U.. . r - i ll Ci'.y ' ev. ; t-:. .-. , :. i r-.a: n ::.g a .. . ,1 :.ic:u s r.-l. a . . - : . :'.-e-'j ,'la.lv ever. -- ira.u ,-- 1. ... 1 1. At l..e e'e o :i ti. c.s.? we :'.' r - c s d ac- O.r.a.-.a Freeb--' - a: . . . ,,- train to a.-, i I'r.-.-.i fie dep. :. JfHN Mam n. I'-..i.i;vK r, Shoes. kI I, -ri . s-s . cmI:". e -at. Ac. A,- J f.r Arctic Oversh- s?s ar.d iLud::.?.--. call a: iurf-rd i -sons. White H .-rsi i. B b-rger j: Brr Proprietors; rlrsi-class taxiiv n.tv. sri -esuura:it. recr.-tructe-i under r.ew managenient. Main street, s-a.t Ls..-.-Ci:y. L'th. Large aud w-U tarauora rooms and ali iheOeiicaciesoi tne sesLsen at reasonable charges. A iadies' dining room a:t tched to tne spac: ns reires.-.-nient sa,oe.rr. B.'a.-i a" J ncg .rg tn ,..- per day: by the we.-st. cay t. ard $.0o per week. I ren oysters just received re-ceived and served up ia ever-,- sl.v.e night or dav. Free conveyance to meet ali trains. " g. Bamberger or B-o.. adv Proprietors. HOTJe.1 ARRIVALS. December 'I j. iowssexd house. Wm Martin. L P Martin. Chas E Chapman, A Met- Davis, N,evv York: Or ' ! Hobby, Umaha: Jas K Pardee and wife. SALT LAKE HOUSE. E M Wilson, Corinne; C Walker. Idaho; J M Miller and Jas McLaugh lin, city; C B Walton. Omaha: W W Chapin.Ogdcn; C S Low, New Hampshire. Hamp-shire. 0.UAUA HOUSE. Board ;n CO per day. Free Onihibus Horn Kailroad De: ot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CHRISTMAS MEATS ! BEEF, MUTTON And Pork, YOU-NU. FAT, Jl ICY AMI TENHEK. Teiitin' ti tic Pilate met lnvklii- lu PtitL'ha-ers, oil'ercd by JeiniiiB Paul, STALL No. -I, MEAT MARKET. nuG-Nthe F.iUct ami II vie-t in the Market, bred and i' (1 Ijy V. .loiininp, t;ilt Lake City, and J. llat'iiv, Nepbi lio aud euc tLcm. Look out lor lite Mall lighted up by fancy C'hliif e lan l ern, a ltd gal J y decorated. JENNINGS & PAUL. WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISL1I SIX COKU SPOOL COTTON. ,Jut Arrived, Ai for -a!e. wholesale as 1 rcl.ul. at Z. C. M. I. TW3EP03lSGiVENAWAY For every OLe ft entirely .-a: factory ioi.li:k o;i . mill oil. Hi t,. -l' o' -wp :' tre f N -" r ' : :. i - v , -. ' 1. ": :.- " - - -' I . - - . .1 J : " . . . r W. H. Irhlt frlln A t o.. N Uik, s' A,- . ' . : ;i ' T - i , - C. THIRKHILL, I'RACVK'Al, jlerHimat Tailor. 1 IRST Sul'TII STKLT.T, A few iloor-i Kh-1 of Post Olfire. a rt i.i. sloe,, in FliEXCIl, ENGLISH AND CALI-F0KN1A CALI-F0KN1A CASS1M FILES, " 1 . T F. R GOOD s. K T C. Good Wi'tkliinn-liie ami I'prle.'l b . t i - lac lion I. icon in. I BATHS, BATHS! AYurm Spring linths ! PHvnir nnd Pluiifte. TllfH.- r-lclTnt..i 1 .sI ii- Mfc I.i llif j.itiir Kt fcl Kf.n-. Tti'-ir i- vluiiml n njitTi ip htc -.1 ntlj kticwn tlim U in iiii'.llpii lu iiiut t thf-m. H.-i..-. tli' PtivMi.. lUtli. tlit. Ihtith nnd bHiiUrni lv fiirniKij-l FlniiK. Iitliit t-'r l,Ndi imi CITY LIQ JGR STORE, K uf j. cn. .an( ! on hairi. VIiolealc and K-tail, rhioo In' r-T.i LIQUORS AiN'D WINES, At Lnwe-t H m w. G R O K S H K C K ' S H I I I. I) I G 8, Kt Irniplt HI ric i. TRUNKS, VALISES, &C..&C. -M.iEJlrt' tlllMl rmUm M.j fn hstri'l in in;ty hi h'- CI ol liinc mi rlnif 11 1 . E C It ) X K H. A P l I, K II O X K , j And (.mtril r kt"fr n. B. f'LAM'SlON, SE1T. THE I .-ALT LAKF. .-'ALT LA K II .-ALT LAKE i ,-FMbV, 1.1 Ki,y ;ki; sl.li .-i.'dl V, I...KI.V lit ; 1 . 1 1 - i.v 1 '.'' ! 1 i. nil: . W Li.KLV lll.HAIJ) 1 nr. fa: i:r.-r ami inii').-T I A'd.'I.V 1' M'l.i: 1 ; 1.: ..in ; int. T.O'.Kx' MOfNTAlNS Id i: K 'I i.- . I . i- i .) (,-, 1 " I,. '- J 1 '' 1 1 ' ui :' i.- J . .. ' 1 '' 1 ' - 1 ; .11 , ' 0 1 ' c -! -.1 i.,. J-. 1 0 ! 10 r-.pe-s. Hoc- n,..,lt.. . . t. j EASTERN TRADE. CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 31 South Vtr Jl., CHICAGO, K&i quarters Ut Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Msrnl-frr-.urc-? e;cct cc:ebralfi WILSON OIL. TANK PAGE, HHO.A: CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS, SO Lake Slret, LaVe Sno e 0,1 Works. MAXWELL, wTTeLER Si C?., Vtu :r : unf of Kngtnr, Sl a 1, Tallow, Lard and WOOL iHlv LW.e-s in H. :j;h .rUm, NV tale. PRATT'. A S 1 R A L OIL. Aputa ot ib T.rg:!!. 0.1 ua O.i Lod 0- MiNtriCiiiui cr EX ELSICR CR R .U m IVH P'lhT l-'or T.c anJ sJi.i j t R.vik. B: :.i- 1 jl.-, Fa?l 1 r , CHICAGO. t u Jt illinoij . l., ui? Water Mrrt . VAN SCHAiCK, STEVENSON & RE.ID, whol v:f-i ,v 1. k DRUGGISTS Orlf r In PAINTS," VARN1SHIS, CILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware, Tatent Medicinea, &o., Ac 90, Pt & 4 Lk Si., cor. Dri.rt.orn, iSKLJ3 U With liucr pxpnirtior in tho T. rrii i.ri 1 trado, we Uel Mirv of mvii; ,tur tiK't uu in quality, price? HUJ rcinp. MAFKLEY, ALLING & CO., Importer? ariii JohUoi!' in Hardware ! Cutlery 1 Lake Si rrri , CHICAGO, .... ILL, I). IJ. SJUX'KHlt, MKKCllAN r T .VI LOU, -No. ftlt (Hlvt Strftt, ST. l.Ol 1 i , Spn-is t'lnttiinsr all over tho Wm ;n 1 bivch entire anlii.-t N n. 1 o -1 .-. I 1 1 -m l , L t-1 . 1 . More ol' tliv Mar! IX PKACK PKICPAKK FOK U AH I Oft y.'ur Oun. Tini.li. HulUta. Sh t Kiri- Also, fiftiiiilcc. !lri'M". Vll1.. Sur, &., Ur runny ur ruling, from JAMK.M IIAtJl k, Siifn of tbp Hi 'Jim. Vm Tpiilf iri. BOOT AND SHOE I ki i f nu ill, "BIG BOOT" Cull kr.'l FxHtiiinc ur r h .- '-i k l HOTfTE-m ADE Aii'l lmMirli'il BOOTS AND SHOES bh'j '' rttj' inMiV .".) I-1 1 . in vfiA rari'-ty, 'j;t:it.!" f-.r Holiday ririrnM. L'..t- m..'J Hr.- .,r I. Im . i., ,,t,. in. li iiicl 1 i.n J; 1 1 '! ML I H I; - !': ' "' ')!' J. I''rnnty ,' " inl ',.,rij..ht V- I.,' J'..! I. h ; .. 1 ; ; , , I !- a I h r . I ti 1 tirl 1 g F'Mi'h mimI (. r. "II Miliu, 1 1 1 ntmio, I fcitnt -m,Uy f I lu . hk( I'd -M kl'i'l. ,i I , , koJ - imI HuMirik J,Brl.,, , n lull -H.( k . I .!... lixlli. '- . Midi Bltll kliii lll.l . 1, Urn, 1 1 1 ii noi';n 1 . 'a., in 1 -' ; ',,'r " i 1 ( '1 . in j. fu ,s.;. .., t i' , H .f ,! ,h-r M.I: tit, I !,(-. |