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Show LATEST XEWS EY TELEGRAPH UST MGHT .Turkey ?end. a Fleet tc Watch the Egyptian. Another French Defeat at Laugres. 1 he late 5oHie from Paris. i The London Time' aj i America i ready to Fisht vhile not seeking it. Failure of a THal Wave Prediction. i Prince Frederick Charles' Communications claimed to be Severed by the French. 2,000 German Prisoners said to he Captured at Tours. GENERA'. NEWS. The "World's Pence Congress"' Con-gress"' Women in Council. FOREIGN. New York, loc. I:-;. The special torres o uicnt of the Tril,ir, at r-siiillos. r-siiillos. unJrr date of the Huh, suvs tlmt the leellne atuone the highest officers offi-cers ot' the beseiitinjr army is that 1'aris will hold out well into .Tatninrv. (.'arcl'ul jircpttraiious are bein' made for such a contingency, and various corps in the provinces are moving, so as tq-hnt out, if possible, ail hope of re.ciii'. General Troehu i expected to give the Prussians sent'- More des-penue des-penue fighting about Clin...i.is time. The ieinia i' .s.sr .-: ... s tl at the Berlin account of the A . 'rl in n ite on the Luxembourg iiesti.ui l.-premature. Austria h is a, j.-t only addressed Knsr-l.md Knsr-l.md and Holland, and from Holland tin' answer ha- been received. The sjvi- .-il correspondetit of the 'IriLtiw at ienna. says the reported moveuients ol' Piince Charles are partially par-tially couti adieted by ollieial i-orres-pondence, which says it would be advisable ad-visable to give the information we have received from Koumaina no greater significance than propei ly attaches to it. A telegram to the ',;si slates, that the C'?ar lias addressed au autogiapli letter to the Sultan. A large part of the TuriU-li fl.-et , uiiiier Hohart l'aclia, has been ordered to the lied S.a to suppress the Egyptian Egyp-tian intrigues with Arabian revolutionists. revolution-ists. From other sources the report, d understanding between Kussia and I'm key is denied. Florence. L'l. The bill ratifying the Roman plebiscite was pas..s,..l by the Deputies, by -'' to L'.J New Year's Jay is fixed lor Aosta's entry into Mad lid. London. JJ. You Glut, surprised the trench at Laugies, driving them witii heavy losses in ptisouers, arms and bageace. Oa Tuesday, at Paris, tne lire was active but in. tleetive. A sortie on the guard and 12ihcrp? caused several hours lighting. The lo-s to ilie Prussians 'S small. I be l")tr says the Ameriean.s are ready to tight, uithimeii appreciating the Milne ol peace, because tie ir ex-po.sed ex-po.sed .oiut- are fc- and their resources resour-ces unbounded. While not sc. -kmc war. lli.-y are not likely to decline a challenge, while England is alwajs aver.se lor converse reasons. Antwerp is .-o overstocked with im-poriatioiis. im-poriatioiis. t bat the auihuniics notily their inaliiliiy to shelicr tin ui. 'J l ;: whares and docks aie eovered wnh iiici-clciud.ze sij.' rHi Iroui cxjiosure. A Taiki-h txpediticu aca.Lst t)K. Arabs, iniuiberiiic Jo.ii'Hi. ha- already g.eic. l.elliloic'-iijenls wiil ti.liow. J'he w. al li. r wa- clou ly in tbe south of Engiami, aiel the eclipse ol the sun wa- -. en iiui. rteclly. It was Wed ob-.ser'.e ob-.ser'.e i in il.e ir'iili at V"ck. A Pru--:-.u c uiiiu i cb- rved ap-jirojcliu ap-jirojcliu P' u icut and 11 le-itu-, Yh -iipp ucJ de-iinatiou being L-'ioti, La-:eo.re- aiil CLauney, hj ktuclt tt.e arn.y of t he norih. Vw l..rk. l'.i A private L-'lclon Ucspateh sav- ttie r ti'-U ,.i:::i to have - verc I 1'i.n e l'r- -i-r;. k Lban-s Colijllj:iIiM'Vin. Au 1 to bfc-..-caolnrei o ' i p;i- n r- a- tie Ix.r-u.au- w. r- ! aT. ; nc '1 o.ir-. I 1.. v a i j r '!" tti! t: .. io n ;, .. ti 1 t' I .- I : ; J. '' : '. r-i i- n ' -Tic ael r- a:, t .; j 0 ' '. :v , , ' J ::!'... iv .' i n, li . , . ',. i t.j aj.p. r , v :.! a ; c : r .a-1. Id . - . -It .- ) ,' ;, v: ,1 i r, il ... ;- . :, r .;. : .r (.:.,.;. '.:.'-'- 1 .! a .,i : ; .a . i'.' ::,. r:r, :' i . r .i -:. u v :, ? Vj : ',- . . - - ; ' j . ,, r :. - .. ' 'r:..i. : ;, - ' 1. .- ... i - :B |